Ground School (Follow-Up)

Good afternoon.

For those of you who expressed interest, details and requirements for ground school have been sent to your email addresses. It is important that you follow all of the instructions contained therein before attending. Let me know if you have any difficulty or need assistance.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Ground School

It appears that ground school has started extremely early this year. (We’ve actually missed the first session, but I’m hoping catch-up won’t be an issue.) I need to know if any of our cadets are considering applying for the Glider Pilot Scholarship or Power Pilot Scholarship this year or next and are interested in attending ground school. It will be held on Thursday evenings, virtually at first via Zoom, but with potential in-person activities at 87 Eagle Squadron in Welland later in the year. Please email me your intent ASAP at

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Virtual Training Starts Wednesday, October 7 @ 1845hrs

Good evening 809.

Finally, we’re back.

We’ve been approved to start virtual training.   Our first night back will be on Wednesday, October 7 @ 1845 hrs.   Training will be conducted virtually through Google Meet.

All attendees will need to register via the virtual attendance form.

Please check your emails.   Each cadet should’ve been sent an invitation to accept your new email.   You will be needing to activate your account to get access to virtual training.  You will also need access to a computer with a camera and microphone.  If you’re not able to access your 809cadets email, or you don’t have access to the required hardware, please reach out to us to let us know.  We have resources available to help you out.

THIS IS A PARADE NIGHT. Order of dress for the evening is as follows:

Senior NCO’s = C3B

Junior NCO’s & Cadets = C3F

Authorized haircuts and shaven appearance as per the dress regs, along with presentable uniforms, are expected.  For more information, please consult the regs under the resources page

Schedule for the evening is as follows:

Period 1: 1845-1920 = All Levels = CO’s Welcome Back Presentation

Period 2: 1920-1955 = Break out into levels 1-4 = Presentations by Level Officers

Period 3: 2015-2050 = Individual level trainings 1-4 = Presentations/Classes by Level NCO’s

If you anticipate that you will have problems attending the virtual training, whether technical or otherwise, please reach out to either myself or Capt Lemoine.  My email is   Capt Lemoine’s email is

See you all Wednesday


OCdt Couroux
DCO / Level 3 OIC


809 Newark Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

1085-1 (CO)

27 September 2020

Good afternoon.

Normally, each training year we have an administration night where our cadets attend and perform all of the necessary tasks to begin. These include:

  • Filling out and signing the Annual Validation Form;
  • Completing the Detailed Health Questionnaire (for some cadets) and sending it to the Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Office;
  • Exchange of uniform items that no longer fit;
  • Signing the CO’s policies acknowledging that the cadet will conduct themselves properly; and
  • Paying for and collecting the mandatory book of Air Cadet League lottery tickets for individual fundraising

This is also the point where we find out which cadets are returning to us for their next training year and which are considering leaving the program. If your cadet isn’t rejoining us at 809 for this training year, please contact me directly at or by phone at +1 (905) 468-7584 to discuss.

While we’re still waiting on approval to conduct in-person activities, we’re going to need to front-end some of this electronically, delay some of the in-person components, and add a few items to our process.

I will be sending a message to each of you to handle the annual validation form information, some of this information (health card numbers, for example) cannot be sent over email, so partial information will be checked to provide verification. Those cadets requiring a Detailed Health Questionnaire to be filled out will have that delivered physically for completion and submission to the Regional Cadet Medical Liaison Office.

For uniform item exchanges, we will be setting up an online form for each cadet to submit the sizes of their current uniform items and whether they fit or not. If they don’t, we’ll use the sizing information submitted for the new Field Training Uniforms to package appropriate sizes for the start of the training year. Any items that don’t fit should be bundled together so that they can be exchanged easily when we have the opportunity.

The CO’s policies will also be collected via online form.

The Air Cadet League’s lottery ticket distribution has been delayed, so this will be reviewed at a later date.

Lastly, but possibly most importantly, each cadet will be assigned an email account for access to squadron resources via Google. I will be setting this up and sending the sign-in details along with the annual validation form questions.

J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Welcome back to 809!

Unit CO’s Letter

809 Newark Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

1085-1 (CO)

27 September 2020

Good afternoon.

It’s been a bit of a rocky start with COVID-19, but we’ve gone through all of our procedures, have set up a plan and have submitted it for approval. Once we hear back, we’ll be able to start our training year. We don’t have an exact start date yet, but it’s important that we get everything set up now so that we can hit the ground running when we get the go-ahead.

There are a few shuffles in the staff and senior cadet roles this year. We still have the same officers and volunteers as last year, but they’ll be filling different spots:


  • Commanding Officer (CO) – Captain (Capt) Jody Lemoine (Unchanged)
  • Deputy Commanding Officer (DCO) – Officer Cadet (OCdt) Dan Couroux
  • Training Officer (TrgO) – Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Ruxandra Nicolescu
  • Administration Officer (AdminO) – Lieutenant (Lt) Matt Russell, CD
  • Supply Officer (SupO) – Civilian Volunteer (CV) Joachim Dau (Unchanged)
  • Liaison Officer – Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A/SLt) Meliah Brauweiler

Senior Cadets:

  • Cadet Squadron Commander – Flight Sergeant (FSgt) Spencer Abt
  • Deputy Cadet Squadron Commander – Flight Sergeant (FSgt) Dante Bell
  • Training Warrant Officer – Warrant Officer First Class (WO1) Ethan Lett

Obviously, we’re not out of the woods with respect to the pandemic, so we’ll be operating the program a bit differently this year. We’re not going to be doing everything in-person like we were before things changed and we’re going to be operating under strict health safety control measures, but we’re going to ensure that all there’s still a lot of engaging stuff going on in-person.

This means that there will be a significant virtual component to our training this year. We understand that this is not ideal for many of us, but we’re going to make it as comfortable as possible. We’re also going to try to de-emphasize the more academic bits of our program when we’re conducting in-person activities.

With that in mind, I understand that there are some cadets who don’t have the necessary resources to participate in the virtual components of our training. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if this is the case. We can find a way to make this work and will do what is necessary to get them participating fully.

To make this process easier for all involved, we have built our on-line infrastructure around Google’s G Suite. This gives us a number of resources, not exhaustively:

  • Google Mail: The staff and sponsorship committee already use this routinely, but we’ll be extending this to each cadet for use with squadron training.
  • Google Calendar: This already runs our events page on the web site, but will be used for cadet activity scheduling as we move forward.
  • Google Classroom: This provides a central tracker for our training and was successfully tested in May with our Level 3 and Level 4 aviation subjects review and assessments.
  • Google Meet: Simple visual presentation system for on-line training, parent briefings, staff meetings, &c.

This means that each cadet will be assigned an email address for use with squadron training. This will need to be used to connect to all virtual resources and your cadets will be expected to check it regularly. Email to and from this address is restricted to a very short list of domains, so we can ensure that interactions in this medium are controlled. We will still be posting events to the web site, for parents and guardians to track as well.

We have our first virtual instructors meeting this Monday evening with our instructors to ensure they understand the new process and will be following up with a parent meeting next week to keep everyone in the loop.

I’ll also be reaching out to all of the families individually by email and phone to make sure everyone has everything we need for a seamless start once we get the go-ahead.

Please continue below for a message from the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central) Commanding Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Barry Leonard, CD. In this, he outlines some of the processes we will be following for COVID-19 prevention when we return to in-person training at the squadron.


J Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

CO’s Letter

Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central)

1350-0 (CO)

17 September 2020

To Cadets, Parents and Guardians, and Staff,

The safety and security of all who participate in the Cadet Program is always one of our top priorities. It is assumed that the COVID-19 pandemic could last 18 months or longer. This virus will likely return in multiple waves and continue to pose a threat to the Canadian Public. A return to normalcy is not forecasted any time soon, and we need to prepare for a new normal.

With the possible start-up of limited in-person cadet activities in October 2020, Cadet Corps and Squadrons may start conducting authorized day activities. This means that following approval from the Regional Cadet Support Unit Commanding Officer, they have followed a checklist to ensure that they are able to follow regional public health recommendations and direction. Specific guidelines and amplifying direction will be released shortly to corps/squadron staff.

It is important to note that COATS members, Civilian Instructors, volunteer and/or cadets will be required to answer the typical COVID-19 medical screening questionnaire, and sign a register to declare they have none of the symptoms outlined in the screening questionnaire for every Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO) activity during the 2020-2021 training year.

Any adult or cadet who is ill, or becomes ill, or has been tested for COVID-19 must not participate in CCO activities until they are well or cleared to do so. This means that anyone participating in our programs should stay home if they are not well or are awaiting test results. In the event that any staff or cadet becomes ill during an activity, that individual will be sent home immediately.

We understand that there may be concerns for some adults and cadets who would be considered a higher risk as a result of a known weakened immune system. This can be the result of a number of factors such as prescribed medication, and existing medical conditions. Individuals who may identify as being at risk or are concerned, are encouraged to be speaking to their family physician to ensure that they are safe to return to regular cadet activities. The adult member or parent/guardian should then provide a note from their family physician detailing their ability to safely return to activities without any information containing personal medical conditions. A copy of this note should be retained by the Commanding Officer (CO) of the corps or squadron.

If at any point during the cadet training year you have questions regarding the precautions and procedures put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of participants please contact your corps/squadron. If a member (adult or cadet) in our Program has been tested for COVID-19, they are to contact their corps/squadron Commanding Officer immediately. The corps/squadron CO’s mission is to ensure that we can deliver the Cadet Program while maintaining safety for all. You can also contact Regional Medical Liaison Officers at 1-877-381-6857.

Thank you in advance for your understanding,

B Leonard
Commanding Officer
Regional Cadet Support Unit (Central)

Training Cell Meeting – Monday, September 28 @ 1900

Senior Cadets & Staff – Heads up – the year’s about to start. There will be a training cell meeting via Google Meets on Monday night @ 1900. We’ll be going over the upcoming training year, who’s teaching what levels, the EO’s and PO’s being taught and so on. Capt Lemoine will be reaching out to all of you individually this weekend to set up new 809 emails so that you can get invitations.

OCdt Couroux

Commander Farewell

On the eve of their retirements, both Brigadier-General Cochrane and Chief Warrant Officer Crawford have messages to share with Cadets,JCRs, and all the staff, and volunteers that support that support these programs

Here’s the link to the change of command parade, to be held tomorrow (September 21) at 1300, along with the messages.

OCdt Couroux

Change of Command:

Brigadier-General Chochrane’s message to cadets:

Chief Warrant Officer Crawford’s message to cadets:

RCAF – Virtual Battle of Britain Parade

Hi Everyone,

The Royal Canadian Air Force is conducting a virtual Battle of Britain ceremony coming up on Sunday September 20, 2020 at 10:30am EDT. The ceremony will be hosted at the Beechwood National Military Cemetery in Ottawa and, weather permitting, will feature a  fly past of Second World War aircraft. 

For those of you that are interested in viewing the ceremony, Details can be found at the RCAF Facebook page under upcoming events.

Below is a short video introduction from Defence Team News and the RCAF. 

I encourage everyone to have a look as the Battle of Britain is a key part of RCAF history.

OCdt Couroux, DG
809 Newark RCACS