Author Archives: Capt Lemoine

Aviation Weekend Update (2)

The countdown to our Aviation Weekend is approaching zero! With only a little over 24 hours remaining, there are a few things that need to be reiterated.

  1. Allergies

    If you have any allergies that require use of an epipen, ensure that you do not forget to bring it with you. We will be within range of a hospital, but are in a semi-rural area and the trip won’t necessarily be fast. Don’t take any risks. Bring your epipen.

  2. Snacks

    Because we have cadets with allergies to peanuts and tree nuts, cadets are asked to ensure that any snacks they bring with them are nut-free.

  3. Games!

    We’re devoting one night of entertainment to a game night. Bring a deck of cards and your favourite board game with you. I’ll be bringing a few of my favourites myself.

Remember, the bus leaves on Friday night at 6:30pm. Aim to be at the squadron building for 6:00pm, 6:15pm at the absolute latest.

We’re looking forward to an exciting weekend. See you there!

Aviation Weekend Kit List (Updated)

Kit List:


  1. Health Card
  2. Appropriate Outdoor Coat or Cadet Parka
  3. 809 Shirt and Ball Cap
  4. 809 Hoodie (if available)
  5. Shirts (2 minimum)
  6. Socks (2 pair minimum)
  7. Underwear (2 pair minimum)
  8. Pyjamas
  9. Pants (i.e. khakis, jeans [no rips or holes])
  10. Running shoes (indoor and outdoor)
  11. Personal Hygiene Kit. (tooth brush, tooth paste, &c)
  12. Plastic Bag (for dirty laundry)
  13. Air Mattress
  14. Sleeping Bag and Pillow


Medication as required (bring only what is necessary for the weekend)

Optional Items: (809 Squadron will not be responsible for lost or stolen items)

  1. Camera
  2. Music Player with Headphones (iPod, &c)
  3. Appropriate Reading Material

Prohibited Items:

  1. Any Item Deemed to be a Potential Weapon (i.e. Knives)
  2. Illegal or Controlled Substances (i.e. Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco)
  3. Pornographic material

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award

For those of you who have been waiting patiently (or not so patiently) for the information on registering for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program, I’ve updated our web site to include all of the necessary details at our Duke of Edinburgh International Award page.

I will also be marking any training that contributes to the award to make things easier to track.

If you have any questions, please come speak to me on Monday night and I’ll be happy to address them.

Capt Lemoine

Update to Wednesday Night Training

Level Three Cadets:

Last month, CI Lemoine instructed M306.06 (Instructional Techniques:Plan a Lesson) and tomorrow night is where you put your skills to the test. For the first part of the evening, we’ll be reviewing your lesson plans and giving you an opportunity to polish them up. For the second part, you will be presenting your lessons with the Level One cadets as your students.

Be sure to bring your lesson plan and instructional aids as discussed in your M306.06 class.

Capt Lemoine

Effective Speaking

Just a reminder that the first of our Effective Speaking preparation nights takes place tonight at 2000h (8:00pm) after Drill Team practice. This is a skill that will serve you well for your entire life, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to pick up on it now. We don’t have a lot of time before the competition, so all cadets are encouraged to come out and get as much preparation in as possible.

CADET EFFECTIVE SPEAKING WORKBOOK here:es-cadet-workbook-2017-1

Capt Lemoine

Ghost Tour with 79 Squadron Tonight

Those cadets signed up for tonight’s Ghost Tour at Fort George should meet in the Fort George parking lot no later than 6:45pm. Cadets can be picked up at the same location at 9:15pm. Remember that the tour cost is $20, so don’t forget to bring your admission fee.

The weather is expected to turn cold this evening and most of the tour will be conducted outdoors, so the dress is warm civilian attire.

I’m looking forward to a fun and spooky night and I hear that this tour delivers. See you there!

Capt Lemoine

Ghost Tour at Fort George

79 Lynton Davies Squadron (Port Colborne) has 809 Newark Squadron to join them on their Ghost Tour at Fort George at 7pm on Sunday, 30 Oct 2016.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn about the history of our town from a spookier perspective. The evening promises to be a great combination of education, socializing with fellow cadets and being creeped out in proper Hallowe’en tradition.

They have space for up to 15 cadets in their private tour and expect the cost to be $20 or less.

The sign-up sheet is available below. (Please note that you need to be logged in to access the sheet.)

Amazing Aviation

If you’re not fascinated with flying yet, try looking at it from this perspective.

Svetlana Kapanina was the World Aerobatic Champion in the women’s category in 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 and has won the title more times than any other pilot in the category. Additionally, she was overall World Air Games Champion in 1997 and 2001.

Together with Mikhail Mamistov and Oleg Spolyansky, she won the team gold medal in the 16th FAI European Aerobatic Championships 2008 in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic). She placed fourth overall and was best female participant.

Welcome Back!

It’s that time of year again! Summer is coming to a close. School starts on Tuesday, and Cadets starts on Wednesday. To be more specific, Wednesday, September 7th from 6:30pm until 9:15pm at the Old Virgil Public School. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Dress: WO2s, FSgts, and Sgts are in C2B; and FCpls, Cpls, LACs are in C4A.
dress-numbered-c2b dress-numbered-c4a

Timings: The building opens at 6:15pm and opening parade begins at 6:30pm. Closing parade is at 9pm and the building closed at 9:30pm

Registration paperwork: Returning Cadets
Please bring the following into the building with you when you drop off or pick up your cadet:

  • Health Card
  • $120.00 cash or cheque registration fee
  • Attendance Fee cheques
  • All details can be found in the Air Cadet Planner 2016-17. READ it and print a copy for yourself if you’d like one.
  • CO’s Policies 2016-17
    There will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsorship Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer, or you can print and bring in your own. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.

Registration paperwork: New Cadets
Please bring the following into the building with you when you drop-off or pick-up your cadet:

  • Health Card
  • Birth Certificate
  • $120.00 cash or cheque registration fee
  • Attendance Fee cheques
  • All details can be found in the Air Cadet Planner 2016-17.
    New cadets will be given a paper copy upon registration.
  • Your cadet can come dressed as they are, or in black pants, a white collared shirt (tie optional) and black shoes. This will become their required dress until they receive their uniform, about 4-6 weeks after the registration process is complete.
  • CO’s Policies 2016-17
    There will be copies available for you to sign with the Sponsorship Committee Chairman/Treasurer and the Administration Officer, or you can print and bring in your own. PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY THEY ARE REVISED FROM LAST YEAR! All parents will be required to sign the policies (both returning and new cadets) for EACH cadet.

Don’t forget: this weekend is the first Bottle Drive: Saturday, September 10th at the VanNoort Greenhouses (corner of Hunter and Creek Roads) from 9:00am to 4:00pm – we need ALL hands on deck: parents to drive and sort, and cadets to collect and load the trucks. Lunch is provided.

Gliding Cancelled

Due to the inclement weather forecast, the Gliding Centre has cancelled gliding for tomorrow.

We’ll keep everyone posted when we have our Fall gliding date.

Capt Jody Lemoine
Training Officer