Category Archives: Drill Team

Monday Night Training

RANGE TRG took place last week and is taking place for the NEXT THREE MONDAY NIGHTS only. Listen each Wednesday for which level will be receiving the mandatory training portion each week.

THIS WEEK: Level 1 & 2 cadets for RANGE TRAINING. Range Trg is from 730-930pm. 

DRILL TEAM: 630-730pm.

Due to a lack of available staff that are trained as an RSO, we are utilizing staff from other cadet units. Their availability determines when we run the program. PARENTS: please endeavour to have your cadet at each Monday night that is specifically for your cadet for range trg. We appreciate that this is not ideal, but are doing our best to make range trg (a mandatory part of the Air Cadet trg program) available to our cadets.

LISTEN carefully at briefing on the Wednesday night before to hear about what training will be offered. Some nights will only be one event, others will be two or more.

DRESS standards for the various activities are as follows:

Drill: jeans, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (optional)

Sports: shorts, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (optional)

Range: jeans, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (optional)

Monday Night Training

RANGE TRG is taking place for the NEXT FOUR MONDAY NIGHTS only. Listen each Wednesday for which level will be receiving the mandatory training portion each week. Due to a lack of available staff that are trained as an RSO at 809, we are utilizing staff from other cadet units. Their availability determines when we run the program.

PARENTS: please endeavour to have your cadet at each Monday night that is specifically for your cadet for range training. We appreciate that this is not ideal, but are doing our best to make range trg (a mandatory part of the Air Cadet program) available to our cadets.

DRILL TEAM: 630-730pm

RANGE TRG: 730-930pm – this week is Level 3 cadets

As a reminder: LISTEN carefully at briefing on the Wednesday night before to hear about what training will be offered. Some nights will only be one event, others will be two or more.

DRESS standards for the various activities are as follows:

Drill: shorts, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (until further notice)

Sports: shorts, sqn t-shirt, running shoes, sqn ball cap (optional)

Range: jeans, sqn t-shirt, running shows, sqn ball cap (optional)

Monday Night Trg

Join us for Drill Team (7-8pm) and Sports (8-9pm) Monday night.

Dress is sports clothing for everyone.

STAFF MEETING: there will be a staff meeting commencing at 8pm on Monday night. Supply will be closed after it starts.

THANK YOU: to our cadets and parents for helping out with our annual support of the Poppy Campaign for the Legion. An extra thank you to our two cadets who filled two shifts on Sat to make sure we had our locations covered.

POPPY CAMPAIGN: continues next Saturday – we still need two cadets (one for the 10-12pm shift and one for the 12-2pm shift). Please sign up on Monday or Wednesday.

Monday Night Training

7-8pm Drill Team

8-9pm Sports

Come dressed to practice/play. Drill team members don’t forget your wedge and parade boots.

We’re getting close to having a full complement for the Drill Competition, but we’re not there yet. Participation on the Drill Team is open to ALL, so if you haven’t come out yet, now is the time to do it. Don’t miss the fun!

Capt Lemoine