Category Archives: Sports

NAG Sports Competition

Please see the attached team list and bus information buscalluptrg605F (1) for expected attendance and travel details for Saturday’s Competition. The Warning Order/Rules for the Competition are here: Sports Comp Rules v 16 UPDATED and NAG Sports Comp Warning Order .  You must be logged in to see the attendance list.  Do NOT miss the day – we need everyone out to defend our 2nd place finish last year.

BRING YOUR ONTARIO HEALTH CARD. A photocopy/homemade card with the number is not acceptable.

TIMINGS: Sat, 30 Jan, 16 645am – meet at Sqn HQ Bus will be leaving at 7am. The bus is scheduled to leave the competition at 1630hrs (430pm) from Dunnville. That means we should be back in NOTL by 530pm. You can bring your cellphone to coordinate pick up from the Sqn with your parents/guardians at the end of the day.

DRESS: 809 t-shirt, sports shorts, running shoes. Pants & sweater (809 hoodie) to go over, and 809 Ball Cap. Capt Palumbo will be bringing a few extra shirts, make sure you have one. Email her with the size you need before Fri afternoon if yours needs to be replaced. Bring the $5 to the Sqn next week.

BRING: backpack with snack, water bottle, book/music something to do in between games. Make sure everything is labelled, and don’t bring anything that you would be devastated to lose.

Inter-Flight Sports Competition & Recruiting Night

Join us tonight for our first inter-flight competition. SPORTS! Handball, Volleyball, Soccer.

RECRUITING NIGHT: bring a friend to find out what the Air Cadet program is all about. Their parents are welcome to attend. Social time with pizza for everyone at 8pm. Looking forward to seeing the competition tonight – remember the winning flight earns points toward the Top Flight Award.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

Sportswear. No uniforms! running shoes REQUIRED.

Wednesday Night Training

Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1); C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

Remember: next week is the Inter-Flight Sports Competition & Recruiting Night. Invite a friend out to join you as we get ready to crush the competition at the NAG Sports Comp on Sat 30 Jan 2016. All cadets are invited to attend! We need 7-9 cadets per sport: volleyball, hand ball, indoor soccer. Busing and lunch are provided.

Monday 18 January Training

Monday Night Trg:

Drill Team 7-8pm (bring your wedge and boots)

Sports 8-9pm –> Dress appropriately: want to be on the Squadron Sports Teams for the NAG Sports Competition this month? Come out this week. Volleyball, Handball, Soccer – all the sports we need to practice in order to crush the competition.

LOTTERY TICKETS: do you want to put your name in the draw for two movie tickets (incl. popcorn and drinks)? Then come on by the office and pick up another book of tickets to be sold. For each extra book sold, your name will go into the draw one more time.

Wed Night Training & Parent Briefing


Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

Sports – sqn t-shirt, shorts, socks, running shoes, Sqn ball cap Don’t have a Sqn Blue t-shirt with 809 spray painted on it? Bring $5 to the Squadron on Wed night and we’ll help you make one.

PARENT BRIEFING: 815pm Classroom #1 Unfortunately, each year at least one cadet is disappointed that they can no longer apply for Summer Training because they did not follow the application process. All courses are in high demand and are selected regionally.  All dates below are not flexible – timings for paperwork are given to us by the Ontario Provincial Committee (Air Cadet League) and the London Detachment (DND). In order to have maximum selection for summer training we need to make sure we have everything: on time. Please read CAREFULLY.

For all cadets who are thinking of applying for a National Course:

  1. Go to your Guidance Counselor at school and request the previous year’s transcripts as well as the current year’s mid-term marks/report. Do this now.
  2. Read this: 2016 National Courses HB for Cadets CAREFULLY!!! There is a TON of information for you and your parents.
  3. Bring in your course request list to the Squadron NLT THIS Wednesday 25 Nov 15.
  4. PARENTS: join Capt Palumbo for a Parent Briefing dedicated to Summer Training WED 25 NOV 15 815pm – this was not previously scheduled, however due to many parents having the same questions, we would like to have you all together to share information effectively.
  5. All National Course documents are to be returned to the Squadron No Later Than (NLT)MONDAY 7 DECEMBER 2015.

For those cadets applying to 2, 3 & 6 week courses, or Staff Cadet,

  1. Course request forms are due back to the office NLT Wed 25 Nov 15.
  2. PARENTS: join Capt Palumbo for a Parent Briefing dedicated to Summer Training WED 25 NOV 15 815pm – this was not previously scheduled, however due to many parents having the same questions, we would like to have you all together to share information effectively.

Monday Night Training

RANGE TRG is taking place for the NEXT FOUR MONDAY NIGHTS only. Listen each Wednesday for which level will be receiving the mandatory training portion each week. Due to a lack of available staff that are trained as an RSO at 809, we are utilizing staff from other cadet units. Their availability determines when we run the program.

PARENTS: please endeavour to have your cadet at each Monday night that is specifically for your cadet for range training. We appreciate that this is not ideal, but are doing our best to make range trg (a mandatory part of the Air Cadet program) available to our cadets.

DRILL TEAM: 630-730pm

RANGE TRG: 730-930pm – this week is Level 3 cadets

As a reminder: LISTEN carefully at briefing on the Wednesday night before to hear about what training will be offered. Some nights will only be one event, others will be two or more.

DRESS standards for the various activities are as follows:

Drill: shorts, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (until further notice)

Sports: shorts, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (optional)

Range: jeans, sqn t-shirt, running shows, sqn ball cap (optional)

Monday Night Trg

Join us for Drill Team (7-8pm) and Sports (8-9pm) Monday night.

Dress is sports clothing for everyone.

STAFF MEETING: there will be a staff meeting commencing at 8pm on Monday night. Supply will be closed after it starts.

THANK YOU: to our cadets and parents for helping out with our annual support of the Poppy Campaign for the Legion. An extra thank you to our two cadets who filled two shifts on Sat to make sure we had our locations covered.

POPPY CAMPAIGN: continues next Saturday – we still need two cadets (one for the 10-12pm shift and one for the 12-2pm shift). Please sign up on Monday or Wednesday.