Author Archives: 809 Newark RCACS

809 Range Team Zone 6/7 Marksmanship Competition 2017

Although we had a few issues at competition this year – a busted valve (no air compression = no power behind the shot = the pellets don’t make it to the target), and not being able to modify our butt plates for standing, our team still placed a solid 9th place! Top ten is a great place to start. 

Team members were up bright and early, ready for their two opportunities to fire four targets. Two prone, two standing. 70% of each member’s score was from prone, the other 30% from standing.

Here are some photos from the competition day. Thanks to everyone who came out and cheered – and to the Competition armourer who fixed the faulty rifle! Also thank you to CI Carbone who took the time to find parts, lubricate rifles, and support us behind the scenes.

Congratulations to our team members: FSgt Lett (Captain), FSgt Zalepa, Sgt Couroux, Cpl Abt & Cpl Hill. Well done!



This Sunday is our last chance at Gliding for the 2016-17 training year. We have 20 spots (because we switched with another Squadron, we gained 10 more spots!) – so make sure you make the time to come on out on Sunday. Parents are welcome to stay with cadets at the airfield.

TIME: 1pm-4pm

LOCATION: Niagara District Airport (Hwy 55) in NOTL

MEET: At the Airport Terminal building – DO NOT ACCESS THE APRON/RUNWAY without an Escort Officer from the Gliding Centre Staff

DRESS: Civilian casual – check the weather before you head out.

SIGN-UP: Wednesday night there will be a sign-up sheet at closing parade – if we can’t fill the 20 spots, we can open it up to another unit who missed their day due to weather. Therefore, if you sign-up, make sure you show up.

BRING: backpack with snacks, book, music, something that won’t blow away and create FOD.

WEATHER: sometimes the flying day is cancelled in advance, sometimes at the last minute. Check HERE on the squadron website before heading out to the airport on Sunday. Weather that is TOO WINDY, TOO RAINY = no flying. Wear sunscreen: too sunny is not a reason to cancel 🙂

Air Cadets & Robotics!

Congratulations to Aila Simpson, formerly of 809 Squadron (she moved with her family to BC two years ago) – best of luck at World’s next weekend!

Former 809 Cadet to World’s Robotics!

“Fermion” is a remote-controlled robot designed, built, programmed and maintained by a group of Victoria high school students.

“A lot of people think it’s very cool,” said team member Aila Simpson.

The students from Mount Douglas Secondary School, Victoria High and the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry are part of a local robotics team called FIX-IT 3491.

The team is fine tuning their robot for the FIRST Global Championships in Houston, Texas on April 19 to 22.


Wed Night Training & Vimy Remembered

Duty Officer
Lt Russell

C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Tonight, as part of our closing parade, we will honour the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. As it is 12th of April, the final day of the Battle, it is appropriate for the Squadron to commemorate an important point in Canadian History. 
There will be a brief presentation, including the singing of O Canada, a minute of silence and the playing of Last Post.
Parents are encouraged to attend – seating will be available on the parade square. We will begin promptly at 9pm.

Drill Team & Flight Club Tonight!

Join us for Drill Team (1900hrs) and Flight Club (2000hrs) tonight. Come on out and practice your flight simulator skills!

NOTE: Sponsor Mtg tonight – 7pm. Sports will begin next week and alternate Monday nights. It will take place at the same time as Flight Club, so you can participate in both.


Congratulations to FSgt Zalepa (2nd overall for Commander) and our 809 Squadron Drill Team without Arms for placing 1st in the Niagara Air Group Band & Drill Team Competition today.

Well done! We can’t wait to see you compete next month at the Western Ontario Area Band & Drill Competition in London.


Zone 6/7 Marksmanship Competition

Friendly reminder to the Range team:

Tomorrow morning meet at 8am at 23 Sqn (8 Napier St) in St. Catharines. You are responsible for arranging transportation there and back (we should be done by 4pm).

Dress: comfortable pants, running shoes, RANGE HOODIE (and a shirt underneath for actually firing in)

BRING: A backpack with stuff to do: cards, music, book, snacks

If you forgot your permission form, have your parents sign one with Capt Palumbo upon arrival

Capt Palumbo has the rifles, scope, ear defenders,  eye protection. Lunch will be provided by the comp.

Parents are welcome to come on out and watch – text Capt Palumbo after 9am if you want approx times of firing for our team. Best of luck to our team members!