Category Archives: Training

Wed Night Training

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault for CI Ruttan

REMEMBER: Canteen will be run by FSgts Lett & Zalepa. No other cadets are to ask for the canteen box or access the food. This is a leadership tasking requiring your assistance: let them do what they know they need to do.

C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl FCpl

We had an awesome first practice for NAG Sports Competition: thanks to our team captains and members. We have our next practice on MONDAY NIGHT: immediately following Drill team. 8-9pm in the gymnasium. There will be NO other trg at that time. ALL cadets on the sports teams are expected to attend.

Update to Wednesday Night Training

Level Three Cadets:

Last month, CI Lemoine instructed M306.06 (Instructional Techniques:Plan a Lesson) and tomorrow night is where you put your skills to the test. For the first part of the evening, we’ll be reviewing your lesson plans and giving you an opportunity to polish them up. For the second part, you will be presenting your lessons with the Level One cadets as your students.

Be sure to bring your lesson plan and instructional aids as discussed in your M306.06 class.

Capt Lemoine

Training This Week: Mon 19 & Wed 21 Dec 16

We have a regular training week on Mon & Wed this week. Christmas Stand down begins Thurs 22 Dec 16 until Fri Jan 6th 2017. If you have PHOTOS to submit – please send them to Capt Palumbo – We are looking for photos from the NOTL Christmas Parade and the Mess Dinner. There will be a Staff Meeting immediately following the parade night on Wed.

MON: Drill Team – 7-8pm Dress civilian with parade boots and wedge

Flight Club/Sports/Effective Speaking 8-9pm

WED: Regular Training Night. Polish those boots! They took a beating at the Santa Claus Parade – make sure you put in some extra time this week to get them back up to standard. Dress standards can be found here: Dress Regs + Boots Video

WED Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl FCpl

Looking forward to seeing everyone out for our last week before Christmas Break. We will not be parading during the school holidays – however, we will start up again in the New Year at our Bottle Drive on Saturday 7th January, 2017 9am at VanNoort Greenhouses On Creek & Hunter Rds. Regular Monday and Wednesday training will begin on January 9th.


Monday Night Training

Drill Team – 7-8pm – make sure you’re there! We need all hands on deck for our silent routine practice. Dress: civilian with parade boots and wedge.

Sports/Flight Club – 8-9pm

NATIONAL COURSE NARRATIVES: Please send them in for proof-reading – email Capt Palumbo:  All natiional course applications are due THIS WEDNESDAY night at the Mess Dinner. 

NOTL Christmas Parade – was a HUGE success! Special thanks to Mr. Ruttan for the use of his trailer for our float, to CI Thiffault and Mr Zalepa for float prep on Friday afternoon, and to Mr Hendriks for driving the float in the parade. Our Cadets looked FANTASTIC with their elf hats on – if you have photos please send them to Capt Palumbo.

MESS DINNER on Wednesday: do you still need a bowtie? Capt Palumbo has one left – $7 each, you can pay on Wed night. Check out the dress regulations here: C8. NO headdress (wedge), and YES wear your name tag. Meet at the Virgil Fire Hall on 1391 Concession 6 Rd in NOTL at 630pm. Dinner begins at 7pm. Cadets are asked to wait in the foyer – they will be formally asked to come into the dining area. Parent volunteers can go straight to the kitchen – dress is white top, black bottoms for serving.

As an FYI, Capt Palumbo will not be into the office this evening. Capt Lemoine will be on-site for any pertinent questions/concerns.

Wed Night Training & Summer Training Applications

Tonight’s training schedule is a carry over from 9 Nov (which was cancelled due to the Vigil). We also have a unit visit from Lt(N) Desnoyers – our new Zone Training Officer. Be sure to welcome her with our usual 809 Esprit de Corps.

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Note the change to the order of dress for the AC, LAC, Cpl & FCpl above. Numbered orders of dress are available under RESOURCES – CADETS on the website.

For those cadets that did not receive a copy of the sign-up for Summer Training last week, there is one here: course-selections-for-summer-trg that you can print yourself and bring in, or you can get one tonight at the office. The list of available summer training courses is here: 2017-air-ctc-info-pamphlet.The info for NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK is here:2017-national-courses-hb-for-cadets-parents-v4-nov-11-2016_reduced. And if you didn’t see the Power Point presentation made to parents last week, it is here:parent-mtg-air-cadet-summer-training-applications.

Parent Meeting Wed 16 Nov – Summer Training

Just a reminder to all parents, that tomorrow night is our Summer Training Parent Briefing.

The briefing will begin at 630pm in classroom #1.

The following documents will be provided (but you may print your own if desired).

National Course Handbook: 2017-national-courses-hb-for-cadets-parents-v4-nov-11-2016_reduced (do not print this – 130 pages).

Info Pamphlet for Summer Training: 2017-air-ctc-info-pamphlet

Course Selection Worksheet: course-selections-for-summer-trg

Remembrance Day Breakfast Volunteers Needed

Parents/Guardians we need your help!

Please see the attached request list for donations of food for the cadets’ breakfast and mid-day snack on Friday before/after the parade: sign-up-for-remembrance-day Breakfast begins at 615am. All items can be brought in on Thurs night, or Fri morning. Please RSVP what you’ll be bringing to Mrs Mehrotra at .

The items on the list as well as any other food (hot, delicious casserole dish – Giansante) that you may want to bring would also be welcome.  🙂 All peanut/nut free please.

We need PARENT DRIVERS – to drive our cadets to and from the parade site (Clock Tower in Old Town) beginning at 645am on Fri, in 30 min intervals, right up until the parade starts at 1030. If you can help, please give your name to Capt Palumbo when you drop off your cadet on Thursday night for the beginning of the Vigil.

Dress for FRIDAY for our cadets is C-1 (with overcoat and black gloves). For Thursday night it is appropriate civilian attire. If your cadet hasn’t finished their 809 Sqn Tshirt, Thurs night will be the perfect time to do so.

Thank you for your generous support of our Cadets!

Bravo Zulu

Bravo Zulu, also referred to as “BZ,” is a naval signal, typically conveyed by flag hoist or voice radio, meaning “Well Done”; it has also been used as part of vernacular slang within NATO and other Allied naval forces. – Wikipedia.

A BIG BZ to WOII Lavoie, FSgt Giansante, FSgt Lett & FSgt Zalepa for participating in our Town Council Delegation on Monday night. They certainly represented all that we aspire to in the Air Cadet Program: speaking with confidence, enthusiasm and a genuine love for everything they have accomplished in our Squadron.

Thank you for giving our Town Council a glimpse into what the Air Cadet Program can do for the Youth of NOTL!

Wed Night Training

Please read the dress instructions CAREFULLY for tonight. The order has changed for the AC, LAC, Cpl & FCpls.

Don’t forget: next week is the CO’s parade. Dress regulations require a specific haircut for males and hairstyle for females. Familiarize yourself here: and make sure you have it sorted for next week’s parade night. There are several barbers available in NOTL – just book on the weekend. There is not enough time after school before cadets.

Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl FCpl

Monday Night Activities

Tonight we have our standard: Drill Team practice 7-8pm and Sports 8-9pm. Both at the Squadron Headquarters (LHQ). Dress for both is civilian – with parade boots and wedge required for drill team. Running shoes required for sports. We need more people on the drill team – come on out!

We also have the senior cadets (WOII & FSgts) presenting a delegation to the Niagara On The Lake Town Council on behalf of 809 Squadron.  Please join me in wishing them all the best as they help to put 809 Squadron on the agenda of our Lord Mayor and Town Council. Dress for this is C-1 with medals. I will bring the medals with me for those who have not received them.