Category Archives: Sponsoring Committee
Message from our SSC Chair – Parental Help Needed – Bottle Drive – Saturday January 8
Dear Proud Parent of a Cadet,
Hoping your holiday season has been great, and that 2022 will be better times for all!
This Saturday January 8th we are having our bottle drive for 809 Squadron. This is a big fund raiser for us and helps to fund the entire program. During non Covid times this is a mandatory event for cadets and strongly encourage for the rest of the family to pitch in and help. The squadrons working orders are that in person cadet activity is not sanctioned at this time but life must go on. We need your help to make this fundraiser work.
Saturday Jan 8th
8:30am – 1:30pm
We will have 3 drop off locations that need to be manned and we will need a crew out at the VanNoorts Greenhouse to sort and package.
2-3 trailers will be needed to service these locations
If you could reply right away with the number of family members that can help that would be great…the sooner the better.
Please respond to me directly at or my cellphone 289-687-7050.
All the best,
Cory Abt
Chair, 809 Squadron Sponsoring Committee
New Local Headquarters (LHQ)!
We have begun our move over to our new LHQ:
1875 Niagara Stone Road, NOTL at the Royal Elite International Academy (formerly the NDSS)
A HUGE thank you to Mr Tony Hendriks (Past Sponsor Chair), CI Serge Carbone (Training Assistant), Mr. Gary Zalepa (Sponsor Chair), and Mr Cory Abt (Parent Extraordinaire) for all of their hard work to get the storage area shelving built and installed, as well as the supply hanging area. Special mention to CI Ruxa Nicolescu (Admin O), for hauling admin files and helping to set-up the supply and admin offices. Volunteer power is the best! #CRU809
Supply Storage area (adjacent to gymnasium)
Supply & Admin Offices (near classrooms)
SSC – Volunteer Opportunity
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee is looking for a few dedicated parents to take on a new sub-committee: Bottle Drive Fundraising.
Timings will be determined by the group, however the following will be the general parameters for any interested parent:
- be available once per month
- be available for a couple of hours (+/-)
- meet at either the Bottle Drop-Off (located at Ruttan House corner of East & West Line and Hwy 55) or the Van Noort Greenhouse (located at the corner of Hunter Road and Four Mile Creek)
- sort bottles according to their type as per direction from Mr Zalepa, Sponsor Chair
- pack, stack bottles in Van Noort/Ruttan storage area for pick-up during bottle drives (twice per trg year)
- drive to local businesses to pick-up bottles to bring to the two locations above for sorting (on off days, randomly during the year)
- post posters to advertise local bottle drives (twice per year)
- plays well with others
Interested parents are asked to contact the Sponsor Chair, Mr Gary Zalepa via email:
This Saturday the Sponsoring Committee will be sorting and packing up the remaining bottles at the VanNoort Greenhouses.
There are a LOT of bottles to get sorted before the summer – PARENTS if you have some free time, please join them. All time will count toward High School Volunteer Hours for cadets that join in.
DATE: Saturday, 22nd April, 2017
TIME: 8am-1pm
LOCATION: 236 Hunter Road (at the corner of Four Mile Creek Road)
DRESS: Civilian casual
SSC Position at 809 Squadron
There is currently a Squadron Sponsoring Committee position available at the unit. It is open to any interested individual, either parent of a cadet, or member of the community at large.
A decision to join and work with the Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) will involve the following commitment of time on behalf of our Air Cadets:
- a 2-3 hour meeting once per month on Wednesdays, possibly some pre-meeting preparation and/or post-meeting activity;
- 6-8 hours preceding and during the Weekend for the Annual Ceremonial Review and Awards Banquet, 6-8 hours on 2 Saturdays/yr for 2 Bottle drives, 2-4 hours on two to three Saturdays/yr for Bottle drop-offs, plus other occasional Bottle Pickup times and 4-8 hours twice/yr assisting during Air Cadet Tag Day Weekends;
- Committee work as assigned, i.e.; Corporate Sponsorship, PR, Effective Speaking, Parent Liaison, Special Events etc. The average time commitment is about 5 hours/month;
- Primarily between Sept-June, Activity levels are decreased during the summer!
For the full details, please view our SSC Policy document found here: 809 SSC Policies (1),final
Fore more information, please contact Mr. Hendriks, Sponsoring Committee Chair, at the Squadron.