Ice Wine Festival NOTL – Update

CHANGE: Cadets are NOT needed this wknd or next Sat. The Sponsoring Committee has it covered!

We do however, need your help for the Ice Wine Festival Bottle Pick-Up & Tear Down on SUNDAY 25 JAN at 5pm.

Please join us for an hour or so to help pick up the remaining bottles from the Ice Wine Festival in NOTL and to help tear down the site.

Parents and Cadets welcome. This time will count toward High School Volunteer Hours.

Dress: Cadet Toque, civilian winter WARM.


Ice Wine Festival NOTL

This wknd Sat 17 Jan & Sun 18 Jan at 5pm and NEXT wknd Sat 24 Jan at 5pm there will be a bottle pick-up for the Town of NOTL. Cadets that are available are asked to meet at the Clock Tower in NOTL to help. It won’t take more than an hour with lots of hands to help.

Dress: Cadet Toque, civilian winter WARM.

Ice Wine Festival Bottle Pick-Up & Tear Down on SUNDAY 25 JAN at 5pm: Please join us for an hour or so to help pick up the remaining bottles from the Ice Wine Festival in NOTL and to help tear down the site.

Parents and Cadets welcome. This time will count toward High School Volunteer Hours.


Jan 21st Training Change

Due to the upcoming Sports Competition on Jan 24th (post forthcoming), we will be conducting the Inter-Flight Sports Competition on Jan 21.

Dress is appropriate sportswear. Do NOT wear your running shoes outside to prevent water from getting on the parade square.

Bottle Drive THANK YOU

A message from Mr. Scott Ruttan, Sponsoring Committee Chair:

“Good morning all. Saturday was another successful bottle drive day. The turnout of Cadets, Parents & Staff was fantastic and the results were equally great. Mr. Hendriks will announce the results on Wednesday at the closing of the evening. Thanks to everyone who participated, and once again a huge thankyou to Mr. & Mrs. VanNoort for their generosity of supplying the facility to sort and the trucks to deliver. Without them the success of these drives would certainly be a lot harder to do & equal.”

I would like to add my own personal thanks as well. In particular to the parents who help by driving and sorting – thank you for taking the time to support your cadet in our program. And to those families where it’s simply an “all hands on deck” kind of day: thank you for giving up your family time to support your cadet family. We appreciate you! – Capt Palumbo

Washington DC Trip!

This is a reminder that we’re fewer than two months away from our planned March Break trip to Washington DC and that the next instalment of $125 was due last Wednesday night. If you haven’t submitted your cheque, please do so tonight or this Wednesday. Several cadets are a month behind, both cheques are needed to maintain your spot on the trip.

Also, due to the requirements of some of our tour destinations, it is IMPORTANT that those going on the trip submit their passport information to me tonight or on Wednesday.

While it was previously thought that other forms of identification (NEXUS passes, Enhanced Driver’s Licenses, &c) would be sufficient, it turns out that this is only true for the actual border crossing. Secure destinations like The Pentagon require actual passports for visitors.

If you have any questions, please see me directly.

Jody Lemoine
Second Lieutenant
Administration Officer
809 Newark Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Bottle Drive Saturday!

Saturday, 10 January 2015, 9am-4pm at the VanNoort Greenhouses at the corner of Hunter & Creek Rds in NOTL. Dress is CIVILIAN WARM with CADET TOQUE. Prepare to get cold and dirty, dress appropriately. Lunch will be provided for all cadets, staff, sponsors and volunteers.

Attendance is mandatory for all cadets. The $75.00 attendance cheque will be cashed if cadets fail to participate.

We will be collecting, sorting, loading and delivering bottles all day. Parents there are three ways you can help:

1. offering to drive cadets to pick up bottles,

2. stay and sort at the Greenhouse, or

3. meet the truck at the Beer Store in St. Catharines to unload the delivery.

These Bottle Drives are our single largest one-day fundraising initiatives for the training year. Without your help we can’t make our goals. Without the money they generate, we can’t offer the best possible program for our cadets.

If you are able to drive, please introduce yourself to CI NORMA RUTTAN – who will be running the drivers all day. You will need to bring your DRIVER’s LICENSE and a copy of your CAR INSURANCE to her for validation.

Let’s have a great fundraising day!!!



CO’s Parade on Wednesday

Wednesday is a Commanding Officer’s Parade night. Training schedule is per the calendar.

Duty Officer Capt Palumbo

Dress C1 for everyone

Madison Hendriks will be giving a presentation during the CO’s Parade period about her IACE trip to China last summer.

Also, a reminder to Level 1 cadets: Bring your polishing kit to training on Wednesday.