Category Archives: Social

Wednesday Training Night

DETACHMENT LONDON VISIT: make sure your uniform is FANTASTIC. Polish those boots. Need some pointers? Go here:

Duty Officer

CI Ruttan

** Cadet Squadron Commander, Duty NCM and Canteen NCM: please report to Capt Palumbo upon arrival. **



Can’t wait to see you out tonight at the joint FTX with 87 Welland Air Cadet Sqn. Range, Survival Skills, Leadership taskings, Game of Life, MREs


TIMINGS: Fri 7pm Parent DROP-OFF  at 62 Squadron HQ in Grimsby. 105 Mountain Rd

Please be sure to check in with Capt Lemoine upon arrival tonight. Parents please do not leave before they do so – DON’T FORGET YOUR HEALTH CARDS!!!!!

Sun 2pm PICK-UP at 62 Squadron HQ 105 Mountain Rd Grimsby

DRESS: civilian appropriate to weather; olive drab combat clothing with air cadet uniform ranks, blue beret and combat boots (own purchase and optional); OFFICERS: CADPAT

Due to expected overnight weather temp we will be sleeping INDOORS. Temps will range from -6C to 9C throughout the wknd. PACK ACCORDINGLY. Rain and snow are both expected – we will train regardless.

PARENTS: the cadets and staff always love to have some treats from home while we are out in the field – if you can contribute to the cause please feel free to bring brownies, cookies, timbits, or any other dessert you love to bake or buy (nut free please!). Please don’t forget HEALTH CARDS (no HC = no FTX).


Poppy Sales: Sat 8 Nov 14, 10-12 & 12-2pm Meet at Sqn, Dress C-1 with parka and toque – sign up list here:

Grace United Church: Sun 9 Nov 14, 10-1130am. Meet at Grace United Church NOTL, Dress C-1 – sign-up list here: 

Remembrance Day Vigil: Mon 10 Nov 14, 7-9pm, Meet at Sqn. Arrive in civilian dress with UNIFORM C-1 on a hangar, bring parka and toque. KIT LIST here:REMEMBRANCE DAY VIGIL KIT LIST 2014 PARENT Sign-up for BREAKFAST here: SIGN UP FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY_2014

Remembrance Day Parade: Tues 11 Nov 14, VIGIL from 7am-1030am, PARADE from 1030-1130am at NOTL Clock Tower, Queenston from 1-2pm, PARENT PICK-UP from LEGION at 230pm; Dress: C-1 with parka and toque. SCHOOL ABSENCE LETTER here: Permission-Form-Remembrance-Day-2014

FTX: 21-22-23 Nov 14, Drop-off at 62 Sqn 105 Mountain Rd Grimsby 7pm on Fri, pick-up on Sun at 2pm. Op Order detailing trg expectations and timings/locations here: 87 & 809 Sqn Trg Wknd Ops Order NOV 2014 revised

SUMMER TRAINING: Please find the NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK here: 2015 National Courses HB it contains all relevant information regarding the new application process for 2015.

Any and all questions/concerns may be directed to either myself, Capt Palumbo @ tammypalumbo@yahoo,ca, or to the event OPI (contact info provided above). It is going to be a busy few days at the Sqn, your patience and understanding as we try to make this the most positive experience possible is appreciated.

TRAINING: Mon 8 Sep & Wed 10 Sep

Just a quick reminder: NO monday night training this week. It begins next Monday, 15 Sep – with Sports from 7-9pm.

This WED: Welcome Back BBQ. 630-730pm BBQ followed by our Activity Fair for the Cadets, and our closing parade at 9pm.  BBQ is open to all returning and new cadets and their families.

Parents are always encouraged to join us for the closing briefing held each Wed night in the gym at 9pm.

AIRPORT FEST 2014 – Cadets needed

Calling all Air Cadets!  There will be an estimated 2,000 attendees for Airport Fest ’14. The hours of the event are 1100 to 1700 on Saturday, 16 Aug 2014.

The event will be a “Wings & Wheels” event, including the antique military vehicle club. Cadet volunteers are required for the following:

a) Ground side parking: 4 cadets for each of 2 shifts – 1100 to 1300, and then 1300 to 1500. [total of 8 personnel]   
b) Air side security: 2 cadets for each of 3 shifts – 1100 to 1300; 1300 to 1500; and 1500 to 1700. [total of 6 personnel]
This is open to all current Air Cadets at 809 Sqn. These hours would count directly toward your high school volunteer hour requirements.
In addition to the above, we will have a recruiting table at the Airport Fest for the day. We will need 2 cadets to hand out material and speak with the general public about what makes Air Cadets such a fantastic opportunity. This is the perfect chance for those returning from summer training to meet up with their friends and exchange stories!


All available cadets are expected to attend this important local airport event.


Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command

PARENTS: Please join us for the final parade of the training year. The Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command Parade will start at 815pm in the gymnasium. There will be a few speeches, level promotions and cake and beverages to follow.

DRESS: C-1 for everyone. Make those boots shine!


630pm arrival, attendance, uniform inspection


715pm Parade Practice

8pm Break

815pm CSC COC Parade & Reception

915pm Dismissal


If you are one of the 20 Cadets that put up your hand to go on the Wonderland Trip on Saturday June 7 then you need to bring $45 to cadets TONIGHT.

Please bring the money directly to Lt Russell.