Author Archives: 809 Newark RCACS

Familiarization Flying – Standby!

Please standby as we wait for approval for our Famil Flying. Coincidentally, the weather was not going to cooperate for tonight anyways. Capt Mario Palumbo, CD of the St. Catharines Cadet Flying Training Site will be the Pilot for our outings.  The Sqn is paying for the flying – no cost to our cadets!

For Wed (pending approval!) – Group #1 meet at the NOTL Airport at 550pm. Group #2 meet at the NOTL Airport at 650pm. You must be LOGGED IN to view the names. If I missed your name, please text me ASAP to reserve your spot. 289-783-1942 (Capt Palumbo)

Group #1 Cadets:

Group # 2 Cadets:

Look for the website post & subsequent email to CONFIRM Famil Flying on Wednesday night. 

Parents: we need some treats!

Parents: if you are willing/able to bring baked goods to our Annual Ceremonial Review on Saturday to be used as dessert for the BBQ, please send a marked tupperware container to the parade with your cadet.

We need everything to be NUT free.

If you would like to contribute, but have no time to bake, consider purchasing something from your local grocer.

If you have questions, please talk with either Capt Palumbo or Mrs Mehrotra. Thanks in advance!

Wed Night Training

DRESS REHEARSAL for our Annual Ceremonial Review this Sat. Oh, and it’s cupcake birthday night. 🙂

Duty O 
Capt Palumbo

Duty NCO

FCpl Nicolescu

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

UNIFORMS! All you need to know is printed in CATO 55-04: (available to all cadets on the website) Air Cadet Dress Instructions. Check your pants for “railroad tracks”, your boots for dull spots, your dress shirt for proper crease position. Now is the time to be picky about how you look! Senior Cadets (Sgt & up) we will repeat the uniform inspection from last week. You know what needs to be fixed.

Mandatory Attendance May 24, 27 & 31. We have 2 Wed nights total remaining. Tonight we will be having our final Annual Parade Practice – it is a COMPLETE DRESS REHEARSAL run through of the parade (unfortunately, the Snowbirds Air show was cancelled for this week). We need everyone out so we are ready for our Annual Ceremonial Review Parade on Sat 27 May 2017 at 3pm. All cadets are required to attend in order to complete their level.

PARENT SUMMER TRAINING BRIEFING – NEXT WED 31 MAY 2017. 645pm in Classroom #1. All cadets that are attending summer training, must have a parent attend. The Cadet Squadron Commander Change of Command Parade will follow at 815pm.

Wed Night Training

Duty Officer
Capt Palumbo

C2B: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C4A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

UNIFORMS! All you need to know is printed in CATO 55-04: (available to all cadets on the website) Air Cadet Dress Instructions. Check your pants for “railroad tracks”, your boots for dull spots, your dress shirt for proper crease position. Now is the time to be picky about how you look! For those cadets that missed the boot polishing class on Monday night, Cpl Hill will be leading it tonight concurrent with our parade practice.

Mandatory Attendance May 17, 24, 27 & 31. We have 3 Wed nights total remaining. Tonight and next week we will be having our final Annual Parade Practices. (Unfortunately, the Snowbirds Air show was cancelled for next week). We need everyone out so we are ready for our Annual Ceremonial Review Parade on Sat 27 May 2017 at 3pm. All cadets are required to attend in order to complete their level.

809 Drill Team….

Blew the competiton out of the sky – well done! Now we wait for the results. Congrats to FSgt Zalepa, our team members and OCdt Couroux for all your hard work this year. It certainly showed today! photos to come…..