Join us for:
DRILL TEAM: 7-8pm in the gym, dress is team hoodie, parade boots & wedge
RANGE TEAM: 8-9pm in the gym, dress is team hoodie, running shoes
FLIGHT CLUB: 8-9pm in classroom #3
No other training this evening. Snack at 755pm
Join us for:
DRILL TEAM: 7-8pm in the gym, dress is team hoodie, parade boots & wedge
RANGE TEAM: 8-9pm in the gym, dress is team hoodie, running shoes
FLIGHT CLUB: 8-9pm in classroom #3
No other training this evening. Snack at 755pm
Sat 25 Mar 17 – we are having an afternoon for last chance practice to get us ready for competition this year.
DRILL TEAM: 1-3pm at our gym. Dress is team hoodie with parade boots & wedge.
RANGE TEAM: 3-5pm at our gym. Dress is team hoodie with comfortable pants & running shoes.
Without further ado, Capt Palumbo is happy to announce the 2017 Zone 6/7 Range Team Competitors for 809. Congratulations!
Seniors: (ages 15 & over)
Juniors: (under age 15)
All team members are expected to attend the RANGE TEAM PRACTICES on Monday nights from 8-9pm – 20 & 27 March – as well as a Range Team practice on Sat 25 March 2017 – TO BE CONFIRMED. The actual competition is on Sunday, 2 April in St. Catharines from 8am to 4pm.
HOODIES: required wear for the team – SSC has covered 50% of the cost. $25 per cadet owing. (Same as last year – if you already have one, a new one is not required) Please bring $$ in before competition.
Thank you to all cadets who tried out for the team.
We’ve reached the point where we’re ready to book our flights for the Vimy trip in October! Yes, folks, it’s slowly but surely becoming a reality.
In order to make the booking, I will need passport information for each person who will be going on the trip. What we need immediately is each person’s name exactly as it appears on their passport and their dates of birth. Ultimately, we will need full passport information and so I’m gathering photocopies of each person’s passport tonight. Please accept my apology for the short notice.
If you have a passport that expires before 15 April 2018, you will need to apply for a new one immediately.
I will be in the office from 7-9pm to collect all of the necessary information and to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
Drill Team: 7-8pm Wear your hoodie, parade boots and wedge
Flight Club: 8-9pm Classroom #3 – with Capt Palumbo from SOGC; Simulator & map work
Range Team: 8-9pm Same cadets as last week only – arrive early for set-up for STANDING
There will be no other training this evening and all other classrooms will be closed.
This Saturday sees our two winners of the 809 Sqn Effective Speaking Competition participate at the Regional – NAG Comp – at 62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron Headquarters, Mountain Ridge Community Centre. Best of luck to Cdts Miele & Gowans!
Cadet Dress for the Comp is C-2 (no Whites at all) , Officers 1-D, Other Designated Sqn Escorts Appropriate Civilian Sqn Dress; Cadets are required to make their own way to Comp.
Mrs. Gowans has all required paperwork for the Competition – please find her on arrival.
NOTL Home Show is also on Sat but at Crossroads School in NOTL. We have a booth in one of the classrooms. The schedule for those participating is as follows:
Any cadets that require additional volunteer hours are welcome to help at the booth on Sat. The dress is C-2. Officers: 3C. Civilian adults: 809 Sqn blue golf shirts & khaki pants/skirt.
CO’s parade tonight – parents are welcome to come out and watch the cadets as they practice for the Annual Ceremonial Review which is only 3 months away! Parade begins at 845pm.
Duty Officer
CI Thiffault
C1: All Cadets
Drill Team: 7-8pm Wear TEAM HOODIE, civilian pants, drill boots & wedge
Range Team: 8-9pm Due to scores, and ages of current finalists, we need additional practice nights including STANDING for the Air Rifle. The following cadets are invited to participate in the final selection for the 5 team members that will compete at the end of March:
WOI Lavoie, FSgt Lett, FSgt Zalepa, Sgt Couroux, FCpl Abt, FCpl Lett, Cpl Hill
Effective Speaking – 815pm for Miele & Gowans
The countdown to our Aviation Weekend is approaching zero! With only a little over 24 hours remaining, there are a few things that need to be reiterated.
If you have any allergies that require use of an epipen, ensure that you do not forget to bring it with you. We will be within range of a hospital, but are in a semi-rural area and the trip won’t necessarily be fast. Don’t take any risks. Bring your epipen.
Because we have cadets with allergies to peanuts and tree nuts, cadets are asked to ensure that any snacks they bring with them are nut-free.
We’re devoting one night of entertainment to a game night. Bring a deck of cards and your favourite board game with you. I’ll be bringing a few of my favourites myself.
Remember, the bus leaves on Friday night at 6:30pm. Aim to be at the squadron building for 6:00pm, 6:15pm at the absolute latest.
We’re looking forward to an exciting weekend. See you there!