Update to Wednesday Night Training

Level Three Cadets:

Last month, CI Lemoine instructed M306.06 (Instructional Techniques:Plan a Lesson) and tomorrow night is where you put your skills to the test. For the first part of the evening, we’ll be reviewing your lesson plans and giving you an opportunity to polish them up. For the second part, you will be presenting your lessons with the Level One cadets as your students.

Be sure to bring your lesson plan and instructional aids as discussed in your M306.06 class.

Capt Lemoine

Training This Week: Mon 19 & Wed 21 Dec 16

We have a regular training week on Mon & Wed this week. Christmas Stand down begins Thurs 22 Dec 16 until Fri Jan 6th 2017. If you have PHOTOS to submit – please send them to Capt Palumbo – Tammy.Palumbo@cadets.gc.ca. We are looking for photos from the NOTL Christmas Parade and the Mess Dinner. There will be a Staff Meeting immediately following the parade night on Wed.

MON: Drill Team – 7-8pm Dress civilian with parade boots and wedge

Flight Club/Sports/Effective Speaking 8-9pm

WED: Regular Training Night. Polish those boots! They took a beating at the Santa Claus Parade – make sure you put in some extra time this week to get them back up to standard. Dress standards can be found here: Dress Regs + Boots Video

WED Duty Officer
Capt Lemoine

C2: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3: AC, LAC, Cpl FCpl

Looking forward to seeing everyone out for our last week before Christmas Break. We will not be parading during the school holidays – however, we will start up again in the New Year at our Bottle Drive on Saturday 7th January, 2017 9am at VanNoort Greenhouses On Creek & Hunter Rds. Regular Monday and Wednesday training will begin on January 9th.


Monday Night Training

Drill Team – 7-8pm – make sure you’re there! We need all hands on deck for our silent routine practice. Dress: civilian with parade boots and wedge.

Sports/Flight Club – 8-9pm

NATIONAL COURSE NARRATIVES: Please send them in for proof-reading – email Capt Palumbo: Tammy.Palumbo@cadets.gc.ca  All natiional course applications are due THIS WEDNESDAY night at the Mess Dinner. 

NOTL Christmas Parade – was a HUGE success! Special thanks to Mr. Ruttan for the use of his trailer for our float, to CI Thiffault and Mr Zalepa for float prep on Friday afternoon, and to Mr Hendriks for driving the float in the parade. Our Cadets looked FANTASTIC with their elf hats on – if you have photos please send them to Capt Palumbo.

MESS DINNER on Wednesday: do you still need a bowtie? Capt Palumbo has one left – $7 each, you can pay on Wed night. Check out the dress regulations here: C8. NO headdress (wedge), and YES wear your name tag. Meet at the Virgil Fire Hall on 1391 Concession 6 Rd in NOTL at 630pm. Dinner begins at 7pm. Cadets are asked to wait in the foyer – they will be formally asked to come into the dining area. Parent volunteers can go straight to the kitchen – dress is white top, black bottoms for serving.

As an FYI, Capt Palumbo will not be into the office this evening. Capt Lemoine will be on-site for any pertinent questions/concerns.

NOTL Christmas Parade

There are two important timings for the parade this weekend:

FRI 9 DEC @ 130pm – Parent helpers meet at CI & Mr. Ruttan’s house (across the road from the old NDSS on East & West Line), at 130pm to set-up the parade float. We anticipate the whole process will take approximately 1 hr – we have 4 people confirmed. 2 more would be ideal.

SAT 10 DEC @1015am – BRANCH 124 LEGION parking lot – all cadets to meet in their uniforms. Cadets are expected to attend and be a part of the marching unit. Give yourself extra time to get there on Sat morn – roads will already be closed off for parade access along Mary & Mississauga Sts at 10am.

The parade begins at 11am – but we need cadets out at our spot along the parade route by 1030am at the latest. We are #24. We anticipate we will be finished by 130pm. We will meet back at the Legion once we have completed the parade route. Please arrange to pick up your cadet there.

Dress is UNIFORM for all cadets (C3 – sweater, with parka, black gloves and toque). For select senior cadets dress will be as directed on Wed night. It will be COLD – wear clothing under your uniform as appropriate to keep warm.

This is an important event that gives the community of NOTL a sneak peak into the amazing program we call Air Cadets – please ensure our success by having your cadet attend.


Fish Fry @ Branch 124 Legion

Parents/Guardians: Please note that effective Jan 2017, 809 will no longer be officially supporting the Legion by providing cadets to work at the Fish Fry on Thursday evenings.

This is due to a change in supervision requirements from DND that we cannot meet.

We are happy to inform you that a parent of one of our cadets, Mr Cory Abt, has stepped forward to manage the volunteers for the Legion @ Fish Fry in the New Year. All parents are invited to submit names to him for inclusion in the volunteer list. There is no requirement for cadets to participate – it is entirely of your own initiative. Timings and expectations remain the same, but it will no longer be organized or supervised by 809 Squadron Staff/Sponsors, and as such is an event entirely outside of the cadet program.

We are delighted that Mr Abt has stepped forward to volunteer with the Legion so that their requirements for workers are still met. If you need further information, please contact the Commanding Officer.

CO’s Parade & Vimy $$ Due Tonight

Duty Officer
CI Lemoine

C1: Everyone

CO’s parade tonight beginning in period 3 at 815. Parents are welcome to attend.

REMINDER: look to previous post for SUMMER TRG and NATIONAL COURSE information.

VIMY RIDGE 2017 TRIP PAYMENT DUE TONIGHT. Please see Mrs Lett directly. 

Summer Trg & National Course Applications

The list of available 2017 summer training courses is here: 2017-air-ctc-info-pamphlet. PAY ATTENTION to course information. If you are in level 1 now, you will have completed level 1 by June 30 – just in time for Summer 2017. This is the case for every level: level 2 now? Level 2 completed are the ONLY courses you can apply for. And so on.

For those cadets that did not receive a copy of the application for Summer Training in November, there is one here: course-selections-for-summer-trg that you can print yourself and bring in, or you can get one tonight at the office. THEY ARE DUE TONIGHT.

The info for NATIONAL COURSE HANDBOOK is here:2017-national-courses-hb-for-cadets-parents-v4-nov-11-2016_reduced. And if you didn’t see the Power Point presentation made to parents in November, it is here:parent-mtg-air-cadet-summer-training-applications. Only those cadets who have completed Level 3 as of June 2017 are eligible to apply for National Courses. In the case of Power (level 4) and IACE (level 5).

NATIONAL COURSE APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NEXT WED. The 14th at the Mess Dinner. The narrative, school transcripts, passport photos (if applicable) and any other supporting documentation/signatures are required. This will give Capt Palumbo 1 week to sort through and make sure nothing is missing before sending off to Detachment in London. The application folders have arrived in the mail and will be compiled beginning this evening. Capt Palumbo will meet with ALL potential applicants individually throughout the parade night.


NOTL Christmas Parade Sat 10 Dec 16

This Saturday is the NOTL Parade in old town. Cadets are expected to attend and be a part of the marching unit that accompanies our float in the parade.

The parade begins at 11am – but we need cadets out at our spot along the parade route by 1030am at the latest. Post will be updated with parade position asap.

Dress is UNIFORM for all cadets (C3 – sweater, with parka, black gloves and toque). For select senior cadets dress will be as directed tonight – all Level 4 & 5 cadets are to meet with Capt Palumbo tonight during break.

Parents: We need your HELP! On Friday afternoon (the 9th) we will be meeting at CI & Mr. Ruttan’s house (across the road from the old NDSS on East & West Line), at 130pm to set-up the parade float. If you are available to help, please contact the office 905-468-7584 tonight before closing parade at 9pm. We anticipate the whole process will take approximately 1 hr.