Category Archives: Training

Training Night Tonight

Duty Officer
OCdt Couroux

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Year 2 Level 5 Cadets: File Review for the Merit Review Board process this evening. You will need to ask for your file from CI Nicolescu during a period of the evening that you are not instructing. Anticipate that this should take approx 15 mins. Any/all errors are to be reported to CI Nicolescu with post-it notes (provided) attached to document in question with note for change required. Merit Review Board (MRB) for WOII and WOI promotions is scheduled for Wed 18 Oct 17 jointly with 87 Sqn from Welland at our LHQ.

VIMY TRIP departs tomorrow! Best wishes and safe travels to all our Cadets, Staff and Sponsoring Committee members who are travelling to honour the 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge.

Monday Night Training is CANCELLED due to Thanksgiving Holiday – have fun and try not to eat too much turkey. We’ll see you back next Wed.

A reminder to cadets and parents: please ensure there is an Officer on-site before leaving your cadet at the Squadron. Our cadets need to be supervised while at cadet trg and inside the school. The Duty Officer is at the squadron by 615pm – but must open all rooms/lights etc and cadets should not arrive prior to 620pm.

Training This Week: Mon 25 & Wed 27 Sep


Flight Club will commence next Mon 2 Oct 17.

NOTE: please be aware that 2 independent inspections and a staff mtg will be taking place this evening. Capt Lemoine and Capt Palumbo will not be available to meet with parents. Please email/txt and they will make themselves available on Wednesday night if you need them.


PARENT BRIEFING: This is for all parents – especially new cadets – and will take approx. 45 mins. It is a good intro to all things that are happening this year at the sqn as well as an intro to our incoming Commanding Officer with timings etc.

Where: Gymnasium

Time: 645-730pm

VIMY MEETING: This meeting is MANDATORY for all VIMY participants & their parents/guardians.

WHERE: Gymnasium

TIME: 730pm-2015pm (immediately following the parent briefing)

Cadets and Parents/Guardians are requested to bring a pen/notebook.

MERIT REVIEW BOARD FILE REVIEW: All second year level 5 cadets (FSgt) and WOII Cadets will be required to do a file review in preparation for their interview on Wed 18 Oct 2017. Please meet with Capt Palumbo & Capt Lemoine at break to discuss the requirements.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

Duty NCM

FCpl Mannella

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

BIRTHDAY CUPCAKE WEDNESDAY! Happy Birthday to all Cadets with a July, August & September Birthday. Thank you to CI Thiffault for baking the cupcakes!


Wed Night Training

Further to Captain Palumbo’s training night post; this is a reminder for all to:


We will be running a uniform prep class, with iron’s and Ironing boards.

Wed Training Night & Snowbirds

Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

Dress – FOR AIRPORT CADETS: C2B: for everyone. Bring civilian clothes to change into for parade night

DRESS – for TRAINING NIGHT: Appropriate civilian attire – 809 Sqn tshirt (if you have one), jeans/shorts, running shoes, 809 ball cap


Tomorrow, cadets in the list above, need to be at the NOTL airport no later than 1300. Dismissal time of 1830, staff will bring you over to the sqn for our regular training night. Dinner is provided.

CALL/TEXT Capt Palumbo before 1230pm if you do not have transportation to get from school to the NOTL Airport. 289-783-1942

To be clear: the 1pm arrival time on 20 Sep is only for those cadets listed above. REMAINING CADETS are encouraged to attend the event at 4pm (uniform not required), gates open at 2pm, then head over to the squadron afterwards for our regular training night.




Training Update



Duty Officer
Lt Russell

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

SUPPER MARKET: for those returning cadets on the DRILL TEAM – meet at the NOTL Supper market in front of the CIBC at 630pm in your uniform (see dress orders above). You will be driven back to the Sqn at the closing of the market by Mrs Lett & OCdt Couroux.

REGULAR TRAINING NIGHT: for all new cadets and returning cadets not on the drill team, meet at our regular time & place: Royal Elite International Academy at 630pm in the small gymnasium.

NAMES UPDATED BELOW: Confirm with Capt Palumbo if you are available either by email or text msg (289)783-1942 or

Airport Security Meeting: 730pm at NOTL Airport – for the following cadets only. . You must be able to miss school next Wed for the Snowbirds performance.  You will be driven to the meeting from the cadet hall/supper market, then back to the sqn for closing parade.

DRIVING IS AVAILABLE FOR CADETS COMING FROM ST.CATHARINES to the SNOWBIRDS next Wed. Speak with Capt Palumbo tonight to arrange for a pick up.

Bottle Drive Saturday:

I have had several requests from parents with children not in the squadron asking if they can help out at the Bottle Drive for community hours for high school or just to help. Yes! We would love to have them, however two things must happen: your child must remain at the bottle sorting location at the VanNoort Greenhouse (not go out driving) and there must be a family member present to supervise them. As they are not cadets, they do not fall under the supervision requirements for our Staff. 


Snowbirds 20 Sep 17: On the day of the event, cadets in the list above will need to arrange transportation, either through the sqn, or with your parents, to get to the NOTL airport no later than 1300. Dismissal time of 1830, staff will bring you over to the sqn for our regular training night. Dinner is provided.

To be clear: the 1pm arrival time on 20 Sep is only for those cadets listed in the airport security meeting, they must attend both parts, and must be able to miss school on Wed the 20th. CHECK NOW with your parents to make sure you are available. REMAINING CADETS are encouraged to attend the event at 4pm in your uniform, then head over to the squadron afterwards for our regular training night.


LHQ Set-Up at REIA

We have approximately 2 weeks left of school summer vacation before we start-up again in our new location at the Royal Elite International Academy.

Capt Palumbo will be heading into the squadron space and spending some time sorting through the myriad boxes, bins and shelves we have. For those that have time during the work week (when the school is open), she would love some company aka heavy lifters.

The following dates:

  • Thurs 24th & 31st of August 1130am-230pm, and
  • Tues 5 & Wed 6th of September 1130am-230pm.

Most of the supply uniforms and admin office is already in place. It is more the training end of things – namely everything that needs to go into the gymnasium storage. As well as all the recycling from all of those boxes.

Txt Capt Palumbo if you can help out: 289-783-1942. (Just be sure to include your name) 🙂


  • Wed 6 Sep 2017 Welcome Back BBQ

  • Wed 13 Sep 2017 NOTL Supper Market & Drill Team Display

  • Sat 16 Sep 2017 Bottle Drive 0900-1600hrs

  • Sun 17 Sep 2017 – Cenotaph Rededication Ceremony NOTL 1015-1145am

  • Wed 20 Sep 2017 Snowbirds at NOTL Airport


For those cadets returning from summer training this Friday, Aug 18th, please see below the TRAVEL ORDERS EXHAUST. Go through the pages (21 total) find your cadet’s name, locate the page with the word EXHAUST highlighted in yellow in the top right corner.

Timings of arrival at the Pen Centre (same as drop-off) are listed beside which bus is expected from where.

Capt Palumbo is the site supervisor for all returning buses on Fri to the Pen Centre. She will have your cadet call you upon arrival if they have not already been in contact with you. Alternatively, text her at 289-783-1942 for a more accurate estimated time of arrival (ETA).

If you need to arrange carpooling please contact listed parents accordingly.

You must be signed in to view the travel orders EXHAUST.

Looking forward to hearing all the great times had this summer – stay tuned, lots of fun coming up in Sept.


  • Wed, 6 Sep 2017 Welcome Back BBQ

  • Wed, 13 Sep 2017 NOTL Supper Market & Drill Team Display

  • Sat, 16 Sep 2017 Bottle Drive 0900-1600hrs

  • Sun, 17 Sep 2017 – Cenotaph Rededication Ceremony NOTL 0915-1130am

  • Wed, 20 Sep 2017 Snowbirds at NOTL Airport

New Local Headquarters (LHQ)!

We have begun our move over to our new LHQ:

1875 Niagara Stone Road, NOTL at the Royal Elite International Academy (formerly the NDSS)

A HUGE thank you to Mr Tony Hendriks (Past Sponsor Chair), CI Serge Carbone (Training Assistant), Mr. Gary Zalepa (Sponsor Chair), and Mr Cory Abt (Parent Extraordinaire) for all of their hard work to get the storage area shelving built and installed, as well as the supply hanging area.  Special mention to CI Ruxa Nicolescu (Admin O), for hauling admin files and helping to set-up the supply and admin offices. Volunteer power is the best! #CRU809

Supply Storage area (adjacent to gymnasium)

Supply & Admin Offices (near classrooms)

Famil Flying Tonight – NEW START TIME

WE ARE A GO! Approval has been given for our Famil Flying. Capt Mario Palumbo, CD of the St. Catharines Cadet Flying Training Site will be the Pilot for our outings.  The Sqn is paying for the flying – no cost to our cadets! Meet in the terminal building, wear comfortable clothing (no uniforms).

We have had more cadets sign-up – CHECK YOUR GROUP# below. We are starting an hour earlier to accommodate all our cadets. 

For Wed (TONIGHT!) – Group #1 meet at the NOTL Airport at 450pm. Group #2 meet at the NOTL Airport at 550pm. Group #3 meet at the NOTL Airport at 650pm. You must be LOGGED IN to view the names.

Capt Tammy Palumbo Cell: 289-783-1942

Group #1 Cadets: 

Group #2 Cadets:

Group # 3 Cadets: