Happy and smiling – on their way to Washington, DC.
This is a reminder that lunch en route to Washington DC is to be a bag lunch brought with each cadet tomorrow.
Cadets’ bag lunches must be peanut-free as there are cadets on the trip who are highly allergic to peanuts and may react to even indirect exposure.
Lunch packaging should also be entirely disposable. There are enough things to carry on the trip without adding Tupperware and dirty cutlery to the list.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at 5:30am tomorrow!
I wanted to clarify a small error in the kit list: bring your slip-ons for your cadet parka.
As a reminder, when wearing your parka in uniform, slip-ons must be worn. You will be wearing your parka when in civilian attire, at that point slip-ons are not worn.
Capt Jarrell
PS I’m stoked for the trip
PPS My van will win the race to Washington!
The full parent package was sent to all parents/guardians earlier this week, but there have been some requests for the kit list to be made available separately. You can find it attached.
2015 Washington DC Package – Annex A – Kit List
Looking forward to seeing everyone bright (alright, probably still really dark) and early on Sunday for a great trip!
Capt Lemoine
Just a reminder that Air Cadets can help you accomplish even more.
Good morning all;
A reminder that scholarship application deadlines are fast approaching and we must get the word out to the squadrons so that the cadets can get their applications to the National Office before the deadline.
These awards are quite prestigious and can be of great help to the cadets who intend to further their education.
Leonard Birchall scholarship valued at $3500
Robert Dale scholarship valued at $2500
Youth Citizen Award valued at $5000
Application forms are attached but can also be found on the ACL website and note the deadline is MAY 1st, 2015 for all three.
Have a great day ! Bonne journée!
Joan Gray
Administrative Assistant/Assistante Administrative
Air Cadet League of Canada
La Ligue des Cadets de lAir
66 rue Lisgar Street
Ottawa ON K2P 0C1
Duty Officer
Capt Jarrell
C-3 – AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
C-2 – Sgt, FSgt, WOII
PARENT BRIEFING: Tonight 815pm. Classroom #1 – for all the parents of cadets attending the March Break Trip on Sunday.
Rock Climbing is this weekend. Join us to help kick-off the March Break. Going on the March Break trip? We still want to see you out at climbing. We need everyone to sign up on Wednesday night so we know how much food to order after our Rock Climbing adventure on Saturday. Make sure you give your name to WOII Chikombero to guarantee your spot.
TIMINGS: Sat, 14 Mar 15, 915 am-1pm, lunch is INCLUDED.
COST: free!
DRESS: civilian sports clothing, running shoes, shorts, SQN T-SHIRT
1. signed copy of the insurance waiver here: PEAKSRockClimbing-Waiver
2. bike helmet
3. Health Card (hand-in to CI Thiffault on arrival at Peaks)
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE OF THE ABOVE ITEMS YOU WILL NOT CLIMB. Print off the insurance waiver and have your parents sign it, get out your bike helmet, and find your health card TODAY!
7-8pm Drill Team
8-9pm Sports
Come dressed to practice/play. Drill team members don’t forget your wedge and parade boots.
We’re getting close to having a full complement for the Drill Competition, but we’re not there yet. Participation on the Drill Team is open to ALL, so if you haven’t come out yet, now is the time to do it. Don’t miss the fun!
Capt Lemoine
PARENTS: Please join us during closing parade for our Sponsor Appreciation beginning at 855pm. We will be enjoying cupcakes and drinks to celebrate all the fantastic opportunities that our Squadron Sponsoring Committee create for your cadets, through their time, effort and dedication to our squadron.
My apologies for the mis-communication this morning regarding the March Break Trip parent meeting next Wed (I shouldn’t attempt to post before the kids go to school). We have changed the time of the meeting though, to 815pm on Wed Mar 11th, to better accommodate pick-up of your cadet and avoid waiting around after drop-off. In an effort to reduce the number of times you are required and/or requested to attend various parade night functions, the parent meeting originally scheduled at the end of the month has been cancelled (and deleted from the calendar). Thank you for your understanding.
T. Palumbo
CO 809 Sqn
The Parent Meeting for the March Break Trip to Washington DC will be NEXT Wednesday night and not tonight. Please accept our apologies for the miscommunication.
Capt Lemoine