The Latest News

Good afternoon.

As I’m sure most of you are already aware, the announcement came out yesterday that the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers program has been suspended until 31 August 2020. This wasn’t the news that any of us were hoping for, though it makes complete sense when we consider the circumstances we find ourselves in as a society.

For those of you who haven’t already heard the announcement from BGen Cochrane, the Commander of the National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group can be seen here:

The full general order can be found here:


The loss of the remainder of the 2019/2020 training year is hard to take, and the loss of our summer training program even more so. That said, this does not mean that we’re just going to sit and wait to see what happens next. This has never been our approach and we’re not going to start down that road now. A number of things need to be addressed immediately, like:

  • What happens with Merit Review Boards (MRBs) for Warrant Officer Promotions?
    These are still on the table, though they will be conducted virtually.
  • What happens to our Squadron Awards Banquet and the Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) now?
    The actual ceremonies are off of the table, but the awards are still being calculated and tallied. When they’ll be announced/presented is up for some discussion amongst the staff and SSC.
  • What happens to our training year?
    All cadets will be marked as having completed their training year. We’re still going to run through a few exercises like the Combined Aviation Subjects review and exam as an optional activity, just because this knowledge is highly recommended for all L3/L4 cadets, especially those who are interested in pilot training next summer.
  • What activities can we participate in while we’re isolating?
    That’s still under some discussion, but we’re going to have some answers on this soon. We’ve got our current Anniversary Pin competition underway already and have some more in mind. We may also be able to adapt some activities such as the Aerospace Club to an on-line format. Movie watch parties and gaming guilds are possibilities too. If you have any suggestions or want to run something yourselves, we’re open to input from the cadets and parents as always.

This is our opportunity to come together (virtually) and show leadership by presenting a positive attitude through all of this. This too shall pass. When it does, we all need to be able to look back on this and know that we did something to make it bearable to ourselves and our peers.

We won’t let this situation break us. Like the phoenix in our squadron crest, we will rise from this… immortal.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 12 Apr 2020

14 Apr 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

It took a little longer than expected to get everything together, but we have our Google Classroom / Meet setup ready to try out. We’re a week late from the L3/L4 combined subjects review and exam schedule posted last week, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

Now, I need to clarify things a bit. When the COVID-19 emergency was declared, the entire cadet training program was suspended. Our orders are that no mandatory training is to be conducted during this period, so:

  • Any activities that we schedule virtually are optional.
  • Any cadet who chooses not to participate will not be penalized in any way.

We intend to use the Classroom system in the new year for managing information related to our training, so a live test with some of the actual material will be useful. Any cadet who participates and takes the L3 or L4 Combined Aviation Subjects exam will have their results recorded for their level progression. Cadets who do not participate will be given the opportunity to complete this portion of their training when we resume normal activities.

If you are an L3 or L4 cadet and are interested in participating, please email me and OCdt Couroux and let us know so that we can generate an email address for you and add you to the Classroom. At the same time, please begin studying for the exam with the following material:

PROFICIENCY LEVEL 3 Aviation Subjects Handbook
PROFICIENCY LEVEL 4 Aviation Subjects Handbook

We’re looking to have an online review session on the 22nd of the month and to conduct the exam on the 29th. OCdt Couroux will follow up with further details.

We still haven’t received any submissions for next year’s Anniversary Pin. If you’ve got ideas and a little bit of spare time, this is the perfect opportunity to put something together. The original deadline for submissions was to be tomorrow, but I’m sure we can push that out under the circumstances. For reference, here’s a link to the original post:

Anniversary Pin Competition

We’re still waiting for information on whether or not our cadet activity will resume after our current 30 April date, but have been told that more information will be coming this week. I’ll keep you informed as I have more information.

If you have any questions, please email me directly.

Stay put and stay safe.

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 Apr 2020 1900 Wednesday L3/L4 Combined Aviation Subjects Q&A Hangouts Meet N/A OCdt Couroux
29 Apr 2020 1900 Wednesday L3/L4 Combined Aviation Subjects Exam Hangouts Meet N/A OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 5 Apr 2020

5 Apr 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

Thank you to everyone who submitted your feedback about on-line training. Your responses and comments have given us some clarification on how to move forward. There’s a lot of potential in this, but it takes a long time to get everything set up correctly. In the short term, here’s what we’re going to be doing:

The only mandatory training items remaining in the year are the Level 3 and Level 4 Combined Aviation Subjects Exams. OCdt Couroux is going to be working with Google Classroom and Hangouts Meet to set up the necessary framework for a couple of on-line review sessions on 15 and 22 April and an on-line exam on 29 April.

Going forward, we may continue to use Google Classroom as a resource for organizing supplemental class material and for other functions like quizzes, but we’ll likely keep actual on-line training sessions as an option to be used only when strictly necessary.

We haven’t received further word as to whether or not our cadet activity will resume after our current 30 April date, nor whether summer training will be affected, but I’m optimistic that the Regional Cadet Support Unit will be able to salvage as much of our program as they can from the current circumstances.

In the meantime, as soon as we have further information, we’ll be sure to post it so that you’re aware.

Stay put and stay safe.

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
15 Apr 2020 1900 Wednesday L3/L4 Combined Aviation Subjects Review Hangouts Meet N/A OCdt Couroux
22 Apr 2020 1900 Wednesday L3/L4 Combined Aviation Subjects Review Hangouts Meet N/A OCdt Couroux
29 Apr 2020 1900 Wednesday L3/L4 Combined Aviation Subjects Exam Hangouts Meet N/A OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 29 Mar 2020

29 Mar 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

Another week has gone by and I hope everyone is managing to stay upbeat despite the physical isolation. It’s not an easy task, I’m confident that each of you is showing leadership and setting a good example for your peers and our community.

Updates have come down from the National Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group that the cadet program will remain suspended until at least 30 Apr 2020. This is somewhat disappointing, but understandable and entirely necessary if we’re to ensure that COVID-19 is going to be controlled. As a result, there will be no training nights or supplemental in-person cadet activities for the month of April. We’re looking into options for finishing out our year properly if this becomes extended into May and will keep you informed as we know more.

Last week, I put out a survey to see how many cadets have the ability to participate in on-line training. To date, we’ve had seven (7) responses. This is a good beginning, but I don’t want to go down the path of developing something unless I’m certain that a majority of the unit can participate. If you haven’t replied yet, please do so as soon as you can.

Looking forward to seeing everyone either on-line or when the current situation passes.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 22 Mar 2020

22 Mar 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

We’re one week into our three-week extended March Break and suspension of the cadet program nationwide. I hope everyone is doing well and taking all necessary precautions in order to stay healthy and avoid spreading infection to others. It’s a trying time for everyone, but each of you has shown that you have the self-discipline to weather this and serve as good examples to others.

We’re still on track for our program to resume during the week of 5 Apr 2020, but expect to have a number of factors to consider before we can safely do so. I don’t have any current updates from our chain of command, but will ensure that these get out to everyone as soon as I receive them.

In the event that the date for resuming training is pushed out, we’re exploring other options. One of these is use of Google Classroom to deliver at least some of our training on-line. This isn’t really workable unless a significant number of you have the necessary computer access to make this work. I’ve added a survey below to get a feel for whether this is feasible or not. Please fill it in at your earliest opportunity.

We’re still looking for submissions for our 50th Anniversary Pin, so if you’re artistically inclined that’s a great use for any spare time you might find that you have. The deadline may be pushed out a bit, but the contest is still on!

2Lt Nicolescu sent this over to me the other day, just to keep your head-space as a cadet and have a little fun while we’re all being careful.

Cadet Isolation Crossword

Looking forward to seeing everyone when circumstances allow.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

COVID-19 Follow-Up

Good afternoon.

The COVID-19 concerns have reached the point where our National Commander, Brigadier General Cochrane, has ordered a suspension of the entire cadet program throughout the country for the next three weeks. The full text of his decision can be found below.

This cancels the social night that was proposed for next week and all mandatory and optional training up to 3 April 2020. Pending further development, we’ll be back for optional training night on 6 April 2020.

In the meantime, stay home and stay safe. Updates will be sent periodically over the next three weeks as more information becomes available.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Sent on behalf of BGen D.B. Cochrane, Comd Natl CJCR Sp Gp



Refs: A. CATO 14-06 Training or Recreational Trips
C. 3350-Op LASER 20-01

  1. In response to developments in the outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the Natl CJCR Sp Gp has CANCELLED ALL CADET ACTIVITIES, including local training, for three weeks effective immediately. Prior to Friday, April 03, 2020, further direction will be provided, including the potential for this cancellation to be extended.
  2. The National Cadet and Junior Canadian Rangers Support Group (Natl CJCR Sp Gp) has been directed to adopt an aggressive posture to minimize personnel risk of exposure and to prevent the CAF and cadets from becoming a transmission vector. As such, CANCDTGEN 010/20 was released on March 12, 2020 issuing amplifying direction related to the execution of Cadet and Junior Canadian Ranger (JCR) activities, and preventative measures to better protect CAF members, cadets and JCRs and their families from COVID-19.
  3. The safety and welfare of all who participate in our programs is always our top priority, as such we take very seriously our responsibility to protect cadets from any real or apparent health or safety concern.
  4. The Natl CJCR Sp Gp is collaborating with Department of National Defence and CAF as well as with other federal departments in order to maintain proper situational awareness on the COVID-19 situation in Canada and globally to synchronize interdepartmental response under the lead of Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada. As a result, the situation is continuously being monitored and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.
  5. All available and updated information for the Natl CJCR Sp Gp response to COVID-19 can be found on the CCO net at: http://collaboration.cco.nat/sites/NAT/SitePages/covid19.aspx

COVID-19 Response

As I’m sure you’re already aware, there have been a number of precautionary measures put in place to ensure that COVID-19 does not spread uncontrollably through the population.

The cadet program, being mindful of the well-being of our cadets, is taking similar measures. At present, this means that we are still conducting our mandatory and optional training nights, but most other activities have been suspended.

For the moment, this means that senior cadets who have been participating in C7 familiarization should NOT attend the SAT session at the Lake Street Armoury. This has been postponed to a later date to be determined.

We’re expecting to receive further clarification on local activities tomorrow. Once we have that, we’ll put together an update on how that affects our upcoming training nights.

Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email or phone.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 8 Mar 2020

8 Mar 2020

RO Number

CO’s Message

We’re down to our last training week before March Break.

Drill and Sports will be on Monday, as usual, followed by our regular training night on Wednesday.

The announcement has already gone out for our 50th Anniversary pin competition and we’re looking forward to the exciting ideas our cadets will be putting forward. There will be prizes!

March Break activities are low-key this year. We’re looking at the possibility of a board game night and possibly a movie night on the nights that we would normally be doing optional and regular training. Cadets will be polled on Wednesday for availability and interest.

Senior cadets who are eligible for C7 training with the Lincoln and Welland Regiment will be meeting OCdt Couroux at the Lake Street Armoury for training from 1730-2200 (5:30pm-10:00pm). This will be followed up by the SAT simulation range at the Lake Street Armoury from 0830-1630 (8:30am to 4:30pm) with 2lt Nicolescu. Arrive no later than 15 minutes before training in both cases. Arrive already fed on Monday and bring a packed lunch on Saturday.

See you all this week!

Training Night
11 Mar 2020

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgts, FSgts, and WOs
C3D: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, and FCpls

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
9 Mar 2020
Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
9 Mar 2020
Monday C7 Familiarization Training (Selected Cadets) Lake Street Armoury Civilian OCdt Couroux
11 Mar 2020
Wednesday Mandatory Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D Capt Lemoine
14 Mar 2020
Saturday C7 SAT Range (Selected Cadets) Lake Street Armoury Civilian 2Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
16-20 Mar 2020 Monday-Friday March Break – No Training      

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS