Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 8 Sep 2019

8 Sep 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

Here’s what’s going on this week.

On Monday Night, we’re going to have a supply night. If you have uniform items that don’t fit, this is the time to come in and get them replaced. If you haven’t turned in your paperwork for the new year, by all means come by and drop it off on Monday as well.

Wednesday, we have the Snowbirds Airshow during the afternoon and won’t have any training during the evening. I’ve you’ve signed up to volunteer for the event, by at the Information Booth at Niagara District Airport at 1345 (1:45pm) in C2B uniform. Otherwise, all cadets are encouraged to come out and enjoy the show. If you come in uniform (again, C2B) you get discounted admission for only $5. Come to the Information Booth and Capt Chevalier will take care of your admission fee.

If you’re an instructor, OCdt Couroux will be having a short Training Cell meeting that day as well at 809 HQ at 1830 (6:30pm) that shouldn’t take more than an hour.

Saturday, 14 Sep, we have our Bottle Drive at Van Noort Greenhouses. We need everybody our to for this event. For cadets, this is a mandatory fundraising day. For parents, guardians, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, &c, this is a great opportunity to come out and help support your cadet’s involvement in our program. We’ll be starting at 0900 (9:00am) and finishing at 1600 (4:00pm) helping our community and ourselves by collecting empty beer, wine, and liquor bottles. I regret that I won’t be able to be there myself as I have to be at CFB Borden for the Commanding Officers’ Conference, but you’ll be in good hands with Lt Russell.

Sunday, 15 Sep we have our Gliding Familiarization Day at Niagara District Airport from 1300 (1:00pm) to 1600 (4:00pm) and have seven (7) spots left. Priority goes to junior cadets. Sign up at: https://809cadets.ca/events/event-sign-ups/

We kick-off of the training year properly on 16 Sep with our Welcome BBQ followed by our first regular training night of the year on 18 Sep.

Remember that you need to be logged into the web site to see the sign-up sheets.

See you at the Airshow and/or the Welcome BBQ!

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Supply Night 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian CV Carbone / Capt Lemoine
11 Sep 19 Wednesday Snowbirds Airshow! Niagara District Airport C2B Capt Lemoine
11 Sep 19 1830-1930 Wednesday Training Cell Meeting 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
14 Sep 19 0900-1600 Saturday Bottle Drive Van Noort Greenhouses (Corner of Hunter and Four Mile Creek Roads) Civilian Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
15 Sep 19 Sunday Gliding Familiarization Niagara District Airport Civilian 2Lt Nicolescu
16 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Welcome Back BBQ 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine
11 Sep 19 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C2B/C4A Lt Russell

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Flying Scholarship Ground School

For Glider Pilot and Power Pilot Scholarship 2020 Applicants:

809 Cadets who are eligible to participate (age 15 for GPS, age 16 for PPS), and have transportation to 23 Squadron in St. Catharines (beginning Thursday), are to contact sign up here.

We don’t know how many spots are available right now, so signing up is not a guarantee of a spot. Priority will be based primarily on whether a cadet will be applying for the GPS or PPS this training year and then on a first-come, first-served basis.

Date: Thursdays
Time: 1900-2100
Location: 23 Squadron, Lake Street Armoury, St. Catharines, ON

Required study materials to be purchased by students:

From the Ground Up Textbook
From the Ground Up Workbook
ICAO Chart Ruler
Douglas Protractor

Remember that you need to be signed into the web site in order to see the sign-up sheets.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Open House BBQ and our next Regular Training Night

Last night, we began our training year with an administration night for returning cadets. We reconnected with each other after a long summer and told stories about some great achievements at the summer training centres. We had a few new cadets come out to join, too!

We won’t be meeting next Wednesday due to the Snowbirds Airshow at Niagara District Airport that day, but will be welcoming new cadets at our Open House and Welcome BBQ on the 16th of September at 7pm at 1416 Line 3. If you can’t make the BBQ, our first training night is on the 18th at 6:30pm at the same location.

We’re looking forward to a great year!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Autumn 2019 Flyer

Administration Night Tomorrow Night

Good morning!

Tomorrow night is our administration night for returning cadets. This is where we fill out all of the necessary paperwork for another training year and put everything in order so that we can get started smoothly.

As I previously mentioned in the WRO, we won’t be charging the $60 annual assessment fee for the Air Cadet League of Canada’s OPC this year, but we still need to participate in OPC lottery ticket sales. This means that you’ll need to bring $60 for your book of OPC lottery tickets, which can be recouped if you choose to sell them all.

As always, we have four fundraising nights throughout the year, but we’re changing the balance a bit by eliminating one weekend of Cadet Tag Days and adding one additional bottle drive:

14 Sep: Autumn Bottle Drive
4-6 Oct: Cadet Tag Days ($100 post-dated attendance cheque required on Administration Night)
11 Jan: Winter Bottle Drive ($100 post-dated attendance cheque required on Administration Night)
25 Apr: Spring Bottle Drive ($100 post-dated attendance cheque required on Administration Night)

Also, in order to minimize the complexity of handling cash for canteen night, we are moving to a “Canteen Card” system. Cadets can purchase a $20 pre-paid card and every canteen item will punch off $1 from the card. Cards will be available from the SSC every Wednesday in September and then on every CO’s Parade night for the remainder of the training year.

Yes, Wednesday is largely an administration night for returning cadets, but if you have a friend who is really interested in our program, don’t think that you have to wait to invite them out. Bring them out tomorrow night and we’ll be happy to have them!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 1 Sep 2019

1 Sep 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

And so it begins…

Between summer training and family activities, I’m hoping everyone had a great summer.

September is here and we’re once again ready to begin a new training year. We’re starting things a bit slower this year and have a few changes lined up to make the squadron’s operation run more smoothly. Further details on that latter bit will be available over the next few days.

Our very first night back will be on 4 Sep at 1830 (6:30pm) and we’ll be focusing on the necessary administration and paperwork. One piece of good news related to this is that we’re scrapping the $60/year fee to join the squadron. More to come. This evening is primarily for returning cadets, but if you know anyone who wants to come out and join, we’re happy to have them out to talk to us and possibly sign up.

The following week, on Monday Night, we’re going to have a supply night. If you have uniform items that don’t fit, this is the time to come in and get them replaced.

On the Wednesday, we have the Snowbirds Airshow during the afternoon and won’t have any training during the evening. We’re still looking for a couple more volunteers to man the Air Cadets information booth for the event. It’s on the afternoon of a school day, so please don’t prioritize Cadets over school. That said, if you can afford to take the time off and come out, by all means, sign up. OCdt Couroux will be having a short Training Cell meeting that day as well. He’ll be putting out further details on this as we get a bit closer.

On Saturday, 14 Sep, we have one of our thrice-annual Bottle Drives at Van Noort Greenhouses. This is an all-hands on-deck event where everyone is expected to attend and support fundraising for squadron activities. We’ll be starting at 0900 (9:00am) and finishing at 1600 (4:00pm) helping our community and ourselves by collecting empty beer, wine, and liquor bottles. Parent volunteers for driving and sorting are welcome and appreciated.

On Sunday, 15 Sep we have our Gliding Familiarization Day at Niagara District Airport from 1300 (1:00pm) to 1600 (4:00pm) and have 10 spots available. Priority goes to junior cadets.

Our proper kick-off of the training year begins on 16 Sep with our Welcome Back BBQ followed by our first proper training night of the year on 18 Sep.

Most of the regular and optional training nights have already been added to the Events Calendar on the web site. We expect to have the full training year uploaded by Wednesday evening.

For volunteering and gliding familiarization sign-ups, the sign-up sheets can be found here.

Remember that you need to be logged into the web site to see sign-up sheets.

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
4 Sep 19

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
4 Sep 19 1830-2100 Wednesday Administration Night 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Supply Night 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian CI Thiffault / CV Carbone
11 Sep 19 Wednesday Snowbirds Airshow! Niagara District Airport C2B Capt Lemoine
14 Sep 19 Saturday Bottle Drive Van Noort Greenhouses (Corner of Hunter and Four Mile Creek Roads) Civilian TBD
15 Sep 19 Sunday Gliding Familiarization Niagara District Airport Civilian 2Lt Nicolescu
16 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Welcome Back BBQ 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Volunteers needed for Snowbirds Event on 11 September

On Wednesday, 11 September, the Canadian Armed Forces’ own 431 Air Demonstration Squadron (better known as The Snowbirds) will be doing a demonstration show. We’re looking for a few enthusiastic volunteers to help out with the information booth from 1400 hours (2:00pm) to 1800 hours (6:00pm). Yes, we know it’s a school day, so we’re not asking for many, but if you can make it, please sign up as soon as you can.

Sign-up sheets (remember that you need to be logged in to see them) are available here: Event Sign-Ups

For those who aren’t volunteering, but want to come to the show, further details will be posted in the next few days.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

70th Canadian International Air Show

70th Annual Canadian International Airshow Volunteer Opportunity (Update)

So far, we’ve had two cadets volunteer for the Canadian International Airshow volunteer opportunity that was posted last month. If there are any other cadets who want to help out with the airshow and spend some time at the Canadian National Exhibition, please sign up here: https://809cadets.ca/events/event-sign-ups/ Admission to both the Airshow and the Exhibition are free for volunteers. Lunch will be served.

I’ll be personally supervising cadets at the event and can provide a ride for up to four volunteers to and from the Exhibition, so there’s no need to worry about how you’re going to get there and back.

Details can be found in the original post: 70th Annual Canadian International Airshow Volunteer Opportunity

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum – Air Force Day

If anyone has a free day on Saturday, consider going to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope.


Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Admission: Adult (age 16+) $20, Child (age 6-15) $15. Museum members and children 5 & under are FREE. Price includes HST.


Meet current members of the Royal Canadian Air Force, see their aircraft up close on the ground and learn the many roles performed by Canada’s air force today.

From modern aircraft from the RCAF to the collection of vintage military aircraft from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, visitors will have a chance to view 50+ military aircraft on the ground close up. The Lancaster will also be open for tours through it.

Flying in for Air Force Day from the Great War Flying Museum will be their Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter and Nieuport 28 World War I replicas. The CASARA Cessna 337G will also be on display. Waterloo Warbirds will be in attendance with their de Havilland Vampire, T-33 ‘Mako Shark’, Mig 15, along with a Harvard Mk. II and Tiger Moth. Confirmed to date from the RCAF: CC-130J Hercules and CC-150 Polaris.

At 1:30pm the museum will officially dedicate the Dakota FZ692. A D-Day Veteran, FZ692 flew 16 operational trips with the RAF and 208 with 437 RCAF Squadron during World War II.

Also, don’t forget to try the Lancaster Virtual Reality Experience – “1943 Berlin Blitz”. It’s FREE with admission and only available until August 31. For ages 13+.

If you don’t already have plans for Saturday, this sounds like a lot of fun. Being able to actually board the Lancaster is worth the price of admission alone.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS