Santa Claus Day Parade

All the cadets that participated in the parade this morning were well received by the spectators lining the parade route this morning. Our float was fantastic! The first year for a float from 809 Sqn and thanks to CI Thiffault, Mr. Hendriks, Mr. Ruttan, Mrs. Burland, OCdt Couroux, and CI Ruttan it was a HUGE addition to our parade entry. Without their efforts our entry would not have been so impressive. Our only drawback was low attendance – only 14 of our 25 cadets attended this event. Cadets & Parents: please check the upcoming months on the website to make sure you can attend as many events as possible. We have more fun, and enjoy more rewards, when everyone works together. Those cadets that attended are reminded to hand-in their volunteer hour sheets for validation to Capt Palumbo. HINT: Log in to see the captions below the photos.



Mr. Hendriks driving the float! With



Our float showcased the Bottle Drive coming up next month on Sat 16th of January.



Santa Claus Parade

Good Morning All,

In the festivities of our recent (and very successful) mess dinner, we probably didn’t communicate the details of the NOTL Santa Claus Parade.  So for those that missed it or need confirmation please see below:

  • DATE: Saturday, 12 December 2015
  • Time:
    • Cadet Arrival – No later than 10:15am
    • Parade Start – 11:00am
    • Cadet Ready for Pick Up – No later than 12:30
  • Location: Branch 124 Legion – 410 King St
  • Dress:
    • C2 – All (Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1)
    • C3 – Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)
    • Everyone must wear their Parka (liner is optional)
  • Special Assignments:
    • The following cadets are to wear sports clothes:
    • The following cadets are to wear Field Training Cloths (Olive Drab Fatigues)

Be aware that our spot in the parade is very close to the front, and as such we generally finish the parade before Santa himself has started moving.  So if you plan on watching the parade please advise your cadet where you will be, to ensure a timely pick up.

Please take a strong cautionary note that traffic becomes incredibly congested and impossible to navigate starting around 10:00am. If you plan on viewing the parade I would suggest arriving early to find parking.  Otherwise setting up a drop off and pick up location a few blocks away from the core may allow you to get in or out a little easier.


See everyone tomorrow morning.  Bring your Christmas Cheer (despite the weather)!

Mess Dinner Tonight!

Don’t forget: tonight is the 7th Annual Mess Dinner. We are having it at the new Virgil Fire Hall on Concession 6 (near the roundabout). Do NOT go to the Squadron.

TIMINGS: 630pm-9pm

DRESS: C-8 (see website under dress regulations for numbered orders of dress pictures)

PARENTS: if you are helping in the kitchen with CI Thiffault, please wear white dress shirt and black pants. Meet in the kitchen at 615pm.

PMC & VPMC: FSgt Lavoie & AC Abt – meet Capt Palumbo at 615pm in the main hall. All other cadets are to WAIT IN THE ANTE ROOM where the couches are until you are asked to find your seats.

SET-UP begins at 430pm – if you can help, come on out. Capt Palumbo will need it!

Niagara Cadet Winter Gala 2016




128 Thorold Squadron will be hosting the 3rd Annual Niagara Cadet Winter Gala.  This year’s date will be 6 FEBRUARY 2016 held at the Lake Street Armoury in St. Catharines, Ontario.

The purpose of this event is to encourage a gathering for ALL the Cadets of the Niagara Area to interact and socialize within a formal setting and to foster professional relationships between the Cadets of all elements and levels.

Dress for the event will be formal, therefore Mess Dress (C8) or the civilian equivalent (suit and tie, or gown) is required. Tickets will be held at a minimum to encourage maximum participation and will be in the $20-$25 range per member, which includes a buffet dinner, music and dancing.  Non-Cadets will be permitted only when they attend with an existing Cadet. Tickets will be available in January and further information will be released when more details are decided.



Monday Night Training

Drill: 7-8pm Bring your parade boots and wedge.

Sports: 8-9pm

TAG DAYS were a great success with 100% attendance. Parents & Cadets thank you for showing your support of our fundraising efforts. Many hands makes light work.

MESS DINNER: Wed, 9th Dec, 2015 630pm at the Virgil Fire Hall Conc 6 NOTL. Dress: C-8.

SANTA CLAUS PARADE: Sat, 12th Dec, 2015 9am. We are entering a marching unit – and a little something extra that CI Thiffault and the Staff & Sponsors have been working on. We will need all cadets to participate. Check the website for details this week.

WE NEED YOUR HELP TONIGHT: labels and candy canes need to be affixed to recruiting pamphlets for the parade. 8pm tonight if you have some time. The more the merrier!

Tagging Schedule Dec 4, 5, 6 2015

Tagging is THIS weekend. Check the schedule here:Tagging Dec 2015

DRESS: C-2 (or with Sweater if it is cold). EVERYONE will wear their parka. Toque is optional if it is cold. Black gloves are to be worn by everyone.

FOR FRIDAY NIGHT: Outlet Mall cadets are to meet AT the Outlet Mall Tim Horton’s. 5pm. Mrs Lett will meet you with your tag box. ALL OTHER CADETS FOR FRIDAY NIGHT – 430pm meet at the Squadron first to pick up your box and then head out to your location.

SAT AM & SAT PM & SUN PM: Cadets for these shifts are to meet at the Squadron first to pick up your box and then be driven out to your location. PARENTS: we need drivers. Check in with the Staff member on duty in the office – bring in your vehicle insurance and Driver’s License for them to check before you depart.

Lunch will be provided for those cadets on Sat that are doing both am and pm shifts.


NATIONAL COURSE CADET APPLICANTS:  below are the guidelines for narratives. I have edited some but they do not meet this criteria. Guideline is from FORTRESS – ONE PAGE ONLY.

500-600 words. 1.5-2 spacing. 11-12 font. Wide margins are fine. Signature block: (with signature above – not printed name)

Initial. Last Name


809 Newark Sqn

CO’s Parade & Wed Night Trg

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C1: All cadets; parade positions in whites

See website calendar for training program details.

NEXT WEEK: Mess Dinner at the Virgil Fire Hall. WHITE SHIRT & BLACK BOW TIE REQUIRED for each cadet (own purchase).

Monday Night Training

Range training for the level four cadets took place last week. This week’s range session will be the tryouts for the squadron Range Team. Please note that all cadets are eligible for the Range Team and are encouraged to come out and compete for a spot!

This week:

Drill Team: 6:30-7:30pm.

Range Team: Tryouts from 7:30-9:30pm.

DRESS standards for the various activities are as follows:

Drill: Jeans, squadron t-shirt, DRILL BOOTS and WEDGE.

Range: Jeans, squadron t-shirt, running shoes, squadron ball cap (optional)

Wed Night Training & Parent Briefing


Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

Sports – sqn t-shirt, shorts, socks, running shoes, Sqn ball cap Don’t have a Sqn Blue t-shirt with 809 spray painted on it? Bring $5 to the Squadron on Wed night and we’ll help you make one.

PARENT BRIEFING: 815pm Classroom #1 Unfortunately, each year at least one cadet is disappointed that they can no longer apply for Summer Training because they did not follow the application process. All courses are in high demand and are selected regionally.  All dates below are not flexible – timings for paperwork are given to us by the Ontario Provincial Committee (Air Cadet League) and the London Detachment (DND). In order to have maximum selection for summer training we need to make sure we have everything: on time. Please read CAREFULLY.

For all cadets who are thinking of applying for a National Course:

  1. Go to your Guidance Counselor at school and request the previous year’s transcripts as well as the current year’s mid-term marks/report. Do this now.
  2. Read this: 2016 National Courses HB for Cadets CAREFULLY!!! There is a TON of information for you and your parents.
  3. Bring in your course request list to the Squadron NLT THIS Wednesday 25 Nov 15.
  4. PARENTS: join Capt Palumbo for a Parent Briefing dedicated to Summer Training WED 25 NOV 15 815pm – this was not previously scheduled, however due to many parents having the same questions, we would like to have you all together to share information effectively.
  5. All National Course documents are to be returned to the Squadron No Later Than (NLT)MONDAY 7 DECEMBER 2015.

For those cadets applying to 2, 3 & 6 week courses, or Staff Cadet,

  1. Course request forms are due back to the office NLT Wed 25 Nov 15.
  2. PARENTS: join Capt Palumbo for a Parent Briefing dedicated to Summer Training WED 25 NOV 15 815pm – this was not previously scheduled, however due to many parents having the same questions, we would like to have you all together to share information effectively.