Aviation Weekend Kit List (Updated)

Kit List:


  1. Health Card
  2. Appropriate Outdoor Coat or Cadet Parka
  3. 809 Shirt and Ball Cap
  4. 809 Hoodie (if available)
  5. Shirts (2 minimum)
  6. Socks (2 pair minimum)
  7. Underwear (2 pair minimum)
  8. Pyjamas
  9. Pants (i.e. khakis, jeans [no rips or holes])
  10. Running shoes (indoor and outdoor)
  11. Personal Hygiene Kit. (tooth brush, tooth paste, &c)
  12. Plastic Bag (for dirty laundry)
  13. Air Mattress
  14. Sleeping Bag and Pillow


Medication as required (bring only what is necessary for the weekend)

Optional Items: (809 Squadron will not be responsible for lost or stolen items)

  1. Camera
  2. Music Player with Headphones (iPod, &c)
  3. Appropriate Reading Material

Prohibited Items:

  1. Any Item Deemed to be a Potential Weapon (i.e. Knives)
  2. Illegal or Controlled Substances (i.e. Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco)
  3. Pornographic material

Sqn FREE Uniform Alteration Night

In an effort to ensure that the squadron is at its best for the upcoming events, I would like to offer to shorten any of the cadets’ pants on Wednesday the 22nd of February (THIS Wed night).

They should bring both their boots and their uniform pants so that they can be properly measured.

I will bring my sewing machine, iron & ironing board so that I can hem them.

Any that need lengthening – and have material in the hem to do it – I am also willing to alter.


CI Heather Thiffault

Wednesday Trg RANGE Night

Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

Civilian Attire: All Cadets

Wednesday is our Range training day. It is mandatory training for ALL cadets. Dress comfortably in civilian clothing – 809 tshirts and hoodies are welcome!

All cadets will progress through the range over the course of the night. Capt Lemoine has concurrent activities planned for those cadets not active on the range at any given time (we will fire in relays of 7 cadets at a time).

NOTE: gym access for tonight will ONLY be through the door at the bottom of the stairs in the back hallway – NO ACCESS FROM THE STAGE.

Air Cadet Graduate Job Opportunities



 February 16, 2017

To all OPC Members,

 Please note that this is not a Cadet activity, OPC funded nor DND supervised and is for information only.

Deveron UAS is based in Ontario and operates UAVs in rural settings across Canada using remote sensing in the agriculture sector. Deveron UAS is currently expanding and searching for suitable candidates to hire as Pilots of thier UAV systems. Successful candidates would be hired for a period of 4 months during the summer growing season. They are licenced by Transport Canada to conduct commercial activities. Deveron UAS is actively looking to fill positions in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Most of thier work in Ontario is in the SW region, but they do also have needs across the province.

Minimum requirements:

  • Available May 1 – August 31
  • Willing to work some weekends, as required
  • Willing to travel within the Province, as required
  • Private Pilots License or higher, completed within past 5 years
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Restricted Radio Operator Licence
  • Current Aviation Medical
  • Reliable form of transportation from own lodging (company pays mileage)
  • Ability to work independently, complete the Company Training program, and follow the guidelines set in the Company’s Manuals

Deveron UAS is able to also hire graduates from Glider Program however there are some minimum Ground School requirements that they would need to meet. Visit thier website to learn more about the Company and the technology they use.  Contact the undersigned directly, should you have any questions or interest in a position with Deveron for 2017.

Norm Lamothe

Head, UAS Agriculture

Website: www.deveronuas.com

Twitter: @DeveronUAS

Email: nlamothe@deveronuas.com

Zone 6/7 Range Competition DATE CHANGE

The Zone 6/7 Range Competition has been moved to the first weekend in April. More details to follow.

This is EXCELLENT news for our Range team: no conflict with our Training Wknd in February, AND more time to practice.

So far, we have had 8 cadets try-out for the Range Team.

Shooting target

There is still time to try-out in the coming weeks. Don’t be shy: come on out and see if you can beat FSgt Zalepa, who is currently our top shot with groupings of 1.7cm!!

For those interested in earning their Marksmanship Badge, the levels are as follows:

(1) Marksman: Each group must be
within a circle of 3 cm in

(2) First Class Marksman: Each
group must be within a circle of
2.5 cm in diameter;

(3) Expert Marksman: Each group
must be within a circle of 2 cm in
diameter; and

(4) Distinguished Marksman: Each
group must be within a circle of
1.5 cm in diameter.

Monday Night Training

Join us for another busy night!

Drill Team: 7-8pm in the gym. Wear your DRILL TEAM HOODIE, jeans, parade boots and wedge. Need a hoodie? bring $25 and we’ll give you one for this year. Variety of sizes available. (Parents note: the $25 represents 50% of the actual cost of the hooded sweatshirt, Sqn Sponsoring Committee has covered the remaining cost)

Range Team Try-outs – 8-9 pm. Continuing tonight, cadets are encouraged to try-out for the Squadron Air Rifle Team. For those successful candidates, hoodies are in and will be available for purchase once the team is chosen. $25 each.

Effective Speaking & Flight Club 8-9pm. meet with Mrs Gowans or WOII Giansante to see what is going on tonight.

SSC Position at 809 Squadron

There is currently a Squadron Sponsoring Committee position available at the unit. It is open to any interested individual, either parent of a cadet, or member of the community at large.

A decision to join and work with the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) will involve the following commitment of time on behalf of our Air Cadets:

  • a 2-3 hour meeting once per month on Wednesdays, possibly some pre-meeting preparation and/or post-meeting activity;
  • 6-8 hours preceding and during the Weekend for the Annual Ceremonial Review and Awards Banquet, 6-8 hours on 2 Saturdays/yr for 2 Bottle drives, 2-4 hours on two to three Saturdays/yr for Bottle drop-offs, plus other occasional Bottle Pickup times and 4-8 hours twice/yr assisting during Air Cadet Tag Day Weekends;
  • Committee work as assigned, i.e.; Corporate Sponsorship, PR, Effective Speaking, Parent Liaison, Special Events etc. The average time commitment is about 5 hours/month;
  • Primarily between Sept-June, Activity levels are decreased during the summer!

For the full details, please view our SSC Policy document found here: 809 SSC Policies (1),final

Fore more information, please contact Mr. Hendriks, Sponsoring Committee Chair, at the Squadron.

Monday Night Training

Join us for a busy night:

Drill Team 7-8pm – in the gymnasium, dress is civilian with drill boots and wedge

Flight Club 8-9pm – in classroom #3

Effective Speaking 8-9pm – in classroom #1

Rifle Team Try-Outs 8-9pm – in the gymnasium, will coincide with Flight Club & Effective Speaking, each cadet will have at least two relay chances (four targets) to fire. All cadets welcome to try-out – RANGE COMPETITION is the SAME day as the FTX. Cadets that are selected for the range team will be expected to make their own way to 23 Sqn HQ in St. Catharines, then will be transported by Capt Palumbo to the FTX at the end of the comp.

NO OTHER training will be taking place at the squadron. Classrooms #2 & #4 will be off limits – except during canteen break.

Vimy October 2017

A friendly reminder to parents that the next installment of the payment for the Vimy trip is due tonight.

NEXT WEEK: there will be a FUNDRAISING meeting for ALL cadets & parents attending the VIMY Trip in October. The meeting will be hosted by Mr Hendriks, Chair of the Sponsoring Committee, and Capt Lemoine. It will begin in classroom #1 at 745pm. Please make plans to join us.