Parent Welcome Briefing & Vimy 2017

PARENTS: Join us for our first parent briefing on Wed 28 Sep to learn more about our cadet training year and what’s in store for your cadet this year. 630pm in Classroom #1.


VIMY 2017 – are you interested in going to France to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge? 809 Newark Squadron has been pre-approved to travel to England & France for a week in October 2017. Come out to hear about what the itinerary, cost and expectations are if your cadet wants to attend. Presentation begins immediately following parent briefing.

**NOTE: This is an optional trip, and all costs will be covered by the individual cadets & staff.

Former 128 Squadron Air Cadet now Snowbird Pilot!

Check out this amazing article about the visit the Snowbirds paid to NOTL last week.

“t’s a dream come true for the pilot, who recalled climbing to the top of Brock Hill as a child to watch the planes fly overhead. He joined the 128 Thorold Flying Dragons Air Cadet Squadron where he earned both his glider and pilot’s licence. In 2002 he joined the military and graduated from the Royal Military Collect in 2006. Since then he has served at the Joint Task Force North Headquarters, and as a flying instructor with 2 Canadian Forces Flying Training School.”


Don’t miss your chance to head up into the air in a Glider this weekend – sign-up is on the Calendar page – so far we have 10 cadets attending with room for 10 more.  This is our only Fall date – the next time we fly will be in April 2017.

CI Lemoine will meet you at the Terminal Building at the NOTL Airport at 9am (Niagara District Airport on Hwy 55). Dress is civilian (809 ball cap, t-shirt and jeans). Bring a backpack with music, book, home work, snack etc for the down time.

Parent pick up is at 12pm (noon). Capt Palumbo will be waiting with the cadets in the Terminal building.

See you all Saturday!

Bravo Zulu!

A huge thank you to Lt Russell and the following cadets: Giansante, Gowans, Mehrotra, & Nicolescu, for representing 809 Sqn at the Decoration Day Parade in NOTL on Sunday for our title sponsor, Branch 124 Royal Canadian Legion.

By making yourselves available, you gave better visibility to our community about the many aspects of Cadet training: one of the most important being community service.

Cadets: please be sure to see Capt Palumbo to get signed off on your community service hours for high school requirement.


Amazing Aviation

If you’re not fascinated with flying yet, try looking at it from this perspective.

Svetlana Kapanina was the World Aerobatic Champion in the women’s category in 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 and has won the title more times than any other pilot in the category. Additionally, she was overall World Air Games Champion in 1997 and 2001.

Together with Mikhail Mamistov and Oleg Spolyansky, she won the team gold medal in the 16th FAI European Aerobatic Championships 2008 in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic). She placed fourth overall and was best female participant.

FORWARD – Aug issue


1085-4-2 (DCOS Strat Plans (Renewal))

 1.            Attached to this post is the August issue of Forward, our interactive poster newsletter aimed at spreading Renewal ideas and encouraging forward thinking in the Canadian Cadet Organizations.

 2.            In this issue, you will find updates about a new medal for youth, and a new risk management tool for staff, as well as some information about how Group Orders are making policies easier to access. Readers are also invited to share their thoughts about how to improve the summer experience for staff cadets on our social media idea boards.

 3.            Forward is a linked PDF – clicking on any of the white boxes will automatically take you to more online content related to the story. Readers may need to log in to the CCO net or the extranet portal to see some links.

 4.            This interactive version can be shared online via social media or websites. This newsletter can also be printed out and displayed at the corps, squadron or patrol location, where cadets, JCRs and adult staff and volunteers can easily see the information as printed. Find out more by scanning the QR code to access the digital (clickable) version on personal devices via the extranet.

 5.            To access Forward when scanning with a tablet or smartphone, follow these steps:

  •  a.            scan the QR code and log in to the extranet portal; and
  •  b.            if a story interests you, click the white box around it to connect.

 6.            Questions, feedback and story ideas are always welcome at with “Newsletter” in the subject line. If you would like to download past issues of Forward, they are now available on the extranet at Thanks to everyone who has been sharing our newsletter and social media posts!

Col David Proteau

 Deputy Commander National Cadet & Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group

Canadian Armed Forces  / Tel: 613-992-3382 / CSN 992-3382 / BB:613-291-6360

Registration & Welcome BBQ Tonight!

Join us tonight for our registration evening and Welcome BBQ. All cadets, returning and new, are welcome to join us for dinner in the parking lot/field adjacent to the cadet hall entrance beginning at 630pm.  We will also be having our Activity Fair, and the first ever viewing of the White Water Rafting Trip that our Level 4,5,6 Cadets attended in June 2016.

Dress for this evening is the same as last week:

Dress: WO2s, FSgts, and Sgts are in C2B (see below);


and FCpls, Cpls, LACs are in C4A (see below).


Timings: The building opens at 6:15pm and opening parade begins at 6:30pm. Closing parade is at 9pm and the building closed at 9:30pm

Registration paperwork: Returning Cadets
Please bring the following into the building with you when you drop off or pick up your cadet:

  • Health Card – verify with CI Ruttan that the info is correct
  • $120.00 cash or cheque registration fee
  • Attendance Fee cheques
  • All details can be found in the Air Cadet Planner 2016-17. READ it and print a copy for yourself if you’d like one.
  • CO’s Policies 2016-17
    There will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsorship Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer, or you can print and bring in your own. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.
  • Returning cadets will also receive a Annual Validation Form to be signed and returned next week

Registration paperwork: New Cadets
Please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:

  • Health Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • $120.00 cash or cheque registration fee
  • Attendance Fee cheques
  • All details can be found in the Air Cadet Planner 2016-17.
    New cadets will be given a paper copy upon registration.
  • Your cadet can come dressed as they are, or in black pants, a white collared shirt (tie optional) and black shoes. This will become their required dress until they receive their uniform, about 4-6 weeks after the registration process is complete.
  • CO’s Policies 2016-17
    There will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsorship Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer, or you can print and bring in your own. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.

NAG Ground School 2016-17

Good morning NAG CO’s,

On behalf of the group of instructors that are willing to instruct ground school to your cadets for the 2016-2017 training year, I have attached the schedule we are going to use to help prepare them for the 2017 Qualifying Exam. SEE SCHEDULE HERE: nag-groundschool-2016 IT STARTS THIS THURSDAY 15 SEP 16 IN WELLAND.

Ground school will be run in a similar fashion as the past years, except we will be starting 30 minutes earlier this year.  All evening sessions will commence at 1830hrs, and run through 2100hrs.

We invite all cadets that are eligible for the 2017 GPS and PPS courses to attend.  We will also invite anyone that would be eligible for the 2018 GPS and PPS courses to attend, such that they can start learning the material. IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR THE COURSE, CADETS MUST ATTEND GROUND SCHOOL.

Please share this with the cadets in your Squadrons that are interested in participating. CADETS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION. CAR-POOLING IS RECOMMENDED.

We would also ask that you please discuss with the interested cadets of your Squadrons that ground school is serious, and there is a ton of material to get through to prepare them for the exam.  Fooling around, not paying attention or being a disturbance in the class will result in them being asked to leave and not attend any future classes.  The group of instructors know that each of them understand this, but we have had situations in the past that have caused concerns, so we ask that you please ensure they are clear on this.

Please have the cadets contact you if they have any questions.  We are looking forward to supporting each of your Squadrons in running this ground school.


Maj L. Norio

Gliding Centre Commander – Niagara

Severe Weather Watch – Niagara Region

Please follow the above link for updates on the weather system developing today. There is a very real possibility that we may need to end the bottle drive early to ensure the safety of our cadets and parent drivers. Currently, the weather network and #ONStorm are anticipating severe thunderstorms beginning in the late afternoon to early evening for most of Niagara.

We will be monitoring the situation today, and will update you through this website. Cadets will be recalled in the event of severe weather and the rally point will be the VanNoort Greenhouses on the corner of Hunter & Creek Roads (same as drop off). They will call for pick-up at that point.

Capt Palumbo will have her cellphone available today: 289-783-1942 Please call if you have updated weather information, experience an emergency situation or need to contact your cadet.

Bottle Drive TOMORROW!

All cadets are expected to join us for our first Bottle Drive – tomorrow, Sat 10 Sep 16 at 9am. Meet at VanNoort Greenhouse at the corner of Hunter and Creek Rds NOTL. We will be ready for the cadets to go home at 4pm. This is one of our 2 bottle drive days, and one of our best fundraisers, and we need all hands on deck. Lunch is provided.

We need parent drivers and cadets to pick up bottles from local houses – maps and instructions provided when you arrive. Drivers please bring proof of care insurance and your driver’s license. Cadets sign-in with WOII Lavoie. Parents please sign-in with Capt Palumbo.

We also need help sorting the wine, beer and liquor bottles and loading the truck. Bring a friend!

Dress is civilian appropriate for the weather. Wear your 809 Ball cap = and rain coat!! (It is supposed to rain, but hopefully not too much before 5pm)

Come out and have a fun day!