Welcome Back!

It’s that time of year again! Summer is coming to a close. School starts on Tuesday, and Cadets starts on Wednesday. To be more specific, Wednesday, September 7th from 6:30pm until 9:15pm at the Old Virgil Public School. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Dress: WO2s, FSgts, and Sgts are in C2B; and FCpls, Cpls, LACs are in C4A.
dress-numbered-c2b dress-numbered-c4a

Timings: The building opens at 6:15pm and opening parade begins at 6:30pm. Closing parade is at 9pm and the building closed at 9:30pm

Registration paperwork: Returning Cadets
Please bring the following into the building with you when you drop off or pick up your cadet:

  • Health Card
  • $120.00 cash or cheque registration fee
  • Attendance Fee cheques
  • All details can be found in the Air Cadet Planner 2016-17. READ it and print a copy for yourself if you’d like one.
  • CO’s Policies 2016-17
    There will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsorship Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer, or you can print and bring in your own. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.

Registration paperwork: New Cadets
Please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:

  • Health Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • $120.00 cash or cheque registration fee
  • Attendance Fee cheques
  • All details can be found in the Air Cadet Planner 2016-17.
    New cadets will be given a paper copy upon registration.
  • Your cadet can come dressed as they are, or in black pants, a white collared shirt (tie optional) and black shoes. This will become their required dress until they receive their uniform, about 4-6 weeks after the registration process is complete.
  • CO’s Policies 2016-17
    There will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsorship Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer, or you can print and bring in your own. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.

Don’t forget: this weekend is the first Bottle Drive: Saturday, September 10th at the VanNoort Greenhouses (corner of Hunter and Creek Roads) from 9:00am to 4:00pm – we need ALL hands on deck: parents to drive and sort, and cadets to collect and load the trucks. Lunch is provided.

Parents of Cadets Returned from TRENTON Cadet Training Centre (TCTC)

Parents of our General Training and Three week course cadets who attended summer training in TRENTON:

Please see the attached letter from the medical staff at TCTC. Please follow directives as outlined in the letter and accompanying medical info sheet. TCTC – Letter to Parents – Detected Illness

Please contact me with any questions.

Thank you

Capt Palumbo, CD

Commanding Officer 809 Newark






Please see below return travel itineraries listed for CADETS from BLACKDOWN:

  • read the instructions for EXHAUST (top right corner of page)
  • you must be SIGNED IN to view



Please make sure you are in contact with your cadet prior to their departure. If they have a cell phone with them, you can confirm arrival time of bus/pick up points for parental transportation.

If you have any issues with travel orders, or picking up your cadet, please send a text msg to Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942, or call.

I trust everyone coming home has had a great summer filled with learning experiences and fun!


Please see below return travel itineraries listed for CADETS from TRENTON:

  • read the instructions for EXHAUST (top right corner of page)
  • you must be SIGNED IN to view



Please make sure you are in contact with your cadet prior to their departure. If they have a cell phone with them, you can confirm arrival time of bus/pick up points for parental transportation.

If you have any issues with travel orders, or picking up your cadet, please send a text msg to Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942, or call.

I trust everyone coming home has had a great summer filled with learning experiences and fun!


Please see below return travel itineraries listed for Staff Cadets from Connaught & Borden: read the instructions for EXHAUST (top right corner of page): you must be SIGNED IN to view

Please make sure you are in contact with your cadet prior to their departure. If they have a cell phone with them, you can confirm arrival time of bus/pick up points for parental transportation.

If you have any issues with travel orders, or picking up your cadet, please send a text msg to Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942, or call.

I trust everyone coming home has had a great summer filled with learning experiences and fun!

Canadian Space Agency Announcement

Canadian Space Agency Call for Female Astronauts!!

The Canadian Space Agency is looking for the next Julie Payette or Roberta Bondar and is encouraging more women to apply to the follow in their footsteps. Ever since the agency kicked off its recruitment drive in June to find Canada’s two new astronauts, it has received more than 3,300 applications, but less than a third are from female applicants.

To encourage more women to apply, the agency has reached out to professional associations and organizations (Women in Aerospace Canada) that have large female membership.

For more information please see http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2016/07/27/canadian-space-agency-seeksmore-female-applicants/ CBC wrote a story on this http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2016/07/27/canadian-space-agency-seeks-morefemale-applicants/ At the very least, many people, of all ages are applying to at least be able to say they applied. Even a rejection letter would be something to keep!

We do not know when this opportunity will come around again! If you have the ability to encourage any young women to apply as an astronaut, we would implore you to please forward this information to any groups, clubs, associations or others that would benefit. This is so important for young women of Canada.

For more information or questions, please feel free to contact WIA Director:

Michelle Mendes CEO & President Canada Space Commerce Association michelle.mendes@spacecommerce.ca 416-500-7008 Regards,

Leigh J. Leigh Kras Women in Aerospace – Canada Tel: (+1) 905-387-1550 Fax: (+1) 905-385-2073 Email: leigh.kras@wia-canada.org http://www.wia-canada.org

A Military Sound and Light Show – Fort George

Join us as Fort George and the Lincoln and Welland Regimental Museum commemorate over 200 years of Niagara’s military history. The fort will come alive as interpreters, animators and veterans display uniforms, weaponry and vehicles from the War of 1812, World War I, World War II and other historic time periods. Demonstrations will be happening throughout the day inside Fort George.

Arcs of Fire: A Military Sound and Light Show
Saturday, August 27
8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Back by popular demand is this truly unique event that combines the roar of tanks, the beating of drums and the crack of muskets with music and light to put on a show like no other! *Regular Admission Rates Apply. For more information, call Parks Canada at 905-468-6614.

FACEBOOK INFORMATION PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/events/1763674560514672/



Fish Fry Volunteers Needed

Calling all available cadets and parents!

We need four volunteers (2 each night) to cover the shifts for our Legion’s Fish Fry on Thurs 11 Aug and Thurs 18 Aug 2016.  4-7pm shift. Dress is civilian – 809 spirit wear if preferred.

If you can help, please contact Mrs Gowans at kgowans@whip.ca

We have a responsibility to our title sponsor, Branch 124 Legion, to help out. Without their financial support, the squadron would not be the fantastic place it is today.