Missing Cadet Kit

Several times a year, Cadet clothing items go “missing”. Usually they have been mistakenly taken home by another cadet.

Currently, we have one Cadet Parka – FCpl Lett’s – that has most likely gone home to the wrong house. Please check your parka and bring his back if you have it. Thanks!

Parents: if there are other items at your house that do not belong to your cadet, please bring them in to either CI Thiffault or OCdt Couroux so they can be returned to their rightful owner or be re-issued.



Don’t forget to practice. Have your parents drill you with current events questions, get that haircut, and go through what you’re going to say about how awesome you are.

8am the building will be open on Sat. It will close at approx 4pm after the final interviews are completed.  We are hosting at our LHQ, so no need to drive far!

809 Interviews are not until the afternoon – please arrive 30 mins prior to your scheduled time, Just in case we are running early. Eat lunch before you put your uniform on. Dress C-1 with medals. No whites.

REVIEW THE PRACTICE QUESTIONS HERE ON PAGE 19: 2015 National Courses HB remember there will be some generic ones and some specific to your course. And don’t forget: you are awesome. You are the best choice they have for the course. Make them believe it!

Wed Night Trg

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

Duty NCM
FCpl Griffin

Canteen NCM
FCpl Giansante

C-2: Sgt, FSgt, WOII

C-3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Dress to impress!

MOCK INTERVIEWS will take place tonight for those cadets participating in the NATIONAL COURSE interviews this Saturday.

CO’s Parade Update

CADETS: CO’s Parade last night was a good example of the efforts our cadets have been making toward improving their uniforms. Check out the link if you need a little more help with your boots. Don’t forget that haircuts are required for males. Ladies – your hair was perfect last night, keep up the good work. We have 2 cadets poised to surpass Capt Jarrell’s boot perfection – I know you can do it!

Parents: I issued a challenge to your cadets: 30 mins a week outside of our parade night for Cadet Drill & Uniform improvement. Given the workload at school and other team commitments, I suggested they take 10 mins 3X a week – 10 mins per boot, and another 10 mins practicing drill in the house. Don’t worry, they can call the commands in their heads – but should use a mirror to practice their salute, and practice attention, stand at ease, and marching in the hallways. Boots are not required. We have approx 3.5 months until Annual Ceremonial Review to make our Parade Drill the best it can be, and only 2 months until the NAG Drill Competition!

I am looking forward to the results. Should your cadet need any help with their uniform, they can refer to the website Dress Regulations, talk to their Flight Commander, or speak with OCdt Couroux – he knows more about uniforms than I do. Together, we can encourage them to be their absolute best. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns,

T. Palumbo


CO 809 Newark Sqn




Due to the significant snowfall, and potentially dangerous road conditions, ALL CADET TRAINING for Monday, 2 February 2015 is CANCELLED.

Range Team practice is CANCELLED.

Supply is CLOSED.

Staff Meeting is re-scheduled for Mon 9 Feb 15 8pm.

Stay safe and we’ll see you on Wed, 4 Feb 15 for the CO’s PARADE.