Updated Dress Instructions

Good morning.

Updated Dress Instructions have been posted and are available here: Dress Instructions. There aren’t many changes to how the uniform is worn, but the numbered orders of dress have been completely reworked. For your reference, a cheat-sheet has also been posted here: Numbered Orders of Dress (2019). We will be adhering to the new dress instructions as of today and will be using the new numbered orders in all further communications, so it’s important to become familiar with them.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 22 Sep 2019

22 Sep 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

This past week represented good growth for 809. We had six new cadets sign up for our program and we’re really excited to see their contributions over the upcoming years. Welcome to the squadron!

That said, we can always make room for more! If you have friends who you think would enjoy what we do, invite them out while we’re still early in our training year.

Sunday’s Decoration Day ceremony was well-represented by 809’s cadets. We had eight cadets sign up for the event but had 11 on parade! To all of the cadets who participated, whether you signed up or made the last-minute decision to come, thank you.

This week, we have our first Drill Team practice on Monday from 1900-2000, followed by squadron sports from 2000-2100. Wednesday, for our regular training night, we’ll be conducting our first Effective Speaking class with Mrs. Gowans for our level two cadets. We’ll also have Capt Hollands, our Zone Training Officer visiting us from Toronto to see how we’re doing.

Next week, beyond our mandatory and optional training nights, we have our Cadet Tag Days fundraiser. This serves two purposes. There’s the obvious fundraising component that helps pay for many of our training activities, but it also gets us out in our community and reminds everyone of who we are. More than one cadet has joined us after seeing cadets participating in Cadet Tag Day activities. Every cadet needs to sign up for two shifts for the weekend. Those who sign up for both shifts on Saturday will have lunch provided. Sign-up sheets can be found here: https://809cadets.ca/events/event-sign-ups/.

Remember that you need to be logged into the web site to see the sign-up sheets.

One last thing. We’re no longer posting the Wednesday night training schedule in the Weekly Routine Orders. In order to see what’s being taught to whom, refer to the Events Calendar for full details. It can be found here: Events Calendar.

Training Night
25 Sep 19

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3F: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3F: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Nicolescu

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
23 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian OCdt Couroux
25 Sep 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C2B/C4A 2Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
30 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian Capt Lemoine
1 Oct 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C2B/C4A CI Carbone
3-5 Oct 19 Friday-Sunday Cadet Tag Days Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 C1 Various

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Decoration Day

A reminder for those cadets who signed up for today’s Decoration Day ceremony:

Decoration Day
2019/09/22 1400-1600
Niagara Lakeshore Cemetery, 1483 Lakeshore Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0, Canada

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress

If you haven’t signed up, but are available to participate, please come out and support our Legion.

I will be on site at 1330 (1:30pm) and request that cadets arrive no later than 1345 (1:45pm) for the event.

Refreshments will be served at the Legion on King Street following the ceremony. Cadets are, of course, invited but will have to arrange their own transportation.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Reminder: Dress for Tonight

Per this week’s WRO and the Calendar Entry for tonight’s event, dress is C2A for Sgts an above, and C4A for FCpls and below. CAF members should be in 3B. We’re greeting our community tonight and should look our best.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 15 Sep 2019

15 Sep 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

I have it on good authority that while I was away at the Commanding Officers’ Conference, we had a really successful bottle drive. Thanks to our dedicated SSC members, our cadets, the Van Noort family, and everyone else who made it out and contributed to its success. I’m hoping we’ll have some final numbers sometime in the next week.

We also managed to get a good gliding day in despite the threatening weather, apparently getting the last flight down before the rain began. The timing was perfect!

My personal thanks go out to Lt Russell and 2Lt Nicolescu respectively for supervising these events.

This week, we’re getting a full start on our training year. On Monday, we’ll have our Welcome BBQ, so if you know any potential cadets who might be interested in coming out and seeing what we’re all about, this is the time to invite them out. On Wednesday, we have our first regular training night of the year, so come eager to learn.

The following week on Sunday 22 Sep, the Royal Canadian Legion has asked us to send a contingent of cadets to participate in their Decoration Day Ceremony from 1400 (2:00pm) to 1600 (4:00pm). Any cadets who are available to co0me out and help support the legion should sign up here: Event Sign-Ups.

Remember that you need to be logged into the web site to see the sign-up sheets.

See you tomorrow night!

Training Night
18 Sep 19

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Welcome Back BBQ 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine
11 Sep 19 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C2B/C4A Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 Sep 19 Sunday Decoration Day Ceremony Niagara-on-the-Lake Lakeshore Cemetery C1 Capt Lemoine
23 Sep 19 1900-2100 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian OCdt Couroux
25 Sep 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C2B/C4A 2Lt Nicolescu

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Update

The Gliding Commanding Center has informed us that the weather prediction indicates probable showers around 2 pm today, Sunday Sept 15th. As such, the gliding crew has agreed in order to facilitate the activity for our cadets to skip lunch and start flying us sooner if we can be there around 12 pm at the Niagara District Airport. It is short notice but we can try.  I am heading there as we speak and will be waiting for the cadets who can arrive earlier and organize early flights with Capt Stevenson. If you cannot make it sooner, I will still meet you at 12:45 in the terminal and hope the weather will allow us to fly as many cadets as possible.

2Lt Nicolescu

Gliding Today

For those cadets who signed up for gliding today at the Niagara District Airport , we begin at 1300 (1:00pm) and so you should arrive at 1245h (12:45pm) and meet 2Lt Nicolescu at the main terminal. Dress: civilian appropriate for weather. (This means that you should wear sunscreen and a hat.) We’ll be finished around 1600 (4:00pm).

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

SSC Message: Bottle Drive

Call out to all cadet parents.  We appear to have a bumper crop of bottles this time around so we are going to try and squeak 3 trucks out in addition to full-on cadet collection.

This will take a maximum amount of parent power!!!!

Can you please confirm for me tonight (email coryabt@hotmail.comhow many adults will be coming out on Saturday morning and if you are able to drive cadets for bottle pickups.

We are going to have a small squad starting early and everyone else should be on-site at VanNoorts by 8:45am….we want to get the cadets going by 9:00am.

If you have a hand dolly that you can bring for the day please do so and we will endeavour to save as many backs as possible.

Should we have enough people and are as industrious as I know we can be, even with 3 trucks we should be able to get out early!

This one sets the tone for the year so let’s make this one GOOD!

Cory Abt
SSC Chair

Careers in Aviation 2019

Careers in Aviation Expo 2019

Forwarded from Mr. Robinson at WINGS Magazine:

WINGS Magazine is providing free tickets to Air Cadet Squadrons based in Southwestern Ontario for the upcoming Careers in Aviation Expo 2019 at WestJet’s 737 hangar in Mississauga, 21 Sep 2019.

 We hope you will share this opportunity with your squadron. Cadets can use the code CADET19 to sign up for free on our registration page. A parent is also welcome to attend using the code to help cadets access facility. Cadets are encouraged to wear their uniforms, but it is not required.


Highlights of the event include:

Free lunch and refreshments
More than 35 leading aviation industry exhibitors
  • Five keynote sessions with industry leaders, including
  • Charles Duncan, Chief Strategy Officer, WestJet
  • Edward Hoskin, VP of Engineering, Pratt & Whitney Canada
  • NEW BREAKOUT SESSIONS to explore specific career options with a small group led by a mentor, such as pilots, AMEs, HR professionals, &c

Please note: The Breakout Sessions are currently full, but we are working to accommodate everyone on the waiting list.

Cadets can reach out to me directly with any questions.

Thank you,
Jon Robinson | Editor
Annex Business Media, Toronto, ON • 647-448-6188

2019/2020 Ground School Begins Tonight

For those of you who signed up for 23 Squadron’s Ground School tonight, I have a location update.

Classes will be held at Pine Grove Public School (690 Lake Street, St. Catharines, ON L2N 4J5) and not at 23 Squadron HQ as previously indicated.

Students should be at the school with their materials no later than 1815 (6:15pm) for an 1830 (6:30pm) start.

Good luck to each of you on this year’s studies!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS