Mess Dinner Tonight!

Don’t forget: Mess Dress C-8 for tonight. Arrive no later than 1825 for dinner please.

Dinner is at GRACE UNITED CHURCH HALL, 222 Victoria St, NOTL (do not go to the cadet hall, there won’t be anyone there!)

Need a last min brush up on your Mess Etiquette? Read here: Mess Dinner Etiquette

PMC or VPMC? Read here:PMC and VPMC

Want to say Grace for the squadron? Read here: High Flight

Looking forward to seeing everyone out in their best bib and tucker.




Mess Dinner

Reminders to parent volunteers, staff and cadets for this Wednesday’s Mess Dinner.


Please wear black pants or skirt and a white shirt.

Kitchen Staff

Please bring an apron and a hat in order to comply with food service regulations.


Read here:  Mess Dinner Seating Plan 2014 and High Flight – one cadet will be asked upon arrival on Wednesday night to read High Flight before the dinner. If you would like to be chosen, practice reading it, and present yourself to Lt Russell when you arrive on Wed.

PMC – FSgt Chikombero VPMC – Cdt Gowans. Meet Lt Russell upon arrival on Wed for a quick briefing as to expectations for Wed night’s dinner. Read PMC and VPMC document for help.

All cadets: Read this Mess Dinner Etiquette so that you understand the importance of the Mess DInner and its traditions. Be prepared to “sing for your supper” as required!

Mess Dinner Wed

Please remember for the Mess Dinner that the dress is C-8. Hair cuts for males (and shave). Females: get creative. Off the collar and up is all that is required (unless you do the double braid). NO headdress is to be worn with this order of dress.

Black Bow Ties can be purchased at Out of the Past in St. Catharines for those of you who still need one. (Thanks to Mrs. Gowans for passing on the info).


Santa Claus Parade


DATE: Saturday 13 December: 1015am form-up and 11am parade start. We are at position #2 for the parade. Info here: Parade Map 2014 and 2 – 809 squadron.

Make sure to leave early to arrive at the form-up spot (beside the Legion) so that you can avoid the road closures and heavy expected pedestrian/float traffic.

Dress is C-3 for everyone on Saturday. Parkas and black gloves must be worn by all participating. Bring your Christmas cheer!

Mess Dinner – Parent Servers needed

Please email Capt Palumbo : if you are available to help serve the Mess Dinner next Wed night. We still need 4 more parent volunteers to help move the meal from the kitchen to our cadets hungry tummies! Dress: white shirt, black pants/skirt. 530pm at Grace United Church, 222 Victoria St, NOTL.

Thank you for your help in making the 6th Annual Squadron Mess Dinner such a fantastic yearly celebration.

Training Update

TAGGING was a huge success. Our best total to date. THANK YOU to everyone that helped out by driving, tagging and providing hot chocolate when needed. We appreciate all of your efforts to make the wknd such a great haul.

NATIONAL COURSE APPLICATIONS: please bring ALL of your required documentation (anything from birth certificate for photocopying to passport photo IF your course application requires it) to the Squadron on Wed night, 10 Dec 14. Need help to figure out what you need? Look it up here: 2015 National Courses HB Wed night is the FINAL evening that you can hand in the required paperwork. For narratives: please add a signature block to the bottom. It should look like this: (only with no spaces between the lines and include your name and rank)

C. Bloggins


809 Newark Squadron

SANTA CLAUS PARADE: Lt Russell will be briefing the cadets on Wed as to specific orders for Saturday’s parade. Sat 13 Dec 1030am form-up and 11am parade start. We are at position #2 for the parade. Info here:Parade Map 2014 and 2 – 809 squadron. Dress is C-3 for everyone on Saturday. Parkas and black gloves must be worn by all participating.

MESS DINNER: Every cadet is expected to attend this mandatory function. Dress is C-8. Look it up under the Dress Regulations. You are required to purchase/borrow your own black bow-tie and white shirt to be worn under the tunic. Females: hair must still meet regulations as per the air cadet dress instructions. Males: get a hair cut & shave (if applicable). Dinner starts at 630pm. It is for the cadets, staff and sponsoring committee members only. PARENTS: if you would like to help serve the meal to the cadets, or help CI Thiffault in the kitchen, please email Capt Palumbo directly at: Dress for servers is a white shirt and black pants/skirt.

See you tomorrow night! And don’t forget, polish those boots. Capt Jarrell is still winning the competition.






Tagging Sunday

All cadets scheduled to TAG on Sunday afternoon are to arrive at 1225pm. Shift begins at 1230. Dress: C-3 with PARKA and TOQUE and BLACK GLOVES. It is colder than you think outside and you’ll be standing still.

Cadet location assignments will take place upon arrival at the office. Parents are then asked to help drive cadets to their location and pick them up at the end of the shift to bring them back to the squadron to hand in their box.

Response has been fabulous so far this wknd – let’s make it a record haul! Bring your smiles and enthusiasm.

The following cadets are expected at tagging tomorrow: (you need to be LOGGED IN to view)