Category Archives: Summer Training

Ground School for Summer Pilot Training Courses

FLYING SCHOLARSHIP 2018 APPLICANTS: 809 Cadets who are eligible to participate (age 15 for Glider, age 16 for Power), and have transportation to Fort Erie (beginning tomorrow), are to contact Capt Palumbo TONIGHT.

337 and 79 are joining forces to provide their gliding and flying scholarship candidates with a ground school program and we would like to extend an invitation to all NAG Squadrons.  I am aware that some squadrons may already have other arrangements, but if you don’t please fell free to join us.

We are asking that cadets who attend be eligible to apply for a gliding or flying scholarship this training year, and come prepared with sufficient note taking materials (paper, pens, etc.) and a package of cue/index/recipe cards.

  • Date: Thursdays (beginning this week)
  • Time: 1900-2100
  • Location: 337 LHQ – Fort Erie Leisureplex Lions Banquet Hall, 3 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie

I am asking that you respond only if you have cadets who would be attending and let us know numbers so that we can ensure we have the proper meeting space available.

I also would like to take this opportunity to thank those cadet flying site and squadron staff who were carrying the torch of the NAG ground school for the past years.  Your hard work and dedication to our cadets is appreciated.



Captain / Capitaine Nicholas Chevalier, CD

Commanding Officer 337 ‘Allan Troup’ Squadron – Fort Erie

Canadian Armed Forces

PO Box 459 Fort Erie, ON L2A 5N2

Tel: 905-871-2775 / Cel: 905-650-3278

Commandant Escadron 337 ‘Allan Troup’ Squadron – Fort Erie

Forces Armées Canadiennes

PO Box 459 Fort Erie, ON L2A 5N2

Tél: 905-871-2775 /  Tél Cell: 905-650-3278


For those cadets returning from summer training this Friday, Aug 18th, please see below the TRAVEL ORDERS EXHAUST. Go through the pages (21 total) find your cadet’s name, locate the page with the word EXHAUST highlighted in yellow in the top right corner.

Timings of arrival at the Pen Centre (same as drop-off) are listed beside which bus is expected from where.

Capt Palumbo is the site supervisor for all returning buses on Fri to the Pen Centre. She will have your cadet call you upon arrival if they have not already been in contact with you. Alternatively, text her at 289-783-1942 for a more accurate estimated time of arrival (ETA).

If you need to arrange carpooling please contact listed parents accordingly.

You must be signed in to view the travel orders EXHAUST.

Looking forward to hearing all the great times had this summer – stay tuned, lots of fun coming up in Sept.


  • Wed, 6 Sep 2017 Welcome Back BBQ

  • Wed, 13 Sep 2017 NOTL Supper Market & Drill Team Display

  • Sat, 16 Sep 2017 Bottle Drive 0900-1600hrs

  • Sun, 17 Sep 2017 – Cenotaph Rededication Ceremony NOTL 0915-1130am

  • Wed, 20 Sep 2017 Snowbirds at NOTL Airport

Cadet Gliding: A Family Affair

These things tend to run in families. Congratulations to Maj Luigi, Capt Anne-Marie, and Cadet WO2 Angela Norio.

Video Transcript (English)

Hello, my name is Major Luigi Norio and I am the Cadet Flying Site Commander for the St. Catharines and Welland Cadet Flying Sites. This summer I am working as the tow pilot at the Mountain View Cadet Flight Training Centre in support of the air cadet glider pilot scholarship. I have been involved in the air cadet gliding program for 29 years flying both the Belanca Scout tow plane and Schweizer 2-33A glider. This summer I have the fortune opportunity to tow my daughter Warrant Officer Second Class Angela Norio from 87 Eagle Squadron Welland Air Cadets up for her very first solo flying a glider.

(Radio Transmissions)

Congratulations awesome job! Congratulations Kiddo, well done, I am proud of you!

Summer Training Information

Please see here all relevant documents for summer training:

Parent Briefing: Summer Training Presentation 2017

Joining Instructions: Trenton 2017 JI

Connaught 2017 Joining Instructions

Blackdown 2017 JI

All photocopies of summer training offers are available at the office – we forgot to send them home last week! Otherwise, they will be uploaded closer to camp dates so you can print a new one at home if required.

Summer Training Applications 2017

For those parents that were unable to attend the Parent Briefing, and for cadets/parents who need to know application deadlines, please see the power point presentation from tonight here: parent-mtg-air-cadet-summer-training-applications

The National Course Handbook is also available here:2017-national-courses-hb-for-cadets-parents-v4-nov-11-2016_reduced

SPECIAL NOTE: For those cadets applying for a NATIONAL COURSE: please review the dates in the power point above to be sure to meet the deadlines for the application process. The dates have CHANGED from last year.

Parent Meeting Wed 16 Nov – Summer Training

Just a reminder to all parents, that tomorrow night is our Summer Training Parent Briefing.

The briefing will begin at 630pm in classroom #1.

The following documents will be provided (but you may print your own if desired).

National Course Handbook: 2017-national-courses-hb-for-cadets-parents-v4-nov-11-2016_reduced (do not print this – 130 pages).

Info Pamphlet for Summer Training: 2017-air-ctc-info-pamphlet

Course Selection Worksheet: course-selections-for-summer-trg

NAG Ground School 2016-17

Good morning NAG CO’s,

On behalf of the group of instructors that are willing to instruct ground school to your cadets for the 2016-2017 training year, I have attached the schedule we are going to use to help prepare them for the 2017 Qualifying Exam. SEE SCHEDULE HERE: nag-groundschool-2016 IT STARTS THIS THURSDAY 15 SEP 16 IN WELLAND.

Ground school will be run in a similar fashion as the past years, except we will be starting 30 minutes earlier this year.  All evening sessions will commence at 1830hrs, and run through 2100hrs.

We invite all cadets that are eligible for the 2017 GPS and PPS courses to attend.  We will also invite anyone that would be eligible for the 2018 GPS and PPS courses to attend, such that they can start learning the material. IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR THE COURSE, CADETS MUST ATTEND GROUND SCHOOL.

Please share this with the cadets in your Squadrons that are interested in participating. CADETS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION. CAR-POOLING IS RECOMMENDED.

We would also ask that you please discuss with the interested cadets of your Squadrons that ground school is serious, and there is a ton of material to get through to prepare them for the exam.  Fooling around, not paying attention or being a disturbance in the class will result in them being asked to leave and not attend any future classes.  The group of instructors know that each of them understand this, but we have had situations in the past that have caused concerns, so we ask that you please ensure they are clear on this.

Please have the cadets contact you if they have any questions.  We are looking forward to supporting each of your Squadrons in running this ground school.


Maj L. Norio

Gliding Centre Commander – Niagara


Please see below return travel itineraries listed for CADETS from BLACKDOWN:

  • read the instructions for EXHAUST (top right corner of page)
  • you must be SIGNED IN to view



Please make sure you are in contact with your cadet prior to their departure. If they have a cell phone with them, you can confirm arrival time of bus/pick up points for parental transportation.

If you have any issues with travel orders, or picking up your cadet, please send a text msg to Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942, or call.

I trust everyone coming home has had a great summer filled with learning experiences and fun!


Please see below return travel itineraries listed for CADETS from TRENTON:

  • read the instructions for EXHAUST (top right corner of page)
  • you must be SIGNED IN to view



Please make sure you are in contact with your cadet prior to their departure. If they have a cell phone with them, you can confirm arrival time of bus/pick up points for parental transportation.

If you have any issues with travel orders, or picking up your cadet, please send a text msg to Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942, or call.

I trust everyone coming home has had a great summer filled with learning experiences and fun!


Please see below return travel itineraries listed for Staff Cadets from Connaught & Borden: read the instructions for EXHAUST (top right corner of page): you must be SIGNED IN to view

Please make sure you are in contact with your cadet prior to their departure. If they have a cell phone with them, you can confirm arrival time of bus/pick up points for parental transportation.

If you have any issues with travel orders, or picking up your cadet, please send a text msg to Capt Palumbo 289-783-1942, or call.

I trust everyone coming home has had a great summer filled with learning experiences and fun!