Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

DCO’s Corner 04APR21 – Cadet Advisory Council & Virtual Summer Courses

Happy Easter 809,

I’ll be publishing a new column on a weekly basis to offset the WRO’s published by Capt. Lemoine.   I’ll try to find some cool items that include training, some history, and some opportunities that may be coming down the pipe that you may like to hear about.

To start, I’d like to take this opportunity to let you know that there’s still going to be some exciting summer opportunities this year even though in person training has been cancelled.   Check these options out and let us know if you’d like to take part:

Cadet Advisory Council

This summer, Cadets Canada will be creating a Cadet Advisory Council. This is a chance for you, a senior cadet, to influence the direction that the program will be heading in the future. 3 cadets will be chosen per RCSU to take part in the program. Check out the video below, along with the info link and let us know if you’d like to take part. The sooner the better please as I don’t believe that the spots will be available for long.

For more information:
Cadet Advisory Council – Information


Virtual Summer Training:

There is a wide variety of virtual training courses that are being offered for 2021.  With a combination of instructor led, and self paced courses, cadets will be able to earn qualifications, learn new skills, and connect with friends across Canada.   All of the courses will be operated on a new platform called CADET365.   More on this later.   

Here’s a list of what is going to be available:

Qualification Courses:

  • Virtual Basic Aviation
  • Virtual Advanced Aviation
  • Virtual Aerospace
  • Virtual Airport Operations
  • Virtual Survival
  • Virtual Military Band – Basic, Intermediate & Advanced
  • Virtual Pipes and Drums – Basic, Intermediate & Advanced
  • Virtual Cadet Correspondent
  • Introduction to Fitness & Sports
  • Virtual Coaching
  • Virtual Instructional Techniques
  • Effective Communication

Non-Qualification Courses:

  • Cadet Cyber Training

If you’re interested in these courses and would like more info, please check out this link and then let us know.  

Virtual Cadet summer training courses –

More new items will be posted on a weekly basis.   Now, go enjoy your Easter and we’ll see you on Wednesday night.


OCDT Couroux.


Aerospace Club – Bottle Rocket Drop Off – Sunday, March 28 @ 1500hrs

Attn Aerospace Club members,
WO2 Bell and CV Dau are going to be on-hand at the squadron headquarters parking lot on Sunday March 28 @ 1500hrs to receive your bottle rockets. Please stop by.

WO2 Bell will be following up with individual email notifications of what he requires. If you don’t have the ability to drop them off at that time, please make alternate arrangements with WO2 Bell.

Monday Night Cooking

Good evening, Cadets.

As many know there was a cooking club announced and we are eager to start, this being said we need to gather a list of attendees. So if everyone could email in a little message by Friday night saying “Hey, I’m interested.” I’ll jot you into the plans so that we can begin in January.

WO2 Abt

Future Pilots – Watch This: A Conversation with Captain Matthew Kutryk, CF-18 Pilot

I thought this would be interesting for anyone who plans on becoming a pilot.

Captain Kutryk was a cadet at 551 Whitehorse Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and 341 Mundare Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Mundare, Alberta. He spent three years as a Civilian Instructor, gliding at the Villeneuve Cadet Flying Site in support of the familiarization flying program before joining the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006.

This session was coordinated by the Regional Cadet Support Unit Northwest Air Operations section as an online training opportunity for cadets this summer.

Cadets Canada – Remembrance Day 2020

A message from our Commander:

“I am incredibly proud of the small, yet meaningful gestures and actions cadets and JCRs take to show their respect for veterans and their sacrifices. You are clearly demonstrating that the next generation of Canadian leaders will not forget those who gave their lives to defend the values that define Canada.”

Commodore Kurtz, Commander CJCR