Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades (Correction)

Good morning.

The original post regarding this weekend’s activities was based on last year’s information and the weekdays weren’t updated from Thursday and Friday to this year’s Friday and Saturday. This has been corrected in the original post. Please accept our apology for any confusion this may have caused.

Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades

J Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Remembrance Day Vigil and Parades

Our Annual Remembrance Day Vigil begins on Friday, 10 Nov 2023 at 1900 (7:00pm), cadets will meet at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Ed Boldt Memorial Hall (upstairs) and begin preparations for Remembrance Day on Saturday.

Bring your uniform (on a hanger) and your boots; pajamas; a sleeping bag and pillow; toiletries; and any other essential items for a sleepover.

Dress for the Friday evening portion is casual. Jeans and a t-shirt are fine. Dress for the Saturday parades is full dress uniform: C1. The early forecasts are calling for clear skies and 4º. Bring your parka and prepare for cold weather.

Breakfast will be provided by the Squadron Sponsorship Committee through donations by our cadets’ families. Please accept our sincere thanks if you are contributing to our breakfast. Please see the Remembrance Day Breakfast Contributions sign-up sheet and bring the items with you when you arrive on Friday night.

The sign-up sheet for Remembrance Day breakfast contributions can be found here: Event Sign-ups. Please remember that you need to be logged into the site to see the sign-up sheets.

Our schedule for Remembrance Day is as follows:

0600 – Reveille (First Group)
0620 – Breakfast (First Group)
0645 – Walk to Cenotaph (First Group)
0700 – Shifts begin
1000 – Last shift at the Cenotaph
1030 – Old Town parade begins
1200 – Old Town parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1230 – Cadets are bussed to Queenston for the afternoon parade
1300 – Queenston parade begins
1430 – Queenston parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1500 – Cadets are ready for pickup at the Royal Canadian Legion

Shifts last for 30 mins each with five (5) cadets per shift.

Changeovers will occur at the top and bottom of each hour until the last shift takes position at 1030. This shift will remain for the duration of the Remembrance Day parade.

Thank you to all who contribute to making this event successful. The Remembrance Day parades are where we have an opportunity for cadets, staff, and volunteers to show our respect for our fallen and, through them, our community.

D. Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-10 – 5 November 2023


5 November 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809!

It’s Remembrance Day week. We’ve got a busy schedule starting Monday with Optional Training. Mandatory training on Wednesday night. Friday is our overnight vigil and Saturday is the Remembrance Day parade. For this special parade we need to have hall hands on deck to show our support for veterans.

Now for the WROs

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Poppy Campaign Update

Good evening 809 ,

I’m happy to see that there are only 2 spots left to fill for the poppy campaign this weekend.    However, there are still cadets who have yet to volunteer.   If you haven’t volunteered, take the time to fill in the spots leftover.  Don’t leave it up to your squadron mates to do the heavy lifting.  For those cadets that have volunteered to do multiple shifts over the two days, thank you for your dedication. It has been noted.

Here’s the link for sign up and also to review your shift schedule:  Poppy Campaign | 809 Newark (

As promised, here’s a clarification on the details for Saturday and Sunday

Dress for Cadets: C1  Bring Parka, gloves and toque. Make sure you wear a poppy!
Dress for Staff: Appropriate civilian attire
Date: Saturday Nov 5 and Sunday Nov 6
Timings & Location: 15 minutes prior to your shift, report to the Royal Canadian Legion, 124 Branch @ 410 King St, NOTL
Duty Locations: Phil’s Independent – 1551 Hwy 55, Virgil & Hendriks’ Independent 130 Queen St, NOTL – You’ll be assigned a location upon your arrival to the Legion for your briefing.

– Please bring your cadet to the legion prior 15 minutes prior to their shift. This way we can take attendance and ensure that the cadet has their appropriate box
– Once checked in, the duty officer will will issue instructions on the day’s activity to your cadet and direct you to transport your cadet to the duty location they’ve been assigned.
– Pick up your cadet at the and transport them back to the legion for their quitting time – they’ll hand their box to the duty officer at the end of their shift before being dismissed.

– Junior cadets will be paired with senior cadets.
– Cadets are to act in an appropriate manner at all times while in uniform as per the code of conduct.
– Be friendly and approachable.
– A duty officer has been assigned to supervise each shift and will be making rounds throughout to monitor the activity
– If there is an emergency, the duty officer will be available by the squadron phone – 905 468 7584
– If you have a cell phone, please bring it with you and leave your number with the duty officer for your shift.

I’m available if anyone has any questions.

Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-09 – 29 October 2023


29 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Happy Halloween 809!

This week we’ve got Optional Training for all interested cadets on Monday night, we’re going with a Halloween theme. Wear a costume and we might have a movie for the evening. Parade night on Wednesday is a CO’s parade. Make sure your uniform is prepped and ready to go. If you got promoted on the last CO’s parade, make sure your appropriate ranks are sewn on, otherwise you’re out of uniform. Poppy campaign started on Friday, all cadets and officers are now to wear a poppy on their uniform. Speaking of which, we have poppy campaign on both Saturday and Sunday 0900-1600. We’re looking for the entire squadron to sign up.

If you need to exchange pieces of your uniform for better fitting items, please make sure you see CI Dau this week. Next week is our Remembrance Day vigil and parade, and you may need gloves and a parka depending on the weather.

Now for the WROs

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2023 Poppy Campaign

Hello 809 Squadron,

We need your help to support the poppy campaign. Money goes to the Royal Canadian Legion’s efforts to support veterans. Shifts are Saturday AM, Saturday PM, Sunday AM and Sunday PM. We’re looking for 4 cadets and 2 staff members on each shift. Multiple shifts are available for those who wish. The more people that sign up means lighter work for others. This is an important activity for both the unit and our sponsor. It gets us in the eye of the public doing a service. Cadets will assemble at the Legion on King St for a quick briefing before moving off to their duty location. Parents/guardians will then be asked to transport their cadets to their shift area.

Dress: Dress is C1, with parka, gloves and toque.
When: Saturday Nov 04, Sunday Nov 05
Timings: AM Shift – 0900-1230, PM Shift – 1230-1600 (Arrive 15min prior to shift)
Where: Meet @ 124 Branch RCL before and after shift (410 King St, NOTL)
Transport: Not provided – Parent/Guardians to bring cadets to Legion and then transport to duty location. Parents/guardians then to pick up cadet at end of shift, transport back to legion and then home after dismissal.

An officer/staff member will be on-hand to supervise cadets throughout the activity. Cadets and staff will be requested to have their phones with them in case of emergency.

Sign up sheets for both cadets and staff can be found here:

Poppy Campaign | 809 Newark (

Any questions, please contact me via email at

Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Monday Night Training – Halloween Theme & Movie

Hello 809 Squadron,
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. This Monday’s optional training will have a Halloween theme and there will be a (mild) Halloween appropriate movie (PG). Wear a costume and come out to have some fun. Timings are as usual (1900-2100). All cadets and staff are encouraged to attend for a little fun.

See you tomorrow night
Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Trick or Trunk – Sunday October 29

Hello 809,

For those cadets that have committed to participating at the Trick or Trunk, or for those cadets that haven’t committed, but would like to take part, here are the particulars:

When: Sunday, October 29, 2023 – Drop off: 1630  Pick up: 1900
Where: Central Community Church – 680 York Rd, Niagara On The Lake
Dress: C5 – FTU (bring parka in case of bad weather)
OIC: OCdt Bell

The purpose of attending this activity is to get community exposure for 809 Squadron. There will be cars decorated for halloween, people in costume, and other organizations (local fire, ambulance, police) will be taking part as well. You’ll be handing out candy to the children attending and also brochures about our program to interested potential recruits

Cadets are to make their own way to the venue.  Enter through the small parking lot at entrance “B” and meet up with OCdt Bell, who will be the supervisor for the event.   Please be there no later than 1630hrs to help set up. Here’s a map showing the location:

This should be a fun experience and it will be happening rain or shine.

Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-08 – 22 October 2023


22 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Welcome to week eight 809!

This week we’ve got Optional Training for all interested cadets on Monday night, Parade night on Wednesday and Trunk or Treat on Sunday evening.

We’re also coming up on poppy season, which starts this Friday. Typically we assist the Legion by selling these to raise money to support veterans. Also, the wearing of poppies is mandatory on uniforms starting the same date. More to follow during parade on Wednesday evening.

Please note that CI Dau is away this week. Unless it’s an emergency, any supply items should wait until next week.

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Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-07 – 15 October 2023


15 October 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Welcome to week 7 809!

What a fantastic weekend! Although we had a tough time with the weather, 809 had a great time at Exercise Niagara Challenger. Well done everyone.

This week, everything gets back to normal.

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