Category Archives: Fundraising

Tag Day Schedule – April 2016

The shift schedule for this weekend’s tagging is as follows. Please remember that you must be logged into the site to see the list of cadets.

Shift: Friday, 15 Apr 2016 1600-2000 (4:00pm-8:00pm)
Officer in Charge: Capt Lemoine

Shift: Saturday, 16 Apr 2016 0900-1300 (9:00am-1:00pm)
Officer in Charge: CI Thiffault

Shift: Saturday, 16 Apr 2016 1200-1600 (12:00pm-4:00pm)
Officer in Charge: OCdt Couroux

Shift: Sunday, 17 Apr 2016 1200-1600 (12:00pm-4:00pm)
Officer in Charge: Capt Palumbo

Pick up and drop-off for each shift is at the Squadron Office. If you are able to drive the cadets out to their location, please report to the Officer in Charge of the shift inside. Thank you in advance for helping to make the Tagging weekend a success.

PARENTS, PLEASE REMEMBER: if your cadet does not attend Tagging this wknd, your fundraising deposit cheque will be deposited to the squadron account. Contact the Commanding Officer ( if you need to change a shift due to availability issues.

Tagging Weekend 15, 16, 17 April 2016

It’s that time of year again!

Almost all our shifts have been filled – but we still need a few good cadets for Sunday afternoon. Do you want to add another shift? It will count toward our Fundraising Award in June.

The following 3 cadets have been signed up for 1 of their 2 mandatory shifts on Sunday, but need to add an additional shift on Sat (either morning or afternoon):   (you must be logged in to view). See Capt Lemoine on Wednesday night to make sure you get your name in a second time.

REMEMBER: do not make your parents pay the $100. SIGN-UP for two shifts, and SHOW up, do NOT arrive late or leave early. If you do not complete the two mandatory shifts, your attendance cheque will be cashed.

SCHEDULE will be finalized on Wednesday night and sent out asap.

TIMINGS: Friday night 4 or 430pm arrival (indicate which on Wed) until 8pm

Saturday 9am-1pm and/or 12pm-4pm

Sunday 12pm to 4pm

Ice Wine Festival Help Today & Next Sunday

As we do every year, Air Cadets have been asked to help retrieve the bottles from the Ice Wine Festival in NOTL both today and next Sunday.

Timings: 5pm

Duties:  load bottles into truck, general clean-up of area

Dress: 809 toque, cadet parka, civilian warm clothing (as per weather)

Mr Hendriks will be meeting the cadets: 24th –  You need to be logged in to view the names. 31st – . We still need 2 more cadets for Sun 31st.

REMEMBER: these hours count toward your High School volunteer hours. Bring in your sheets for Capt Palumbo to sign.


Bottle Drive Reminder

Saturday is the our mid-year Bottle Drive (16 Sep 2016) at the VanNoort Greenhouses (on the corner of Hunter and Four Mile Creek Roads) 0900h to 1600h. This is a MANDATORY fund-raising activity for all cadets. In addition, we need as many parent volunteers as possible to drive and sort. Lunch is provided.

Dress: jeans, squadron t-shirt (navy blue with 809 spray painted on it), squadron ball cap or cadet toque, winter boots.

Welcome Back to 809 Air Cadets!!

First day of school tomorrow and first night back at Cadets this WEDNESDAY 9 Sep 15 at the Old Virgil Public School.

  • Dress: WOII, FSgt, Sgt are in C2B; and FCpl, Cpl, LAC are in C4A
    (check the website under CADETS – DRESS REGULATIONS – to look that up so you’re wearing the right order)


  • Timings: 615pm the building is open. Opening parade at 630pm. Closing parade at 9pm. Building closed at 930pm
  • Registration paperwork: PARENTS of RETURNING CADETS – please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:
  • Registration paperwork: PARENTS of NEW CADETS – please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:
    • Health Card
    • Birth Certificate
    • $150.00 cash or cheque registration fee
    • Attendance Fee cheques
    • ALL DETAILS HERE: Air Cadet Planner 2015-16 NEW CADETS (new cadets will be given a paper copy upon registration)
    • Your cadet can come dressed as they are, or in: black pants, a white collared shirt (tie optional) and black shoes. That will become their required dress until they receive their uniform – about 4-6 weeks after the registration process is complete.
  • CO’s Policies 2015-16 – there will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsoring Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer (or you can print and bring in your own). PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.
  • Don’t forget: this weekend is the first Bottle Drive: Sat 12 Sep at the VanNoort Greenhouses (corner of Hunter and Creek Rds) 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs – we need ALL hands on deck: parents to drive and sort, and cadets to collect and load the trucks. Lunch is provided.IMG_4539IMG_4538







  • Level 3-5 Cadets – we will transition from the Bottle Drive to the NCO Trg Joint Trg Day with 79 Sqn immediately following. Dinner and breakfast and lunch the next day, will be provided for you. You will be completed training by NLT 1600hrs Sunday 13 Sep. Kit list will be distributed this Wednesday night.

September Training, Registration & Welcome BBQ

We hope you are enjoying the last two weeks of summer vacation.  The Sponsors and Staff have been working through the summer to make some important updates to the training area and calendar of events. We know you’ll like them!

We start cadet training on Wednesday the 9th of September at 630pm at the Old Virgil Public School (same as last year). Dress for the first Wednesday back is UNIFORM: SUMMER C2-B. This night is for new and returning cadets.

Our Welcome BBQ for everyone is the following Wednesday, the 16th September at 630pm. Bring your parents, siblings and friends (especially those who want to join the best youth program in town!)

Registration fee of $150.00 is due at this time. Your first night – cheques to be made payable to 809 Newark Squadron Air Cadets. PARENTS: new this year – you MUST bring in the cheque/cash directly to our Sponsor Treasurer. You will be given a receipt (to be used for the Child Fitness Tax Credit). You will be issued your Lottery Tickets at this time as well.  No cash/cheques are to be sent with cadets or given to Staff Members. If you have questions about this new policy, please speak with the Commanding Officer on a Wednesday night.


BOTTLE DRIVE: mark your calendars NOW! The Fall bottle drive is SATURDAY the 12th of September. We will need EVERYONE for the WHOLE day. Timings: 9am-4pm. Dress: Sqn t-shirt, ball cap (we have these for those who did not receive one), jeans and cadet parka depending on the weather. Lunch is provided. PARENTS: we need drivers to help pick up bottles and to sort and load them to the Beer Store for return.

NCO TRG WKND WITH 79 SQN: for the Level 3-5‘s we have a NEW activity this year. Following the completion of the bottle drive on the 12th, we will be having an NCO trg day with 79 Port Colbourne Squadron at our LHQ. So bring your sleeping bag and pillow, and join us for a sleepover and some fun and challenging activities to get you ready for your transition into your new leadership roles at the squadron. The program will run from 4pm on Saturday the 12th of September to 4pm on Sunday the 13th of September. Please plan to attend!



REVISED Tagging Schedule

We still have 8 shifts that need to be filled for the weekend. If you can do an extra one, please call the office or show-up. 905-468-7584

Cadets that were not at the Squadron on Wed were assigned available spots for the weekend. Please CHECK THE REVISED1 SCHEDULE here: Tagging Schedule Apr 2015 REVISED1

Officer staff will be calling your house to make sure you know when your shift is. Maximum participation is required. Don’t cost your parents $75 for not showing up when you are scheduled.

Looking forward to a great weekend of Tagging – don’t forget your PARKA!

Tagging Schedule

Sorry for the late arrival of this post – I’ve been out with Capt Jarrell & CI Lemoine doing a recce for an upcoming Cadet Training Exercise in June. Shhhhh, it’s a secret for now.

Here is the schedule for the TAGGING this weekend Tagging Schedule Apr 2015. Location assignments are subject to change – the Staff member working the chalk board at the Sqn office will assign/re-assign as they see fit.

PARENTS – if you are driving cadets, please show your VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE and PROOF OF INSURANCE to the Staff member before leaving with the cadets. They will also need your cell phone number. This is DND policy. Thank you.

CADETS: remember to smile and be polite. Dress is C-2 with PARKA as the wind is coooollllddd.

TAGGING next wknd

Please take a look at the website before Wed 22 Apr 15 to familiarize yourself with the tagging times for the wknd.

There are four shifts available: each cadet is expected to do two.  PARENTS: If your cadet does not participate, the $75.00 cheque will be cashed. Robotics competitions, family vacations and school work may prevent them from participating – but the cheque will still be cashed. We need maximum participation. This fundraising pays the rent for our building and our Familiarization flying time. Please ensure your cadet does their part.

FRI: 5pm-8pm

SAT: 9am-1pm

SAT: 12pm-4pm

SUN: 12pm-4pm

Duty Officer is listed for each day. Cadets are to report to this officer upon arrival. Parents please let them know if you can drive cadets to/from their location. As per the our Tagging Guidelines: 809 Newark Sqn Tagging Guidelines one staff member will be at the Squadron Office for the duration of the shift. They will deal with any emergencies that arise. Two Sponsoring Committee Members will be assigned per shift to cover the Outlet Mall and to drive between the other locations to periodically check on cadets. Each cadet will have the Sqn Office Phone # 905-468-7584 to call if they encounter a problem. Parents are needed to drive cadets out and bring them back from each shift.

QUESTIONS? email: or come in to the office on Monday or Wednesday.