Category Archives: Training

Wednesday Training Night

DETACHMENT LONDON VISIT: make sure your uniform is FANTASTIC. Polish those boots. Need some pointers? Go here:

Duty Officer

CI Ruttan

** Cadet Squadron Commander, Duty NCM and Canteen NCM: please report to Capt Palumbo upon arrival. **



Can’t wait to see you out tonight at the joint FTX with 87 Welland Air Cadet Sqn. Range, Survival Skills, Leadership taskings, Game of Life, MREs


TIMINGS: Fri 7pm Parent DROP-OFF  at 62 Squadron HQ in Grimsby. 105 Mountain Rd

Please be sure to check in with Capt Lemoine upon arrival tonight. Parents please do not leave before they do so – DON’T FORGET YOUR HEALTH CARDS!!!!!

Sun 2pm PICK-UP at 62 Squadron HQ 105 Mountain Rd Grimsby

DRESS: civilian appropriate to weather; olive drab combat clothing with air cadet uniform ranks, blue beret and combat boots (own purchase and optional); OFFICERS: CADPAT

Due to expected overnight weather temp we will be sleeping INDOORS. Temps will range from -6C to 9C throughout the wknd. PACK ACCORDINGLY. Rain and snow are both expected – we will train regardless.

PARENTS: the cadets and staff always love to have some treats from home while we are out in the field – if you can contribute to the cause please feel free to bring brownies, cookies, timbits, or any other dessert you love to bake or buy (nut free please!). Please don’t forget HEALTH CARDS (no HC = no FTX).

Remembrance Day Parade

A big thank you to all those cadets, parents, staff and sponsors who helped make this year’s parade such a resounding success.

Thank you for the breakfast items that were donated, thank you for driving cadets to and from the cenotaph, thank you for making sure we had great participation from the squadron both at the Town and Queenston parades, and at schools in NOTL.

See here the news coverage of the event: 201411141328

Congratulations to all of our cadets for doing their best, and representing the squadron so well.

Monday Night Trg, Remembrance Day Vigil & Parade

Remembrance Day Vigil: Mon 10 Nov 14, 7-9pm, Meet at Sqn. Arrive in civilian dress with UNIFORM C-1 on a hangar, bring parka, parade boots and toque. Range and Rifle drill practice for the parade/vigil on Monday night then sleepover, followed by the Vigil which will begin at sunrise on Tuesday. Breakfast is provided by the parents/sponsoring committee.



Remembrance Day Parade: Tues 11 Nov 14, VIGIL from 7am-1030am, PARADE from 1030-1130am at NOTL Clock Tower, Queenston from 1230-130pm, PARENT PICK-UP from LEGION at 230pm; Dress: C-1 with parka and toque.

SCHOOL ABSENCE LETTER here: Permission-Form-Remembrance-Day-2014

Any and all questions/concerns may be directed to either myself, Capt Palumbo @ tammypalumbo@yahoo,ca. It is going to be a busy couple of days at the Sqn, your patience and understanding as we try to make this the most positive experience possible is appreciated.


Poppy Sales: Sat 8 Nov 14, 10-12 & 12-2pm Meet at Sqn, Dress C-1 with parka and toque – sign up list here:

Grace United Church: Sun 9 Nov 14, 10-1130am. Meet at Grace United Church NOTL, Dress C-1 – sign-up list here: 

Remembrance Day Vigil: Mon 10 Nov 14, 7-9pm, Meet at Sqn. Arrive in civilian dress with UNIFORM C-1 on a hangar, bring parka and toque. KIT LIST here:REMEMBRANCE DAY VIGIL KIT LIST 2014 PARENT Sign-up for BREAKFAST here: SIGN UP FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY_2014

Remembrance Day Parade: Tues 11 Nov 14, VIGIL from 7am-1030am, PARADE from 1030-1130am at NOTL Clock Tower, Queenston from 1-2pm, PARENT PICK-UP from LEGION at 230pm; Dress: C-1 with parka and toque. SCHOOL ABSENCE LETTER here: Permission-Form-Remembrance-Day-2014

FTX: 21-22-23 Nov 14, Drop-off at 62 Sqn 105 Mountain Rd Grimsby 7pm on Fri, pick-up on Sun at 2pm. Op Order detailing trg expectations and timings/locations here: 87 & 809 Sqn Trg Wknd Ops Order NOV 2014 revised

SUMMER TRAINING: Please find the NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK here: 2015 National Courses HB it contains all relevant information regarding the new application process for 2015.

Any and all questions/concerns may be directed to either myself, Capt Palumbo @ tammypalumbo@yahoo,ca, or to the event OPI (contact info provided above). It is going to be a busy few days at the Sqn, your patience and understanding as we try to make this the most positive experience possible is appreciated.

CO’s Parade Tonight

Tonight is a Commanding Officer’s Parade night. Trg schedule as per calendar.

Duty Officer Capt Jarrell

Dress C-1 for everyone

Don’t forget: next Monday is the Remembrance Day Vigil. 7-9pm Monday night trg with Range and Rifle Drill, followed by a sleepover on Monday night at the cadet hall, breakfast in the morning provided by the Sponsoring Committe/Parent donations, vigil at cenotaph begins at sunrise.  Shifts are organized in 30 min intervals. Cenotaph Vigil 2014

PARENT DRIVERS to transport cadets from the cadet hall to the cenotaph and back again are required. Please let Capt Palumbo know tonight if you can help or by email: 

Duke of Edinburgh Award

For those cadets who expressed interest last night, the following link provides further information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme.

Duke of Edinburgh Award – Ontario Division

In order to pay and register for the award programme, the following process needs to be followed:

  1. Pay on-line at the Duke of Edinburgh Award On-line Payment page.
    • Select that you would like to use the on-line record book;
    • Indicate your level:
      14 year old cadets should select Bronze,
      15 year old cadets should select Silver,
      and 16+ year old cadets should select Gold;
    • Provide “RCACS 809 Newark” as your group;
    • Pay the $30 registration fee via the provided PayPal link.
  2. Register on-line at the Duke of Edinburgh Award On-line Registration page.
    • Indicate that you are registering as a new award participant and continue;
    • Select your award unit:
      International Region: Americas,
      Country: Canada,
      Operating Authority: Ontario,
      Sub-operating Authority: Central Ontario (L Postal Code),
      Award Unit: RCACS 809 Newark;
    • Complete your registration by providing relevant details and consent on the next page. (In order to streamline the administrative overhead of this process as much as possible, parents/guardians should submit their consent via email.)

Interested cadets will be meeting with me briefly on Monday evening to discuss next steps.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach me directly.

Capt Lemoine

Wed Night Training

Bring your best uniform yet: polish your boots, iron your pants, get a haircut. Dress to impress.

Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo

  • Dress
    New Recruits: white shirt, black pants, tie OR C-3 Routine Training Dress (Check the dress regulations under CADETS – DRESS REGULATIONS-NUMBERED ORDERS OF DRESS page 5 on the website) – do not mix uniform with non-uniform clothing parts.
  • LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C-3
  • Sgt, FSgt, WOII: C-2

Wed Night Trg & Field Training Exercise


Duty Officer 

CV Ruttan

Duty NCM

FCpl Stearns

Canteen NCM

FCpl Lemoine

  • Dress
    New Recruits: white shirt, black pants, tie OR C-3 Routine Training Dress (Check the dress regulations under NUMBERED ORDERS OF DRESS on the website)LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C-3

    Sgt, FSgt, WOII: C-2


KIT LIST ANNEX C KIT LIST FALL FTX amended ** kit list has been updated please check!!

TIMINGS: please read carefully. Only cadets on the Advanced Party are authorized to be on-site prior to 7pm on Fri.  Bring your cadet into the parking lot, then over the bridge and to the RIGHT to the POTLATCH. Make sure they are checked in with an Officer from 809 Sqn before leaving.

  • Fri 7pm DROP-OFF  at Wetaskiwin Scout Camp in St. Catharines
  • Sun 2pm PICK-UP at Wetaskiwin Scout Camp

DRESS: civilian appropriate to weather; olive drab combat clothing with air cadet uniform ranks, blue beret and combat boots (own purchase and optional); OFFICERS: CADPAT

PARENTS: the cadets and staff always love to have some treats from home while we are out in the field – if you can contribute to the cause please feel free to bring brownies, cookies, timbits, or any other dessert you love to bake or buy (nut free please!). Capt Palumbo loves anything with chocolate. 😉

Fall 2014 – Field Training Exercise

As promised during our closing parade announcements last night, the kit list and location for our upcoming FTX are available.

You will find all necessary information under the event itself in the Calendar.

Parents are expected to drop off and pick up their cadets from the Wetaskiwin Scout Camp.  Timings shown in the calendar are tentative and will be confirmed during closing parade next Wednesday (22-Oc).

It is very important for the cadets to watch the weather reports leading up to the exercise.  Cadets will be sleeping in tents and we will train rain or shine.

I hope you’re as excited about this exercise as the staff is.  1-1/2 weeks to go!