Author Archives: 809 Newark RCACS

Decoration Day Parade CANCELLED

The Decoration Day Parade has been CANCELLED for this Sunday at Lakeshore Cemetery. The Legion was unable to secure a Minister for the service.

Thank you to everyone who had indicated that they would attend. Apologies for the last minute communication.

Decoration Day Parade


Meet at the Lakeshore Cemetary at 130pm. Parade starts at 2pm. Dress is C-1 (with medals). We will be done by 3pmn at the latest. Have your parents stay and enjoy the parade.

Look for Lt Russell when you arrive – we will have a marching unit and a flag party.

Sorry for the short notice: we got the call for volunteers today. This is not a mandatory event, but we are looking for as many cadets as are available.

Welcome BBQ & Registration

Join us for our annual Welcome BBQ & Registration night.  Timings are the same as a regular cadet night: 630pm-915pm. Building will open at 615.

BBQ dinner of burgers and hot dogs will be served at 645. Come in to the parade square for attendance and uniform inspection first. Your parents can watch, then join us outside for the BBQ.

BRING A FRIEND (or two). Bring your parents, grandparents and siblings. Give them a look into what it is you do on a Wednesday night.

DRESS: for the Sgts, FSgts, and WOII: C-2B; for the LAC, Cpl & FCpls: C-4A

Following the BBQ we will have our annual rendition of NEWARK BINGO where you can get to know the squadron a little better, followed by some team building exercises and squadron drill.

SIGN-UP for the LEVEL 2 cadets for FISH FRY at the Legion will also be this week. We need your help: shifts begin this week, Thurs 17th of Sep.

NEXT WEEK: remind your parents that the first PARENT BRIEFING is on Wed, 23 Sep 15 at 815pm in classroom #1.




Bottle Drive & NCO Trg Day

  • Don’t forget: TOMORROW is the first Bottle Drive: Sat 12 Sep at the VanNoort Greenhouses (corner of Hunter and Creek Rds) 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs – we need ALL hands on deck: parents to drive and sort, and cadets to collect and load the trucks. Lunch is provided.
  • DRESS: jeans, squadron t-shirt (navy blue with 809 spray painted on it), sqn ball cap (you should have received this either last year or this past wed), running shoes.
  • Level 3-5 Cadets – we will transition from the Bottle Drive to the NCO Trg Joint Trg Day with 79 Sqn immediately following. Dinner and breakfast and lunch the next day, will be provided for you. You will be completed training by NLT 1600hrs Sunday 13 Sep. Kit list HERE: NCO trg day kit list & timings
  • Cadets may move directly from the bottle drive to the NCO trg day, or go home, shower and grab their kit before arriving. Dinner is at 6pm – all cadets are expected to arrive between 530-6pm.
  • All training for the NCO Trg Day will take place at the Squadron Headquarters.
  • Dress: For Saturday night: civilian appropriate. For Sunday: UNIFORM – bring it on a hanger. See kit list above for details.

Welcome Back to 809 Air Cadets!!

First day of school tomorrow and first night back at Cadets this WEDNESDAY 9 Sep 15 at the Old Virgil Public School.

  • Dress: WOII, FSgt, Sgt are in C2B; and FCpl, Cpl, LAC are in C4A
    (check the website under CADETS – DRESS REGULATIONS – to look that up so you’re wearing the right order)


  • Timings: 615pm the building is open. Opening parade at 630pm. Closing parade at 9pm. Building closed at 930pm
  • Registration paperwork: PARENTS of RETURNING CADETS – please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:
  • Registration paperwork: PARENTS of NEW CADETS – please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:
    • Health Card
    • Birth Certificate
    • $150.00 cash or cheque registration fee
    • Attendance Fee cheques
    • ALL DETAILS HERE: Air Cadet Planner 2015-16 NEW CADETS (new cadets will be given a paper copy upon registration)
    • Your cadet can come dressed as they are, or in: black pants, a white collared shirt (tie optional) and black shoes. That will become their required dress until they receive their uniform – about 4-6 weeks after the registration process is complete.
  • CO’s Policies 2015-16 – there will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsoring Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer (or you can print and bring in your own). PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.
  • Don’t forget: this weekend is the first Bottle Drive: Sat 12 Sep at the VanNoort Greenhouses (corner of Hunter and Creek Rds) 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs – we need ALL hands on deck: parents to drive and sort, and cadets to collect and load the trucks. Lunch is provided.IMG_4539IMG_4538







  • Level 3-5 Cadets – we will transition from the Bottle Drive to the NCO Trg Joint Trg Day with 79 Sqn immediately following. Dinner and breakfast and lunch the next day, will be provided for you. You will be completed training by NLT 1600hrs Sunday 13 Sep. Kit list will be distributed this Wednesday night.


We need some cadet help on Labour Day Weekend.

Same location as last year: Grace United Church, 222 Victoria Ave in NOTL. (This is where we hold our Mess Dinner, and why we help out!)

We need cadets to help set-up on Friday, September 4th at 4pm. For probably an hour. Then to help with the breakfast on Saturday, September 5th from 8am-1030am and 1030-1pm. We only need 5 cadets for each shift. So please give us some time!

Remember: all of these hours count toward your High School Volunteer Hours graduation requirement.

Dress: Squadron T-shirt, Squadron Ball Cap, shorts & running shoes.

EMAIL ME: with the times you can help. Thank you in advance for helping out an organization that supports Air Cadets!

Bottle Sort/Drop-Off

Several times throughout the year the Squadron Sponsoring Committee gets together to sort accumulated bottles and drop them at the Beer Store for the refunds.

This weekend: Sat 29 Aug 1-4pm (VanNoort’s Greenhouse) and Sun 30 Aug 1030-12 (Beer Store) they are looking for more help.

If you are available – cadets or parents – please email Mr. Tony Hendriks, Sponsor Chairman, at: 


Grace United Church Labour Day Weekend Bazaar

We need some cadet help on Labour Day Weekend.

Same location as last year: Grace United Church, 222 Victoria Ave in NOTL. (This is where we hold our Mess Dinner, and why we help out!)

We need cadets to help set-up on Friday, September 4th at 4pm. For probably an hour. Then to help with the breakfast on Saturday, September 5th from 8am-1030am and 1030-1pm. We only need 5 cadets for each shift. So please give us some time!

Remember: all of these hours count toward your High School Volunteer Hours graduation requirement.

Dress: Squadron T-shirt, Squadron Ball Cap, shorts & running shoes.

EMAIL ME: with the times you can help. Thank you in advance for helping out an organization that supports Air Cadets!