Flying – 13 April

The following 3 cadets are scheduled to meet at St Catharines (Niagara District) Airport no later than 6:15pm (we will not wait).  Pick-up times have changed to 8pm at the airport.

I realize that there is a pizza party for the drill team the same day, but unfortunately I cannot change the flying schedule this late.


809 Sqn Drill Team

It was a tough day of competition today for our Drill Team. They were up against some top teams from the NAG. Congratulations to each of you for your best effort!

To celebrate your success: Monday night 630pm PIZZA PARTY (Drill Team members only) at the LHQ. See you then!


We are hosting the NAG Drill Competition & Turkey Shoot tomorrow at our LHQ.

DRILL TEAM MEMBERS: please note there has been a time change. The day is now starting at 9AM. Everyone is expected to be at the LHQ no later than 915am in order to be on parade for the opening ceremonies. We will be finished for the day at 4pm.

Here is the revised schedule: ANNEX A NAG Drill Comp Schedule 2015

For an idea of who is doing what, you can read the OP ORDER for the Comp here: op order drill comp 2015

Don’t forget: bring your own lunch; canteen will be available. Bring your uniform on a hanger. Bring your polishing kit. We are Team #7 – so we’ll be on at approx 2pm for inspection, followed immediately by our performance. Tell your parents to come see!

BEST OF LUCK! I am so excited to see how much you have improved this year.

LHQ Update

Thank you to all the Staff, Cadets & Sponsoring Committee who helped us move out of the old kindergarten area of the school last night. Unfortunately, due to a leaky roof, the area is no longer suitable for use.

As announced at briefing last night. a sign is posted and the area closed of with plastic, so please refrain from entering.

All training items formerly housed in that area have been moved to adjacent classrooms.

Thank you for your understanding.

Wed Night Trg

As announced last week, it is NOT a CO’s parade tonight. DRILL TEAM: meeting 10 mins earlier tonight for uniform inspection in preparation of next wknd’s NAG DRILL COMP.

Duty Officer

Capt Lemoine

C3: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2

NEXT WED: Special Drill Team practice – listen for timings (will be Wed night – no trg Mon due to Easter holiday)

Bowling was a blast!

I hope everyone had as much fun as the Staff & Sponsors did last night at bowling. I’m pretty sure I won. If you’d like to dispute that, meet me at canteen break on Wednesday and we’ll talk top scores.

Wed night – dress: C-3 (AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl) & C-2 (Sgt, FSgt, WOII)

Instructors check your schedules (in your email from Lt Russell) to make sure you are ready for class tomorrow night.

See you tomorrow night!

Capt Palumbo