Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

50th Annual Cadet Awards Banquet

50th Annual
Cadet Awards Banquet

Wednesday, 2 June 2021
1900 (7:00pm)

Google Meet

Schedule of Events

  1. Reception
  2. Welcome
  3. Dinner
  4. Award Presentations
  5. Level Promotions
  6. Squadron Warrant Officer Change of Command
  7. Graduations
  8. Addresses
  9. Dismissal


Annual Awards Banquet Presentations

Hendriks Valu-Mart Bursary
Wally May Trophy for Best NCO
LCol (Retired) Kenn Moody, CD Award for Scholastic and Community Achievement
Capt Arnold Didur Memorial Award for Most Improved Cadet
Air Cadet Long Service Medals
Air Cadet Long Service Medal – 1st Bar
Air Cadet Long Service Medal – 2nd Bar

2020/2021 Training Year Special Awards

Annual Ceremonial Review Presentations

Captain Brian Howard, CD Memorial Award for Squadron Warrant Officer
Best First Year Cadet
Capt Dave Leonard, CD Award
Lord Strathcona Medal
Lorne Patterson Memorial Award for Best Overall Cadet

Level Promotions

Flight Corporals
Flight Sergeants

Squadron Warrant Officer Change of Command

Graduation Presentations

Final Call for Awards Banquet

For those who have not submitted their information for the Awards Banquet on Wednesday, it’s important that you fill out the form tonight. The SSC needs to submit final numbers, so if your name isn’t on the list, you’ll be on the hook for getting your own dinner for the event… and nobody should miss out on free food.

Virtual Awards Banquet Form: Link

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 23 May 2021

30 May 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

This is the last publication of WROs for training year 2020/21. We made it through and have high hopes for a resumption of in-person training in September!

This week, we will be merging our traditional Awards Banquet, Annual Ceremonial Review, and SWO Change of Command into one event on our last training night this coming Wednesday. We’re doing something similar to our Virtual Mess Dinner in December, where we arrange to have dinner delivered to your home and conduct the event virtually. Were we meeting in-person for these events, we would be expecting family members as well as cadets to be in attendance. This year, the Squadron Sponsorship Committee is generously providing a large enough meal so that our cadets and their families can enjoy our end-of-year celebrations with their cadets.

Dinner is being delivered to your home. It is IMPORTANT that you fill in the Virtual Awards Banquet Form to indicate your attendance and any dietary restrictions NO LATER THAN 1900 (7:00pm) on Monday, 31 May. Failing to do so does not prevent you from attending, but you’ll be on your own for dinner.

If any of our cadets will not be attending the banquet on Wednesday, please let me know as soon as possible.

We’re relaxing the formality of the Awards Banquet as well, considering the medium. We would normally be in 1A (CAF) or C1A (cadets) for an event like this, but we’re going to stick to 3B (CAF) and C3F (cadets) for the virtual event.

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
2 June 2021

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

Registration for Virtual Events form.

Virtual Training Connection Information

Virtual Awards Banquet and Change of Command


CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
31 May 2021
Cooking Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO1 Abt
2 Jun 2021
Virtual Awards Banquet and Change of Command
(Last Training Night Until September)
Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 23 May 2021

23 May 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

We’re down to our second last week! COVID numbers are falling, vaccination number are rising and I can almost smell a return to normalcy in the air! Summer will tell the tale, but I’m highly optimistic that we’ll be back to normal in September.

We’re coming off of a long weekend and so there will be no optional activities on Monday night, but we’ll be back to regular training on Wednesday. I hope the L3 and L4 cadets took advantage of the review yesterday and are all prepared for Wednesday. If for whatever reason, you need to do a refresher, remember that we have the review guides on the web site:

Aviation Subjects Review Package

We’re all looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday.

Training Night
26 May 2021

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
24 May 2021
Victoria Day (No Training) Monday      
26 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
31 May 2021
Cooking Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO1 Abt
2 Jun 2021
End of Training Year Banquet and Change of Command
(Last Training Night Until September)
Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 16 May 2021

16 May 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good morning!

The COVID-19 numbers in Niagara are falling and it’s looking increasingly like we’ll be back to regular training in September! I can’t promise that, but the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be getting brighter and that’s good news.

I’ve added the Saturday on-line Aviation Subjects preparation session to the schedule for the L3 and L4 cadets. The remote connection details will follow later in the week. This is a great opportunity to review before the exams next week. In the meantime, if you haven’t reviewed the Aviation Subjects Review Package, this would be a great time to do so.

Monday night, we have Radio Club with FSgt Forsyth at 1900. Regular training is on Wednesday and the Warrant Officers have a fun activity planned for everyone. See you all then!

Training Night
19 May 2021

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Nicolescu

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
17 May 2021
Radio Club Monday Google Meet Civilian FSgt Forsyth
19 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F 2Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 May 2021
L3/L4 Aviation Subjects Exam Preparation Saturday TBD Civilian TBD
24 May 2021
Victoria Day (No Training) Monday      
26 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Lt Russell
31 May 2021
Cooking Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO1 Abt
2 Jun 2021
End of Training Year Banquet and Change of Command
(Last Training Night Until September)
Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 9 May 2021

9 May 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon!

We’re continuing with virtual training for the remainder of the training year, so cadet dress will remain at C3F, but in an effort to avoid overheating the officer staff, we’re switching to 3B.

I’ve added all of the activity and training nights for the remainder of the training year to the “Upcoming Activities” section below. I’ll be updating the training calendar for the remainder of the year this afternoon.

Monday night, we have Aerospace Club with WO2 Bell at 1900. Regular training is on Wednesday. We’ll see you all then!

Training Night
12 May 2021

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
10 May 2021
Aerospace Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO2 Bell
12 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
17 May 2021
Radio Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO2 Bell
19 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F 2Lt Nicolescu
24 May 2021
Victoria Day (No Training) Monday      
26 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Lt Russell
31 May 2021
Cooking Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO1 Abt
2 Jun 2021
End of Training Year Banquet and Change of Command
(Last Training Night Until September)
Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Summer Cadet Co-Op Program

The Summer Cadet Co-Op Program will be happening for Summer 2021. With modifications to summer training this year, the co-op program will also be adapting, becoming completely virtual.

Who is Eligible?

  • All cadets who are residents of Ontario and attending secondary school in Ontario *Cadets must already have earned at least one high school credit to participate.
  • Cadets attending either a virtual CTC course, or Summer CAP

Upon completion of summer training, as well as co-op assignments, cadets will be granted up to two (2) high school credits.

Although the program is run in partnership with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) cadets do not need to be from UCDSB, nor will they become UCDSB students. Cadets from any Ontario school board can participate. They remain students of their own board. A report card will be mailed to the cadet and their main school upon successful completion, where the school will then enter the credit on the cadet’s transcript. UCDSB will provide and assign participating cadets with a co-op teacher for the summer semester.

For registration form and additional information:

Please note that registration deadline this year is 25 June 2021.

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 2 May 2021

2 May 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good morning!

There are four more weeks left in our training year, with our final night anticipated to be on the 2nd of June. It’s been a strange year, but I’d like to thank everyone for sticking with it and doing their best despite the strange format.

Still no change on the COVID-19 side of things, but we’re on the downswing of the latest wave and we’re looking at increased deliveries of vaccines in May. With good social responsibility and a sprinkling of luck, we may have in-person training again in the fall. Keep calm and carry on. We’ve made it this far and we’re good for the home stretch.

Monday night, we have Cooking Club with WO1 Abt at 1800. Bring your creativity. Bring your appetite, but remember that it’s likely going to be your responsibility to clean the kitchen when you’re done.

Summer training and staff applications have gone in, so we hope to hear feedback on those soon.

Regular training is on Wednesday and we’re all looking forward to seeing everyone then!

Training Night
5 May 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
3 May 2021
Cooking Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO1 Abt
5 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
10 May 2021
Aerospace Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO2 Bell
12 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Summer Training Applications

Good morning.

Staff and training applications have been submitted for the following cadets. If I’ve somehow missed you, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can get your application in.

Abt, E
Abt, S

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 25 April 2021

25 Apr 2021

RO Number

CO’s Message

Good afternoon.

Still no change on the COVID-19 side of things, but vaccine deliveries are climbing and (at least in Niagara) and we’ve got cause to hope that we’re on the right track. It’s just a matter of exercising our patience… and we’ve had lots of practice. We should be pros by now.

Tonight, we have Radio Club with FSgt Forsyth at 1900. On Wednesday, we’ll be participating in a special session from 438 Tactical Helicopter squadron, learning about the team that supports the Canadian Armed Forces’ CH-146 Griffon helicopters. Join using the regular Google Meet link for Wednesday night training and we’ll get everyone into the session when it begins at 1900.

Mr. Abt has let us know about an activity on Tuesday that may be of interest. Owen Bjorgan of Owen’s Hiking Adventures is inviting Niagara youth to his free Nature in Niagara for Kids and Students talk. If you’re interested in checking it out, connect to his Zoom Meeting at 1600 on Tuesday to participate.

Summer training applications close at the end of April, so if you haven’t sent in your choices for summer training or an application to be a staff cadet, don’t delay. We need your applications by Wednesday at the latest!

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday!

Training Night
28 Apr 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
26 Apr 2021
Radio Club Monday Google Meet Civilian FSgt Forsyth
27 Apr 2021
Nature in Niagara for Kids and Students with Owen Bjorgan Tuesday Zoom Civilian TBD
28 Apr 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
3 May 2021
Cooking Club Monday Google Meet Civilian WO1 Abt
5 May 2021
Regular Training Night Wednesday Google Meet C3F Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS