Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 24 November 2021


22 November 2021

RO Number:


DCO’s Message:

Good evening 809

Capt Lemoine is still away, but should be back in time to attend our Virtual Parade Night on Wednesday, November 24.     Again, if there is anything that you’d usually contact the CO about, feel free to contact me during his absence.

Effective Speaking – Tuesday, 23 November 2021 – 1900-2000hrs

Mrs Gowans is running the effective speaking program this evening.   Again this is a virtual class being run through our .    All cadets are encouraged to participate, including 1st years if they’d like to do so.

Virtual Training – Wednesday, 24 November 2021 – 1855-2040hrs

Once again, we’re conducting our parade night virtually.    The schedule is as follows:


Opening Parade (Virtual) 1855-1900 – 
Period 1 1900-1935
Break   1935-1940
Period 2 1940-2025
Closing Parade (Virtual) 2025-2040 –

High School Co-Op Credits

Another reminder that your cadet participation could get you some credits towards your high school completion.    In order to participate, you must complete and return the attached form below (instructions as to where to send your application are at the bottom of the form), and you must obtain at least 1 high school credit before the end of June 2022.    A FAQ sheet has been attached as well:

Regular Training Night

24 November 2021


All attendees must check in for all virtual activities using the Registration for Virtual Events Form.

Connection Information;


CAF Member Dress

5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress

(Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel

Duty Officer: 

This Week’s Activities


Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 November 2021


Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
01 December 2021


Wednesday Training Night Virtual 5/

Upcoming Activities


Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
07 December 2021


Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
08 December 2021


Wednesday Training Night Virtual 5/

D Couroux

2nd Lieutenant

Deputy Commanding Officer

809 Newark RCACS



Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 17 November 2021

14 November 2021

RO Number

DCO’s Message

Good afternoon!

Capt. Lemoine is currently away, but will be back for our next training night.   In the mean time, if you need anything that you’d typically approach the CO about, feel free to contact me during his absence.

Back to virtual training.

Well, we had a great run of in-person training.   Now, under the direction of RCSU, we’re back to virtual training until further notice due to the increase of COVID-19 infections in the Niagara Area.   This has affected every Squadron/Corps in the region so we’re not the only ones having to revert.    Let’s make the most of this and have fun.  Virtual training is being conducted through google classroom at our usual location.   Remember, you need to be logged in using your 809 cadets email address in order to participate. 

Lt Nicolescu has provided the following schedule.  Links to the individual meeting rooms per class are included:

1st Period 2nd Period
Level 1 4 M103.02 Map Personal Goals for the Training Year


M121.01 Discuss Aviation Opportunities


Level 2 4 C270.04 Watch World’s Biggest Airliner: The Airbus A380 – Coming Together C270.04 Watch World’s Biggest Airliner: The Airbus A380 – Coming Together
Level 3 8 M336.01 Describe Properties of the Atmosphere M336.02 Explain the Formation of Clouds
Level 4 8 M409.02 Identify Elements of a Positive Learning Environment M409.02 Identify Elements of a Positive Learning Environment
Level 5 5 M503.02 Prepare an Exercise M503.02 Prepare an Exercise

Effective Speaking

Mrs. Gowans is starting the Effective Speaking classes this Tuesday evening, Nov 16 @ 1900hrs.    As with our parade night, this class will be conducted on-line at our squadron Google Meeting site.    For 2nd year cadets, this is mandatory.  However, anyone can, and is encouraged to take part.    The classes will take part for the remainder of the year and for at least the first month of 2022.   This year the SSC has put forth prizes for the squadron level competition.   I encourage everyone to take part as it provides you with a solid background for you to become fantastic instructors, and the benefits will stick with you for the rest of your life.   If you’d like to attend, please tune in to see what Mrs. Gowans has to offer.  She is asking that you be prepared to present a 1-2 minute presentation about yourself.  Remember, in order to access the site, you need to be logged in using your 809 Cadets email address.    Here’s the link for the class:

High School Co-Op Credits

Just a reminders that your cadet participation could get you some credits towards your high school completion.    In order to participate, you must complete and return the attached form below (instructions as to where to send your application are at the bottom of the form), and you must obtain at least 1 high school credit before the end of June 2022.    A FAQ sheet has been attached as well:   

Regular Training Night
17 November 2021


All attendees must check in for all virtual activities using the form.

Connection Information


CAF Member Dress
5 (Operational [CADPAT/NCD])

Cadet Dress
C5 (Civilian if C5 dress hasn’t been issued.)

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer:

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16 November 2021
Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
17 October 2021
Wednesday Training Night Virtual 5/C5

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 November 2021
Tuesday Effective Speaking Virtual Civilian
24 November 2021
Wednesday Training Night Virtual / 809 RCACS HQ 5/C5

D Couroux
2nd Lieutenant
Deputy Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

DCO’s Corner – 03OCT2021

Good afternoon everyone.  Hope you’re enjoying your weekend.

This week marks the first week of in-person training activities.  It’s been a long time coming and I know we, the staff, can’t wait to see each and every one of you.    So, get your hair cut, and your uniforms ready and we’ll see you on Wednesday night for the start of training.   Watch your inbox for this week’s WRO’s from Capt Lemoine for further details.  Now for the going’s on:

Welcome Back:

1st off, let’s join Brigadier-General Jamie Speiser-Blanchet, Commander Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers, as she welcomes program participants and leaders to the 2021/22 training year.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:

As you may be aware, the government recently passed legislation to make September 30th a federal statutory holiday called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  The intention of this day is to provide an opportunity for Canadians to recognize and commemorate the legacy of residential schools. Our thoughts are with our indigenous Cadets and their families across Canada. Everyone in Canada has a role to play in learning about and addressing the ongoing impacts of residential schools and of the many children who never returned home.

Lt Nicolescu – Completes her AETC

Congratulations on the completion of your AETC over the past 10 days up at Connaught.  Bravo Zulu.

That’s all for now.   See you Wednesday night

2Lt Couroux

DCO’s Corner – We’re Back!

Welcome back, 809. After a long absence it looks like we’re on the verge of doing in person training once again. So, make sure your hair is cut, your uniform fits and your boots are polished cause here we go.  

So,  as always, here are some important dates in history for this week (and also from earlier this past summer): 

1/ September 11, 2001 – 911 20th Anniversary

(From the Canadian Armed Forces facebook page)
September 11, 2001 will always be remembered as a day of tragedy, which claimed nearly 3,000 lives, including 24 Canadians. But it was also a day when Canadians demonstrated the kindness, generosity and resilience of the human spirit.
In the aftermath of the deadly attacks, Canada activated Operation Yellow Ribbon to divert flights and clear the airspace throughout Canada.
The town of Gander, Newfoundland, was a key part of the efforts. Thirty-eight flights and nearly 6,600 passengers were diverted to 9 Wing Gander, which handled security, transportation, telecommunications, and the unloading of aircraft. Meanwhile, Residents of the town also jumped into action and helped in any way they could. They donated food, provided bedding, created shelters, and even welcomed passengers into their homes.
In 2016, New Yorkers thanked the residents of Gander for their help and gifted the town with a piece of steel from the World Trade Center’s south tower. Passengers also donated their mementos from Gander to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.
20 years after 9/11 – #WeRemember. We will #NeverForget

May be an image of airplane and sky

2/ Battle of Britain Sunday – Sunday, September 18

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few” – Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain, 20 August, 1940

Every year, on the third Sunday of September,  the RCAF celebrates Battle of Britain Sunday to commemorate the victory over the Luftwaffe in the skies of England.    We also recognize the loss of Canadian lives during the conflict.     It was a great moment for our Air Force. 

More information regarding the origins of the Battle of Britain ceremony can be found at this link:

  The origins of the Battle of Britain ceremony – Skies Mag

3/ CJCR Has a new Commander – Welcome Brigadier-General Jamie Speiser-Blanchet

809 Sqn would like to welcome Air Force Brigadier-General Jamie Spieser-Blanchet as the new commander of the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers.  General Spieser-Blanchet assumed command on June 30, 2021 from outgoing commander, Navy Commodore Josee Kurtz.  To Commodore Kurtz, good luck in your new assignment as  Commandant and Vice-Chancellor of Royal Military College of Canada (RMC). 

That’s all for this week.   For the instructors, see you all virtually on Wednesday.    For everyone else, I hope to see you during your uniform exchanges.     

2Lt Couroux.

Ontario Cadets – Summer High School Credit Co-Op Program

From the Ontario Cadets Facebook page, for cadets attending vCTC and CAP programs this summer:

☀️ Back by popular demand, the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) will be offering their high school credit co-op program for all #OntarioCadets again… but this time, the summer version!
🌐 Make sure to visit the UCDSB website for additional info and to register for this great opportunity:


2Lt Couroux

DCO’s Corner – Mother’s Day, Germany Surrenders & VE Day

Good Day 809.

This weekend was packed with special days to be observed. 

WW2 – Germany Surrenders
On May 7, 1945, Germany surrenders to the Allied armies at Reims, France. Leading to the end of WW2 in Europe

May 8, 1945 – Victory in Europe Day,
This day marks the official end of fighting in Europe in World War 2. More than 1million Canadians served, with 42,000 killed, and 10’s of thousands more wounded.  The war wasn’t over yet, however.    Fighting would rage on in the Pacific against Japan for another 3 months.

Happy Mother’s Day, 09MAY21
A special shout out to everyone’s mom. Without any of you, we wouldn’t have the squadron we have today. I hope your cadets, or adult children (officers, CI’s & volunteers) for that matter, did something special for you today.

So, some things to think about.   Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

DCO’s Corner

Good day, 809,

Little late on this one, but bear with me.

To the best of my knowledge there are 3 big milestones this week with regards to our Military:

1/ In Flanders Fields, the poem we’ve all grown to know well as symbolizing the remembrance of our fallen soldiers, was written on May 3, 1915 by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrea of Guelph, Ontario. He was inspired to write it after presiding over the funeral of a friend of his, and fellow soldier, Alexis Helmer during the Second Battle of Ypres during World War 1. “In Flanders Fields” was first published on December 8, 1915 in the London magazine “Punch”.
More on the history of this important poem can be found here:

In Flanders Fields

2/ Happy birthday to the RCN. The Royal Canadian Navy was born on May 4, 1910. It was founded as the Naval Service of Canada and given royal sanction on 29 August, 1911. More about the history on the Royal Canadian Navy can be found here:

Royal Canadian Navy

3/ The 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic.  In keeping with the Navy, and partnering with the RCAF,  The first Sunday in May (May 2nd this year) marks the day where we remember the participants of the Battle of the Atlantic. The battle occurred throughout World War 2 and has been observed by the RCN and RCAF for since 1945.  

Battle of the Atlantic

That’s it for now. See you all Wednesday night. And, before I forget, May the 4th be with you.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Aerospace Club

From WO2 Bell:

Hello, rocketeers! On Saturday May 1st at 3 PM, come down to the SQN to drop off your orange model rockets that you made during the last session. If you cannot be there at that time, let me or CI Dau know by email and we can organize a time to pick it up.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark Sqn