Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Washington DC Trip!

This is a reminder that we’re fewer than two months away from our planned March Break trip to Washington DC and that the next instalment of $125 was due last Wednesday night. If you haven’t submitted your cheque, please do so tonight or this Wednesday. Several cadets are a month behind, both cheques are needed to maintain your spot on the trip.

Also, due to the requirements of some of our tour destinations, it is IMPORTANT that those going on the trip submit their passport information to me tonight or on Wednesday.

While it was previously thought that other forms of identification (NEXUS passes, Enhanced Driver’s Licenses, &c) would be sufficient, it turns out that this is only true for the actual border crossing. Secure destinations like The Pentagon require actual passports for visitors.

If you have any questions, please see me directly.

Jody Lemoine
Second Lieutenant
Administration Officer
809 Newark Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets

CO’s Parade on Wednesday

Wednesday is a Commanding Officer’s Parade night. Training schedule is per the calendar.

Duty Officer Capt Palumbo

Dress C1 for everyone

Madison Hendriks will be giving a presentation during the CO’s Parade period about her IACE trip to China last summer.

Also, a reminder to Level 1 cadets: Bring your polishing kit to training on Wednesday.

Mess Dinner

Reminders to parent volunteers, staff and cadets for this Wednesday’s Mess Dinner.


Please wear black pants or skirt and a white shirt.

Kitchen Staff

Please bring an apron and a hat in order to comply with food service regulations.


Read here:  Mess Dinner Seating Plan 2014 and High Flight – one cadet will be asked upon arrival on Wednesday night to read High Flight before the dinner. If you would like to be chosen, practice reading it, and present yourself to Lt Russell when you arrive on Wed.

PMC – FSgt Chikombero VPMC – Cdt Gowans. Meet Lt Russell upon arrival on Wed for a quick briefing as to expectations for Wed night’s dinner. Read PMC and VPMC document for help.

All cadets: Read this Mess Dinner Etiquette so that you understand the importance of the Mess DInner and its traditions. Be prepared to “sing for your supper” as required!

Tag Days


Please find below the TAG DAY GUIDELINES outlining our procedures for the weekend and the preliminary SCHEDULE.

Staff and SSC assignments are included in the schedule. WE HAVE ONE SPOT OPEN ON FRI NIGHT FOR A CADET TO FILL. Please email Capt Palumbo if you are available.

Some cadets may/may not be available or may need to change shifts as shifts were assigned to those cadets that either did not sign up on Wednesday or were absent.

PARENTS PLEASE REMEMBER: if your cadet does not attend Tagging this wknd, the $75.00 cheque will be deposited to the Sqn account. Contact the Commanding Officer if you need to change a shift due to availability issues.

We’re looking forward to a great tagging weekend!

Tag Day Guidelines

Remembrance Day Sunday Church Service (Volunteers Still Needed)

The following cadets have volunteered for the Remembrance Day Sunday Church Service flag party at Grace United Church on the 9th of November:

We need five cadet volunteers to form a colour party and presently have only four. If you are available to attend, please let me know ASAP.

Capt Lemoine

Dress: C-1

Timings: 1015am-1130am at Grace United Church, Niagara-on-the-Lake.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

For those cadets who expressed interest last night, the following link provides further information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme.

Duke of Edinburgh Award – Ontario Division

In order to pay and register for the award programme, the following process needs to be followed:

  1. Pay on-line at the Duke of Edinburgh Award On-line Payment page.
    • Select that you would like to use the on-line record book;
    • Indicate your level:
      14 year old cadets should select Bronze,
      15 year old cadets should select Silver,
      and 16+ year old cadets should select Gold;
    • Provide “RCACS 809 Newark” as your group;
    • Pay the $30 registration fee via the provided PayPal link.
  2. Register on-line at the Duke of Edinburgh Award On-line Registration page.
    • Indicate that you are registering as a new award participant and continue;
    • Select your award unit:
      International Region: Americas,
      Country: Canada,
      Operating Authority: Ontario,
      Sub-operating Authority: Central Ontario (L Postal Code),
      Award Unit: RCACS 809 Newark;
    • Complete your registration by providing relevant details and consent on the next page. (In order to streamline the administrative overhead of this process as much as possible, parents/guardians should submit their consent via email.)

Interested cadets will be meeting with me briefly on Monday evening to discuss next steps.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach me directly.

Capt Lemoine

Chief of Reserves and Cadets – Video Message June 2014

Posted on behalf of RAdm Bennett, Chief of Reserves and Cadets:

Good day,

As the cadet training year draws to a close and cadets from across the country prepare for summer training, I have prepared a video message to share news about what’s happening at the national level of the Cadet Program, to recognize and thank our cadets for the incredible things they are doing in their communities, and to encourage them to take advantage of every opportunity this wonderful program has to offer.

Please promote and distribute this video to cadets throughout your Corps and Squadrons and Cadet Summer Training Centres, across your social media networks, and in any public or internal forum you deem appropriate.

The video is now live on YouTube and can be accessed via the Canadian Cadet Organizations Facebook page at, and the @Cadetsca Twitter feed at

Thank you for all that you do every day in helping to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Best wishes for a fantastic and safe summer!

J.J. Bennett
Chief Reserves and Cadets

Chief of Reserves and Cadets – Video Message June 2014