CO’s Parade will be shortened to accommodate our Sponsor Appreciation event and promotions.
Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo
C-1 for everyone (CO’s Parade)
CO’s Parade will be shortened to accommodate our Sponsor Appreciation event and promotions.
Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo
C-1 for everyone (CO’s Parade)
As per the calendar and announcement yesterday:
7-9pm Drill Team
8-9pm Sports
Come dressed to practice/play. Drill team members don’t forget your wedge and parade boots. DRILL TEAM IS OPEN TO ALL – we have a competition in April and need 10 members to compete. Come out and have some fun on Monday nights with the drill team.
Effective immediately, all cadets will be required to surrender their device upon entering the building for the remainder of the night.
There is no reason for a cadet to have a cell phone out during classroom instruction, on the drill square, or during cadet training. All phone calls that need to be made can be done through the squadron telephone, or at the beginning or end of the night on the cellphone, before they arrive or after closing parade. Laptops for classroom use are not required. Cadets need only to request one from the office and bring their relevant teaching material on a USB. If homework is a concern, consider missing the cadet night to complete your assignment in a distraction-free environment, managing your time differently, or prioritizing upcoming events.
Parents who need to contact their cadet during training are asked to use the cadet squadron office phone 905-468-7584, the Commanding Officer’s cellphone 289-783-1942, or email
If you have a question or concern about this policy, please contact the Commanding Officer during office hours Mon 7-9pm or Wed 615-930pm at the numbers/email listed above. Thank you for your understanding as we endeavour to ensure your cadet’s experience is the best one possible.
Parents of cadets attending, please join us for the March Break Briefing, Wed 11 Mar 15 – the Wed night prior to departure.
Meet in Classroom #1 at 7pm. This is a mandatory briefing for all parents of cadets attending the trip. We need to pass on important information about the trip, the safety and care of the cadets who are participating. Please make plans to attend.
Capt Lemoine will lead the briefing and will provide you with the Parent Trip Package at this meeting.
Please find the schedule for our wknd training here: Annex A – schedule.
We are geared up for a fun wknd of all things cool about Air Cadets. Instructors look for some help here: 2015 Winter FTX – Instructor Guidelines. Remember: think outside of the classroom!
Dress: Field training uniform: olive drab CF combats with cadet rank, black combat boots, blue beret, OPTIONAL – OWN PURCHASE – (for direction see this document under DRESS REGULATIONS: CADET FIELD TRAINING UNIFORM); or Appropriate civilian clothing for the weather; OFFICERS: CADPAT
Arrival no earlier than 8am. Bring yourself, your kit as per the kit list here: Annex C – Personal Kit List for Feb 2015 X; a full belly, and a hot beverage cup (no cup = no hot chocolate). Pick up on Sunday is at 2pm.
PARENTS: you can help by baking/buying treats for snack-time. NUT FREE please. And anyone that wants to attempt a GLUTEN/DAIRY-FREE option, that would be great too.
I would like to congratulate the Range Team on their hard work over the past few months. There was immense improvement since the first shots fired in November.
We placed 5th of 9 between air, army and sea cadets. Our combined score was 996/1600. 1st place was 1165/1600; a difference of 169 points. To put it into perspective, if each shooter scored 1-2 higher in each of the prone targets, we would have gotten 1st.
One member was 8th overall of all participants, and another 6th overall for the juniors.
Well done!
Duty Officer
CV Couroux
C-2: Sgt, FSgt, WOII
C-3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
NOTE: instructors check email from Lt Russell regarding schedule changes for tonight
Monday Night 7-8pm Drill Team
Monday Night 8-9pm Sports
Supply is open 7-9pm
Please accept our apologies for the late notice.
Capt Lemoine
Please read the KIT LIST here: Annex C – Personal Kit List for Feb 2015 X
Timings: Sat arrival – 9am. Sun departure – 2pm
Dress: Field Training Uniform (combats with black combat boots, air cadet rank and blue beret – if owned, optional ), Appropriate Civilian Equivalent. Officers: CADPAT.
Location: Squadron LHQ
Meals: will be a mix of fresh rations and MREs; bring a mug for hot chocolate. NO mug? NO hot chocolate
PARENTS: as usual, baked goods would be a delightful snack alternative. NUT FREE only, bake or buy. Thanks!
Congratulations to our 3 participants in the Effective Speaking Competition Wed night. Results will be announced at parade next week. Thank you to our Sponsoring Committee Members, for helping our cadets plan and prepare their speeches, and for those on the judging panel – we could not have done it without your help!
Zone 6-7 Regional Range Team Competition: TOMORROW SAT 21 Feb, 2015. At 23 Sqn LHQ (8 Napier St) & Lake St Armouries in St. Catharines. Arrive by own means. 8am arrival, 4pm departure – dress: Sqn Hoodie & jeans or khakis, running shoes. Best of luck to our 5 team members – have fun and aim to win!