Category Archives: Training

Level 4 Leadership Presentation

All Level 4’s are reminded to be prepared for their presentation on a leader of their choice.
Please ensure you contact the office tonight if you require any multimedia devices for your presentation (which I hope you do!)

We’re all looking forward to seeing who you’ve chosen and why.

M. Russell
Training Officer
809 Newark Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 10 Dec 17

10 Dec 17

RO Number

Mandatory Training Date
13 Dec 17

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Nicolescu
Duty NCM:


  Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO ES410.00 M107.06 M108.04
Description Effective Speaking Summer Training Drill
Instructor Mrs. Gowans
Level Two PO/EO ES410.00 C240.02a C240.02b
Description Effective Speaking Aerospace Aerospace
Instructor Mrs. Gowans
Level Three PO/EO ES410.00 M309.07b M309.07c
Description Effective Speaking Instructional Techniques Instructional Techniques
Instructor Mrs. Gowans
Level Four PO/EO ES410.00 M403.05a M403.05b
Description Effective Speaking Leadership Leadership
Instructor Mrs. Gowans

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
11 Dec 17 1900-2000 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
11 Dec 17 2000-2100 Monday Aviation and Aerospace Club 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OPI
19 Dec 17 1900-2000 Monday Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
19 Dec 17 2000-2100 Monday Aviation and Aerospace Club 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
20 Dec 17 1830-2100 Wednesday Squadron Mess Dinner Grace United Church C8 Capt Lemoine

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 3 Dec 17

3 Dec 17

RO Number

Mandatory Training Date
6 Dec 17

CAF Member Dress
Operational Dress (CADPAT)

Cadet Dress
Sports Attire: All Cadets

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Carbone
Duty NCM:


    Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO MX04.03a MX04.03b MX04.03c
PO Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Instructor All Staff All Staff All Staff
Level Two PO/EO MX04.03a MX04.03b MX04.03c
PO Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Instructor All Staff All Staff All Staff
Level Three PO/EO MX04.03a MX04.03b MX04.03c
PO Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Instructor All Staff All Staff All Staff
Level Four PO/EO MX04.03a MX04.03b MX04.03c
PO Description Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
Instructor All Staff All Staff All Staff

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Timings Activity Location Dress OPI
4 Dec 17 Monday 1900-2000 Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
4 Dec 17 Monday 2000-2100 Aviation and Aerospace Club 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
9 Dec 17 Saturday 1000-1200 Christmas Parade Niagara-on-the-Lake C3 Lt Russell

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Timings Activity Location Dress OPI
11 Dec 17 Monday 1900-2000 Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
11 Dec 17 Monday 2000-2100 Aviation and Aerospace Club 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 26 Nov 17

26 Nov 17

RO Number

Mandatory Training Date
29 Nov 17

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Lemoine
Duty NCM:


    Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Level One PO/EO M100.04a M100.04b M130.04
PO Description PSRY Training PSRY Training Aviation
Instructor CV Nicolescu CV Nicolescu OCdt Couroux
Level Two PO/EO M240.03 M270.01a M270.01b
PO Description Aerospace Aircraft Manufacturing Aircraft Manufacturing
Level Three PO/EO M309.06b C340.08 M309.07a
PO Description Instructional Techniques Space Exploration Instructional Techniques
Instructor Lt Russell
Level Four PO/EO M403.04a M403.04b C460.01
PO Description Leadership Leadership Aerodrome Operations

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Timings Activity Location Dress OPI
27 Nov 17 Monday 1900-2000 Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
27 Nov 17 Monday 2000-2100 Squadron Sports 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
1 Dec 17 Friday 1600-1800 Cadet Tag Day 809 HQ (REIA) C1 CV Nicolescu
2 Dec 17 Saturday 0900-1300 Cadet Tag Day 809 HQ (REIA) C1 Lt Russell
2 Dec 17 Saturday 1200-1600 Cadet Tag Day 809 HQ (REIA) C1 OCdt Couroux
3 Dec 17 Sunday 1200-1600 Cadet Tag Day 809 HQ (REIA) C1 Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Timings Activity Location Dress OPI
4 Dec 17 Monday 1900-2000 Drill Team Practice 809 HQ (REIA) Boots/Wedge OCdt Couroux
4 Dec 17 Monday 2000-2100 Aviation and Aerospace Club 809 HQ (REIA) Civilian Capt Lemoine
9 Dec 17 Saturday 1000-1200 Christmas Parade Niagara-on-the-Lake TBA Lt Russell

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer, 809 “Newark” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (RCACS)
Canadian Armed Forces / Telephone: 905-468-7584

This Week

Thanks to all of the cadets and staff who participated in the flurry of pre-Remembrance Day activities on the weekend. Between the various Royal Canadian Legion events (the Poppy Campaign, and the Veterans’ Dinner and Luncheon) and the Grace United Church Remembrance Service, the complements on the cadets’ contributions were almost non-stop. Well done!

We have one more week to go before the November schedule relaxes somewhat. This week’s training details, parades, and community events have been posted to the calendar and can be found below.

Wednesday: Training Night
Friday and Saturday: Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades
Sunday: St. Mark’s Church Service (for cadets who attended the Vimy 100 Trip)

In other good news, we now have the training schedule with instructors posted for the remainder of the calendar year and are committing to have the first three months of 2018’s schedule posted by the beginning of December.

Remember that you have to be signed into the web page to see instructors’ names in the training schedule and to have access to the signup sheets.

Tomorrow Night’s Training

Hopefully everyone is recovered from the weekend’s FTX. Don’t forget that we’re switching to Winter Dress tomorrow night.

C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

The full details and schedule for tomorrow night can be found here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out tomorrow.

This Week (Links Corrected)

Despite a bit of cold and wet weather, this last weekend’s FTX was enjoyed by all. Thanks to all of the staff who contributed to its success.

This week’s training details and community events have been posted to the calendar and can be found below.

Wednesday: Training Night
Saturday and Sunday: Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign
Saturday: Royal Canadian Legion Veterans’ Dinner
Sunday: Royal Canadian Legion Veterans’ Luncheon
Sunday: Grace United Church Remembrance Service

For the Saturday and Sunday events, there are specific sign-up sheets in each calendar entry. Paper sign-up sheets will also be provided on Wednesday night.

Remember that you have to be signed into the web page to see instructors’ names in the training schedule and to have access to the signup sheets.

Monday Night Training

Remember that tonight is modified due to the Change of Command parade on Wed.


Parade Practice: 8-9pm – for all FSgts & WOII ONLY.

There is NO range tonight- it will resume shortly.

Training Night and Merit Review Boards (Updated)

Duty Officer
CI Carbone

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

The training schedule can be found on this evening’s calendar entry here.

Merit Review Boards
In addition to our regular training this evening, there will be a set of Merit Review Boards for promotion from WO2 to WO1 and from FSgt to WO2. We are planning interviews as follows for the eligible cadets.

  1. WO2 Giansante
  2. FSgt Griffin
  3. FSgt Lett
  4. FSgt Zalepa

All interviews will be 10-15 minutes long. Dress for the interview is C1, so participating cadets should bring their tunic (with medals) and tie on a hangar.

The Area representative for the board is Maj Lisa LaCombe. There will be two other members on the board:

  1. At least one representative from OPC: a member of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee; and
  2. A staff officer from the squadron: not the Commanding Officer (CO).

The following information will be presented to the board:

  • A copy of the Cadet’s FORTRESS record;
  • The cadet’s personnel file;
  • Attendance records for the cadet as published from FORTRESS for the last two years;
  • All previous Cadet Summer Training Centre (CSTC) course reports;
  • A listing of the national, regional and Niagara Air Group (NAG) directed activities they have participated in the last two years;
  • Uniform inspection marks for the previous training year;
  • Any blue and/or red chits as found in their personnel file; and
  • Any other pertinent information the CO wishes the board to consider.

Cadets should have a quick review of C407.01 prior to their MRB.

Training Night Tonight (11-Oct)

Tonight will be a relaxed night of Range, Sports and potentially a Video from the recent BBC documentary “Astronauts: Do You Have What it Takes

Normal Parade Night timings in effect

All Cadets: Civilian Sports attire


A reminder to cadets and parents: please ensure there is an Officer on-site before leaving your cadet at the Squadron. Our cadets need to be supervised while at cadet trg and inside the school. The Duty Officer is at the squadron by 615pm – but must open all rooms/lights etc and cadets should not arrive prior to 620pm.