809 Gets in a Great Day of Gliding

WOW!  Couldn’t ask for a better day for gliding.  10 cadets from 809 Sqn, along with cadets from 79 Sqn in Port Colborne, journeyed up to the Central Niagara Airport for a morning of flying.  When not flying, cadets participated as members of the ground crew.  As an added bonus, we watched skydivers throughout the morning and also had a visit by a Piper Cub in USAF D-Day colours.  What a great way to end off a busy weekend.

48th Annual Ceremonial Review

On the 25th of May, family, friends and invited guests gathered to watch the cadets of Niagara-on-the-Lake parade at our 48th Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR). The ACR was presided over by Lord Mayor Betty Disero, our Reviewing Officer for this year. She is pictured here presenting the Captain (Retired) Brian Howard, CD award for the Cadet Squadron Commander to Warrant Officer 1st Class William Couroux.

The squadron was also privileged to host The Honourable Rob Nicholson, MP for the riding of Niagara Falls, who presented the Best First Year Cadet Award to Leading Air Cadet Mitchell Vanderberg.

The squadron extends its thanks to both of you and to all of our staff, sponsors, family and friends for making the day a special one for our cadets.

Jody Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Baked Goods for Post-parade BBQ Tomorrow

Apologies for the late notice, but once again, we’re asking parents to contribute desserts and baked goods for our post-parade BBQ on Saturday. Anything that is your favourite and nut-free would be ideal, but please avoid anything that requires utensils as these will be in short supply. Cookies, brownies, and butter tarts are all good examples. As always, we’re hoping to fill the dessert table without additional cost to the squadron. For those who can’t (or, in this case, don’t have the time to) bake, Timbits and store-bought cookies will be accepted with a smile too. Desserts can either be dropped off with your cadet or brought when you come for the parade itself. Thank you in advance.

Please contact Mrs. Mehrotra on the Sponsoring Committee to let her know what you’ll be dropping off. Email: n_mehrotra@hotmail.com

PS: Marked Tupperware containers make returning dishes easier.

Gliding on Sunday

For those cadets who signed up for gliding this Sunday at the Niagara Central Airport in Welland, we begin at 0900h (9:00am) and so you should arrive at 0845h (8:00am) and meet OCdt Couroux at the 87 Eagle Squadron hangar. Dress: civilian appropriate for weather. (This means that you should wear sunscreen and a hat.) We’ll be finished around noon.

The forecast says that we’ll have a sunny day on Sunday, so fingers are crossed that we’ll have great weather for gliding!

J. Lemoine
CO 809 Newark RCACS

Bottle Sorting on 1 Jun 2019

We’re seeking parent volunteers for bottle delivery on Saturday, 1 Jun at 0830 (8:30am) at Van Noort’s. We will pack and fill one truck for delivery to the Beer Store.

We’re also looking for a couple of parent volunteers for emptying the trailer at Mr. Ruttan’s at 0730 (7:30am). We will then bring the truck to Vannoorts for the remainder of the bottles.

Please call (905-468-7584) or email (809air@cadets.gc.ca) the squadron if you’re available to volunteer.

G. Zalepa
SSC Chair
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 19 May 19

20 May 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

This is it! Our final run-up to this weekend’s Annual Ceremonial Review. We’re down to our last practice on Wednesday so it’s important that everyone come out. We’ll also be doing uniform exchanges for those who need them, so if anyone needs a swap, this is the time to do it.

Thanks to all of the cadets who came out to the booth at the Virgil Stampede this weekend. Between proposed cavalry units and discussion of press gangs (most importantly, why we don’t do those), we had a great event and made our community better aware of who we are and what we do.

We still have one spot remaining for gliding on Sunday after the Annual Ceremonial review. If you’re available and interested, sign up and grab that last spot!

Remember that you need to be logged into the site to see sign-up sheets.

See you on Wednesday!

Training Night
22 May 19

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgts and above
C4A: FCpls and below

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 May 19 1830-2100 Wednesday Mandatory Training Night (ACR Practice) 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine
24 May 19 1830-2100 Friday Annual Cadet Awards Banquet Addison Hall, St. Mark’s Anglican Church Semi-formal Capt Lemoine
24 May 19 1100-1400 Saturday Annual Ceremonial Review Niagara-on-the-Lake District 3 Fire Station C1 OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
29 May 19 1830-2100 Wednesday CSC Change of Command / Parent Briefing 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine
1 Jun 19 1100-1400 Saturday Canada’s Wonderland Trip 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian Capt Lemoine / OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Virgil Stampede Booth

Good evening.

For those who have volunteered to assist with our booth at the Virgil Stampede this Saturday and Monday, here are the relevant details:

Location: Virgil Centennial Arena, 1565 Four Mile Creek Rd, Virgil, ON L0S 1T0
Timings: 1000-1300 (10:00am-1:00pm) and 1300-1600 (1:00pm to 4:00pm)
Dress: 3B for CAF Personnel and C2B for Cadets

I will be on-site at 0830 (8:30am) setting up the booth. Cadets and volunteers should be on site no later than 15 minutes prior to your shifts. We are exhibitors, so payment of admission fees is not required.

Parking at the event will be difficult and likely inconvenient, so it’s best to make arrangements to be dropped off and picked up.

See you tomorrow!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 12 May 19

12 May 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

We’re coming into the final stretch. We have one Monday and two Wednesdays left before the Annual Ceremonial Review, so let’s make sure we have everyone on-board so that we can show 809 at our best to our friends, family, and community.

This weekend at the Virgil Stampede, we’ll be running a recruiting booth to bring new cadets to the squadron for next year. We’re asking cadets, sponsorship committee members, and staff to volunteer for the event and have posted sign-up sheets on our events sign-up page. If you have any availability and want to help grow the squadron, we appreciate your time.

If you haven’t RSVPed for the Annual Cadet Awards Banquet, we need to have final numbers no later than the 15th of March. Please ensure that you have indicated the number of attendees including your cadet(s) and bring payment in on the 22nd. Alternatively, our SSC can now accept Interac etransfers at treasurer@809cadets.ca. If the etransfer requests a password, use “dinner” when sending funds.

Sunday, after the Annual Ceremonial review, we have our spring gliding day with 10 spots available. If you’re available and interested, sign up and let us know. Priority will be given to cadets who have never flown. I’m still waiting to find out if we have the morning or afternoon session, but will let you know as soon as I have that information.

Remember that you need to be logged into the site to see sign-up sheets.

See you on Monday!

Training Night
15 May 19

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C2B: Sgts and above
C4A: FCpls and below

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice
Description Presentation Practice Presentation Practice Presentation Practice

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 May 19 1900-2100 Monday Static Display Preparation 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian Capt Lemoine
15 May 19 1830-2100 Wednesday Mandatory Training Night (ACR Practice) 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A OCdt Couroux
18 May 19 1000-1600 Saturday Virgil Stampede Recruiting Booth Meridian Community Arenas C2B Capt Lemoine
20 May 19 1000-1600 Monday Virgil Stampede Recruiting Booth Meridian Community Arenas C2B Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
22 May 19 1830-2100 Wednesday Mandatory Training Night (ACR Practice) 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A Capt Lemoine
24 May 19 1830-2100 Friday Annual Cadet Awards Banquet Addison Hall, St. Mark’s Anglican Church Semi-formal Capt Lemoine
24 May 19 1100-1400 Saturday Annual Ceremonial Review Niagara-on-the-Lake District 3 Fire Station C1 OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Summer Training Sessions

A number of cadets and parents have been asking what the session dates are for their summer training courses. Rather than answer each request individually, I have posted them to the web site. Please remember to log in to the site in order to see the information you’re looking for.

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 5 May 19

5 May 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

I haven’t seen any word yet on how our team placed in the NGTA Band and Drill Competition this weekend, but I’m confident that our team put their best foot forward, when commanded to do so, of course. (Please, pardon the bad drill humour.) As soon as I have any information back from the NGTA office, I’ll be sure that everyone knows. Thanks to the entire team and OCdt Couroux for the effort they have put in to make 809 proud. I don’t need to see the standings to know that they’ve accomplished that already.

Thanks to Cpl Lett, Sgt Lett, and WO2 Voogt for assisting the local Royal Canadian Legion branch with their Honours and Awards dinner on Saturday evening; and also to 2Lt Nicolescu for volunteering to supervise at the last minute.

If you haven’t RSVPed for the Annual Cadet Awards Banquet on the 24th, please do so as soon as you can. Once again, dinner for cadets is free, children under 12 are $10 each, and adults are $15 each.

All Monday evenings from now until the Annual Ceremonial Review on the 25th, with the exception of Victoria Day, are geared 100% to display preparation for the review. It’s important that all cadets come out for these. If you can’t make it out, let the staff know as soon as possible.

This week, we’ll be doing our spring fitness testing, so all cadets should be in sports attire and ready to push their best.

By Wednesday, I also expect to have further details and a sign-up sheet for our recruiting booth at the Virgil Stampede.

Training Night
8 May 19

CAF Member Dress
Operational (CADPAT) or Sports Attire

Cadet Dress
Sports Attire: All Cadets

Training Night Routine

Activity Timings
Building Open, Parade Setup 1815-1830
Fall-in, Inspection, Opening Parade 1830-1845
Period One 1845-1920
Period Two 1925-2000
Break 2000-2015
Period Three 2015-2050
Clean Up Training Areas and Parade Square 2050-2100
Fall-in, Closing 2100-2115
Dismissal 2115

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Nicolescu

Training Night Schedule

Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
All Levels PO/EO MX04.03a MX04.03b MX04.03c
Description Spring Fitness Testing Spring Fitness Testing Spring Fitness Testing

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
6 May 19 1900-2100 Monday Static Display Preparation 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian Capt Lemoine
8 May 19 1830-2100 Wednesday Mandatory Training Night (Spring Fitness Testing) 809 HQ (CNC) Sports Attire 2Lt Nicolescu

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 May 19 1900-2100 Monday Static Display Preparation 809 HQ (CNC) Civilian Capt Lemoine
15 May 19 1830-2100 Wednesday Mandatory Training Night (ACR Practice) 809 HQ (CNC) C2B/C4A OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS