Author Archives: Capt. Couroux

Reminder – 809 Paper Airplane Contest and Get Together – Wednesday May 06 @ 1900

Hi Everyone,

Putting out a quick reminder that the paper airplane contest is tomorrow night.  Remember, There are 3 different categories to submit your entry:

1/ Most realistic design….2/ Most Fantastic Funky Flier…..3/ Best practical design

We’d like everyone to take part, even if they don’t have a plane to submit.

If you haven’t already done so, please send me your email address so I can provide you with the access to take part.  My email is

For more information, the original post can be found here:

809 Newark Sqn Paper Airplane Contest – Wednesday, May 6…1900


Also, 2Lt Nicolescu challenged everyone to learn the countries of Europe in less than 6 minutes.  We’ll see how you made out after the paper airplane contest.  Here’s the original post:

Learn the countries of Europe in less than 6 minutes!

See everyone tomorrow night.

OCdt Couroux.

Level 3 Aviation Subjects PC

Hello Level 3’s,
Just a reminder that the aviation subject PC is due for completion by 9pm tonight.  You should be receiving a notification through your email.   If you don’t receive a notification, or you’re having issues accessing the PC, please let me know. You can reach me by email at

Good luck.

OCdt Couroux, DG
Training Officer
809 Newark RCACS

809 Newark Sqn Paper Airplane Contest – Wednesday, May 6…1900

Scramble, scramble, scramble…Aircrews, man your planes…

Hey 809….We’re looking to you to become designers of some funky, maybe practical, but also fun paper airplanes. We’ll be reviewing them on a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, May 6. We’ll pick out winners of 3 categories..

1/ Most realistic design….WW2 warbird…Canadian Forces Aircraft….Civilian Airliner….Whatever. Design and build a paper airplane model.  Colour it so that it looks as realistic as possible. Don’t worry about flight on this. It’s the look that counts.

2/ Most Fantastic Funky Fliers… Go all out with a crazy design. Take something from a movie….a cartoon… or just from the top of your head. Design something spectacular to show off. If it flies…well bonus.

3/ Best practical design. This is where we put together a paper airplane that’s born to fly. The airplane with the best flight characteristics gets the heads up on everyone in this category.

809 will get together on Wednesday May 6 at 1900 via Zoom (invitations will go out to take part).   Here you can show off your creation, talk about your influences and show how much air your flier can get.  Send me your email addresses so I can send you an invite.

We’d like everyone to take part.  Even if you’d prefer being an observer.  Let me know.

Have fun with this and bring your A-game.  Show the squadron who the best of the best is.

OCdt Couroux.

Levels 3 & 4 Aviation Subject Review

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the aviation subject review will take place tomorrow night in google classroom from 1900 to 2000.  Those cadets who have contacted Capt. Lemoine to set up an email address should have received an invite to the review.  PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL.   You’ll need to log into the google classroom with your email address as well, and enter your google classroom code as per the invite.

For those of you who haven’t contacted Capt Lemoine, and want to take part in tomorrow night’s review, please contact him as quickly as possible.

Let me know if you have any questions.  My email address is

OCdt Couroux.

Winter Warfare Basic – Part 2 – Friday, 31JAN20 – Sunday, 02FEB20

We’ve now completed part 2 of the Winter Warfare Basic course offered by the Lincoln and Welland Regiment.

Soldiers from the Regiment, Cadets and Officers assembled at the Regiment headquarters at the Lake Street Armoury on Friday evening where we prepped for the FTX portion of the course. The trucks were packed and we headed out to our new home for the weekend…..the Winona Rifle Range in Grimsby. We arrived at about 2100hrs and pitched our tents, set up our stoves and lit our lanterns. We then began our evening routine and settled in. For those doing fire picket duty throughout the night, the 0600hrs reveille came early.

At 0600, we struck our tents, packed our gear, ate breakfast and got ready for the day. Practical lessons in pitching/striking tents, over land navigation, pacing, and improvised shelters were conducted. All of this done along side of the troops from the Regiment. The cadets tried IMP’s, the CF version of the infamous MRE. The consensus was that the MRE’s should be ditched for the more preferred IMP

Night time meant sleeping in our lean-to shelters (in the out doors w/ with the occasional snow flake hitting you in the face as you slept). Cadets took turns conducting fire picket. Each group stoked the 8′ long fire and kept the rest of the troops warm. Thanks to those brave souls.

Sunday morning meant tearing down the camp, and putting out fires. We towed the sleds down to the waterfront for a signal fire demonstration. Following this, we headed to the butts of the range, where we went over winter defenses. There was a mouse on hand that showed us just how well they worked. We then raced down to the side of the range (with the sled in tow) where we raced against the Regiment to set up camp, boil water and present Capt Christensen with a hot beverage. The good Captain then instructed us to strike camp & proceed to the entrance of the range where we had to compete again a second time.

After the competition was completed, we put on the snow shoes for one more turn around the range. We then packed up the sleds, had lunch, cleaned up and got on the busses for the return trip to the Armoury. Kit was returned and final comments were made. We all went home tired, but grateful for the experience.

Congratulations to WO2 Gowans and FSgt Abt for completing the course. Hope you had a great time. A big thanks goes out to Capt Christensen and the Regiment for having us out. We’re looking forward to the next outing with the Lincs.


Ice Wine Bottle Pick Up

Thank you to all the cadets and parents who helped with the bottle pick up at the Ice Wine Festival in Old Town on Sunday.
The group was very efficient and we collected and sorted three bins worth bottles in only an hour and a quarter.
Your help and enthusiasm is much appreciated.

Best Regards
CV Dau

Ice Wine Festival Bottle Pick Up

We’ve been lucky again this year to have been donated the empty bottles at this year’s Ice Wine Festival. We’re looking for cadet and parent volunteers to help load bottles at the festival site (Queen St in NOTL) and also help unload at Van Noort’s. Depending on the amount of help we get, this should only take about an hour.

Please sign up if you’re interested and be at the Court House meeting room at 1700hrs (5pm) this Sunday (January 26).  The Court House is located at 26 Queen St, NOTL.

Sign Up Here!

Mr. Dau will be supervising. Parents, if you have a truck and can help with transportation, please bring that along as well.

Winter Warfare Basic Course with the Lincoln & Welland Regiment

This past Friday, Saturday and Sunday, FSgt Abt, WO2 Gowans & OCdt Couroux attended the Winter Warfare Basic course put on by the Lincoln & Welland Regiment. About 30 senior cadets & officers from local Army, Sea & Air cadet units, along with approximately 60 members of the Regiment attended part 1 of this winter survival course.

Saturday’s classes consisted of pitching and striking military tents, building improvised shelters, building fires, environmental first aid, igniting lanterns and camp stoves, constructing winter defenses, snowshoeing and how to use the equipment associated with the Regiment’s toboggans.

On Sunday, both the Regiment and the Cadets put forth their eight best candidates to compete in a survival fire starting competition. The goal was to see which group could put together a sustainable fire the quickest. I’m proud to say that the Cadets were successful and moved past the Regiment for the win. Great job everyone!

A pat on the back goes to FSgt Abt and WO2 Gowans for attempting the snowshoe race. WO2 Gowans finished with both snow shoes. Unfortunately not the case for FSgt Abt. Great fun though.

From here, the FSgt Abt, WO2 Gowans and OCdt Couroux will join the other cadets, officers and soldiers from the Regiment in attending part 2 which is the practical portion of the course. On Friday, January 31, cadets will depart for the Winona Range out in Grimsby where cadets will put their new found knowledge to the test. Good luck everyone.

Graduating Class

Our host, Capt Christensen, teaching about winter survival techniques

Let the races begin!

Snow Shoeing

Learning about military winter shelters

FSgt Abt and WO2 Gowans in class 1st night

Lighting Stoves

Sgt Gamble teaches about lanterns and stoves

Fire Starting Champions


Effective Speaking Reminder

Hello Level 2’s (and all others taking part in effective speaking)

Mrs. Gowans asked me to remind you about effective speaking next week. Go over your workbooks and have a 1-1/2 minute prepared speech ready for Wednesday night’s class.

Have a great week.

OCdt Couroux, DG
Training Officer
809 Newark RCACS