Category Archives: Training

Cadet Cell Phones & Laptops

Effective immediately, all cadets will be required to surrender their device upon entering the building for the remainder of the night.

There is no reason for a cadet to have a cell phone out during classroom instruction, on the drill square, or during cadet training. All phone calls that need to be made can be done through the squadron telephone, or at the beginning or end of the night on the cellphone, before they arrive or after closing parade.  Laptops for classroom use are not required. Cadets need only to request one from the office and bring their relevant teaching material on a USB. If homework is a concern, consider missing the cadet night to complete your assignment in a distraction-free environment, managing your time differently, or prioritizing upcoming events.

Parents who need to contact their cadet during training are asked to use the cadet squadron office phone 905-468-7584, the Commanding Officer’s cellphone 289-783-1942, or email

If you have a question or concern about this policy, please contact the Commanding Officer during office hours Mon 7-9pm or Wed 615-930pm at the numbers/email listed above. Thank you for your understanding as we endeavour to ensure your cadet’s experience is the best one possible.

March Break Trip Parent Briefing

Parents of cadets attending, please join us for the March Break Briefing, Wed 11 Mar 15 – the Wed night prior to departure.

Meet in Classroom #1 at 7pm. This is a mandatory briefing for all parents of cadets attending the trip. We need to pass on important information about the trip, the safety and care of the cadets who are participating. Please make plans to attend.

Capt Lemoine will lead the briefing and will provide you with the Parent Trip Package at this meeting.

WINTER FTX – Sat 28 Feb & Sun 1 Mar 2015

Please find the schedule for our wknd training here: Annex A – schedule.

We are geared up for a fun wknd of all things cool about Air Cadets. Instructors look for some help here: 2015 Winter FTX – Instructor Guidelines. Remember: think outside of the classroom!

Dress: Field training uniform: olive drab CF combats with cadet rank, black combat boots, blue beret, OPTIONAL – OWN PURCHASE –  (for direction see this document under DRESS REGULATIONS: CADET FIELD TRAINING UNIFORM); or Appropriate civilian clothing for the weather; OFFICERS: CADPAT

Arrival no earlier than 8am. Bring yourself, your kit as per the kit list here: Annex C – Personal Kit List for Feb 2015 X; a full belly, and a hot beverage cup (no cup = no hot chocolate). Pick up on Sunday is at 2pm.

PARENTS: you can help by baking/buying treats for snack-time. NUT FREE please. And anyone that wants to attempt a GLUTEN/DAIRY-FREE option, that would be great too.

Wed Night Trg

Duty Officer
CV Couroux

C-2: Sgt, FSgt, WOII

C-3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

NOTE: instructors check email from Lt Russell regarding schedule changes for tonight

CO’s Parade Update

CADETS: CO’s Parade last night was a good example of the efforts our cadets have been making toward improving their uniforms. Check out the link if you need a little more help with your boots. Don’t forget that haircuts are required for males. Ladies – your hair was perfect last night, keep up the good work. We have 2 cadets poised to surpass Capt Jarrell’s boot perfection – I know you can do it!

Parents: I issued a challenge to your cadets: 30 mins a week outside of our parade night for Cadet Drill & Uniform improvement. Given the workload at school and other team commitments, I suggested they take 10 mins 3X a week – 10 mins per boot, and another 10 mins practicing drill in the house. Don’t worry, they can call the commands in their heads – but should use a mirror to practice their salute, and practice attention, stand at ease, and marching in the hallways. Boots are not required. We have approx 3.5 months until Annual Ceremonial Review to make our Parade Drill the best it can be, and only 2 months until the NAG Drill Competition!

I am looking forward to the results. Should your cadet need any help with their uniform, they can refer to the website Dress Regulations, talk to their Flight Commander, or speak with OCdt Couroux – he knows more about uniforms than I do. Together, we can encourage them to be their absolute best. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns,

T. Palumbo


CO 809 Newark Sqn