Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-36 – Week 36 – 28 May 2023


28 May 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. We’re in for a busy, but exciting week. This week your family and friends will get to you what you’ve done for the past 9 months. Optional training on Monday night – We’d like as many cadets a possible to come out to finish up the static and practical displays. Wednesday night will be a parade practice. Friday is the Awards Banquet and Saturday will be our Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR). Here we go!

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Canada’s Wonderland Update

Good evening,

The cadets are all having a blast at Wonderland.   We’re still on track for departing Wonderland at 2000hrs (8pm) and arriving at the squadron headquarters at 2200hrs (10pm)

Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS


Reminder – Canada’s Wonderland Trip – Saturday May 27

Good afternoon everyone,

Just a reminder for everyone about the Canada’s Wonderland Trip on Saturday.
You’ve all been emailed your tickets. Please take time to save a copy to your phone, or print out a paper copy to keep with you.

– Be at the squadron on Saturday morning no later than 0745 (bus leaves at 0800)
– Bring your health card
– Bring money for snacks, lunch, lockers and for spending.
– Wear suitable, appropriate, civilian clothing
– Bring Sunblock if you have it.
– Bring swimming clothes if you wish to partake in Splashworks
– Bring a backpack to carry your belongings in – This will most likely be searched as you enter the park.

NOTE: There is a change to the return time. Because the meal won’t be available until about 1730hrs, I’ve negotiated to for the bus to return a little later. It is now scheduled to leave Canada’s wonderland at 2000hrs (8pm), returning approx 2200hrs (10pm). This will also give you a little more time in the park.

See everyone Saturday morning.

Lt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Reminder – Awards Banquet (Friday 02JUN2023) And Annual Ceremonial Review (Saturday 03JUN2023)

Awards Banquet

Friday, June 02 1830-2130

RSVP: Daniel.couroux@cadets.gc.ca

Please join us at 809 Newark Squadron’s 2023 Awards Banquet at 6:30pm on Friday, June 2. The banquet is being held at:

124 Branch, Royal Canadian Legion
410 King St,
Niagara On The Lake

Please notify us of the number of guests that will be attending no later than Wednesday, May 24th in order for us to make accommodations with the caterer. Dress is Business Professional. (No uniforms!)

Any special meal requirements should be communicated to myself, Lt Dan Couroux, before the RSVP deadline.

Cadets are free, all others are $25 each.

Please make sure you include your cadet in your RSVP.

Annual Ceremonial Review

Saturday, June 3 – 1100hrs – 1200hrs

RSVP Link: Daniel.couroux@cadets.gc.ca

Cadets are to arrive at the squadron headquarters for 0800hrs on Saturday, June 3rd for practices and setup. Wear your uniform (C1A) but bring your tunic on a hanger. Cadets are to report to Capt Emptage for attendance. Parents and guests are asked to be seated 1045hrs for a 1100hrs start. As this is a mandatory parade, we require a note from all cadets who are unable to participate.

All parents and cadets are invited to join us following the parade for a small reception to commemorate our success this year – we have lots to celebrate! Please invite your entire family to come to the parade as it truly shows the result of the hard work the Cadets of 809 Squadron have put forward this past training year.

In order to estimate numbers for the SSC BBQ that traditionally follows the ACR, please RSVP using the link above and include your cadet in your response.

Guests should dress in business casual attire. (No jeans.)

See you there!



Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCAC


Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-35 – Week 35 – 21 May 2023 (Update)

Good morning.

There is an update to this week’s Weekly Routine Orders that focuses specifically on CJCR Dress Regulations for Ceremonial Occasions. The original WROs have been updated to reflect the change. The specific addition follows and needs to be carefully considered when wearing C1A orders of dress.

J. Lemoine
Administration Officer
809 Newark RCACS

CJCR Dress instructions – Section 2 – Appearance – Specific Guidance for Ceremonial Occasions (2-2-18)

  1. Ceremonial order of dress (C1) shall only be ordered for specific occasions (CO’s parade, Formal parades, ACRs, etc.) C1 shall not be the standard training dress at a corps/squadron. The following amplification is provided for all cadets when in C1 order of dress:
    1. footwear will be worn as per environment / regiments / branches and corps / squadron dress instructions;
    2. over garment will be worn as per environments / regiments / branches and corps / squadron dress instructions. Medals are not to be worn on over garment (parka, gabardine, windbreaker);
    3. hair that extends below the tunic jacket collar shall be secured in one of the following styles:
      1. in a bun;
      2. a single braid;
      3. double braids centred to the back;
      4. multi braids or locks, be pulled back to the centre of the back or equally positioned along the shoulder blades and secured; or
      5. when hairstyle or hair type does not allow a cadet to adopt one of the aforementioned hairstyles, the cadet must discuss with the Chain of Command to find a hairstyle that can be secured accordingly.
    4. Jewellery;
      1. Rings, a maximum of two rings which are not of costume jewellery nature. Additional rings may only be worn when they indicate professional standing, such as an engineer, or are worn with a wedding band as a single set indicating betrothal or fidelity, e.g., an engagement or an anniversary ring. Rings shall not inhibit the execution of proper arms drill or cause an unsightly bulge in white or black gloves.
      2. Necklaces and bracelets shall not be visible;
      3. Piercings. The only piercings authorized are single or single set of stud or single stone earrings (one in each ear) are permitted in the ear lobe(s). These earrings shall not exceed one centimetre square or diameter. Gauges / spacers shall not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter; and
      4. Plain tie-pins or clips or with a Canadian military/Cadet insignia are permitted.
    5. Facial make-up, temporary lashes, and eyelashes extensions are permitted; and
    6. Coloured nail polish and artificial nails are permitted as long as they do not impair the cadet’s ability to perform their duties.

Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) 2022/23-35 – Week 35 – 21 May 2023


21 May 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809. Enjoy Monday evening off for Victoria Day! On Wednesday, everyone will be dressed in C1As for inspection. Make sure to have all your badges sewn on properly, boots shined and uniforms pressed. I’m including some information from the dress regs in this edition of the WROs detailing how ceremonial dress is to be worn. Please review and make sure you’re adhering to these regulations. And finally, the Wonderland trip for Cadet Day is on this Saturday.

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Awards Banquet (Friday 02JUN2023) And Annual Ceremonial Review (Saturday 03JUN2023)

Awards Banquet

Friday, June 02 1830-2130

RSVP: Daniel.couroux@cadets.gc.ca

Please join us at 809 Newark Squadron’s 2023 Awards Banquet at 6:30pm on Friday, June 2. The banquet is being held at:

124 Branch, Royal Canadian Legion
410 King St,
Niagara On The Lake

Please notify us of the number of guests that will be attending no later than Wednesday, May 24th in order for us to make accommodations with the caterer. Dress is Business Professional. (No uniforms!)

Any special meal requirements should be communicated to myself, Lt Dan Couroux, before the RSVP deadline.

Cadets are free, all others are $25 each.

Please make sure you include your cadet in your RSVP.

Annual Ceremonial Review

Saturday, June 3 – 1100hrs – 1200hrs

RSVP Link: Daniel.couroux@cadets.gc.ca

Cadets are to arrive at the squadron headquarters for 0800hrs on Saturday, June 3rd for practices and setup. Wear your uniform (C1A) but bring your tunic on a hanger. Cadets are to report to Capt Emptage for attendance. Parents and guests are asked to be seated 1045hrs for a 1100hrs start. As this is a mandatory parade, we require a note from all cadets who are unable to participate.

All parents and cadets are invited to join us following the parade for a small reception to commemorate our success this year – we have lots to celebrate! Please invite your entire family to come to the parade as it truly shows the result of the hard work the Cadets of 809 Squadron have put forward this past training year.

In order to estimate numbers for the SSC BBQ that traditionally follows the ACR, please RSVP using the link above and include your cadet in your response.

Guests should dress in business casual attire. (No jeans.)

See you there!



Lt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCAC


Bottle Drop Off – Saturday, June 10 – 0830-1400

Our last fundraising event, and last cadet function, for the 2022-23 training year will be a bottle drop off on Saturday, June 10 0830-1400.   Participation is mandatory for Cadets, Staff & SSC members.    Parents & Guardians are asked to help out with the sorting and transportation of bottles from the drop off locations to the warehouse at VanNoorts.    We need everyone’s help to pull this off.

Everyone will assemble at VanNoorts greenhouse on  4 Mile Creek Rd at the corner of Hunter Rd. at 0830hrs.   From there, you will be briefed on your location and responsibilities.

We will all meet back at VanNoorts after the locations close at 1300.  From there, cadets and participants will be treated to a pizza lunch before being released for the day.

This is our largest fundraiser.   We need your help in raising the funds in order to provide training and to pay for our facilities.



Lt Dan Couroux
809 Newark RCACS