Poppy Sales

Thank you to those who volunteered to help our Title Sponsor – Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 General Nelles to sell Poppies for our Veterans.

Cadets are to meet at their respective locations (see below) either the Valumart NOTL or the Valumart Virgil. Parents: please drop them off and pick them up from their location. They will be met by Capt Lemoine with their box of poppies. Poppy boxes will be picked up by Capt Lemoine and returned to the Legion at the end of the shifts.

DRESS: Uniform C-2 with parka (bring your toque & gloves if its really cold)

See below a list of cadets per shift. We still need 2 more for the afternoon 12-2pm shift for this Sat and next weekend another one cadet for each of the morning and afternoon shifts.  You must be LOGGED IN to see the lists. Please email Capt Palumbo if you are available to pick up a shift this weekend or next. All time is a direct contribution to your required High School volunteer hours. tammypalumbo@yahoo.ca

SAT 31 Oct 15

Wed Night Trg

Bring out a friend who would love cadets. We need more cadets in almost every level – spread the word at school.

Duty Officer
CV Lemoine

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2); C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

See calendar for training details and 809 Newark Google Groups email chain for instructors.

Mon Night Trg

Drill Team 7-8pm

Sports 8-9pm Come on out and have some fun!

Dress: sports gear for both

WOII Merit Review Boards for our FSgts:

  • meet at 650pm at 128 Thorold Sqn Air Cadets.
  • 15 Pine St South Trinity Church – go around the back. Enter through the gymnasium.
  • CARPOOL!! Coordinate with each other to get there and back.
  • Probably need 2 hrs to complete everyone.
  • I have your files for the file review portion – its up to you to WOW us with your interview answers.



Flying Scholarship Ground School

Flying Scholarship Ground School continues tonight at 809 Sqn LHQ

7-9 pm. Dress: civilian casual (809 Sqn t-shirt & ball cap would be perfect!).

You will meet in classroom #1.

If you are from 809 Sqn and participating, please be helpful as the instructors adjust to their new location. Capt M. Palumbo, CD will be opening the building.

Mon Night & WOII Merit Review Boards

Monday Night Trg:

Drill Team 7-8pm

Sports 8-9pm Come on out and have some fun!

Dress: sports gear for both

WOII Merit Review Boards for our FSgts – meet at 650pm at 128 Thorold Sqn Air Cadets. 15 Pine St South Trinity Church – go around the back. Enter through the gymnasium. CARPOOL!! Coordinate with each other to get there and back. Probably need 2 hrs to complete everyone. I have your files for the file review portion – its up to you to WOW us with your interview answers.

FSgt Burland, FSgt Lavoie, FSgt Mehrotra ONLY. All other promotions will be considered and/or announced in November.



Wed Night Trg

Don’t forget: as per the post last week – NO MORE SUMMER DRESS. Look below for the order of dress for tonight (as announced on the website last Wed).

Duty Officer
OCdt Couroux

C2: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2)

C4: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)

Fall Field Training Exercise

By now I hope you are getting really excited about attending our first FTX of the year.

PARENTS: no baked goods this weekend 🙁 as we are outdoors and we don’t want the racoons to eat the brownies. Don’t worry: next time we’ll be asking! Op Order Fall FTX 809 Sqn – contains the nitty-gritty. Feel free to read! Please feed your cadet dinner (unless they are in the Advanced Party – see below) before they arrive at training. There will be an evening snack. HEALTH CARDS ARE REQUIRED TO BE ON-SITE WITH THE CADET AT ALL TIMES DURING THE FTX. 

TIMINGS: Fri, 16 Oct 7pm – all cadets are to arrive at Camp Wetaskiwin in St. Catharines.        Sun, 18 Oct 2pm – pick up from Camp Wetaskiwin.

LOCATION:  Directions to Camp Wetaskiwin Talk to other families and arrange for carpooling. We will remain at Camp Wetaskiwin for the entire weekend. We will be sleeping OUTSIDE, regardless of the forecast weather.

DRESS: civilian appropriate for weather – St. Catharines Weather Report – or CF Olive Drab combat clothing with combat boots and blue beret with cadet cap brass and rank slip-ons. Officers: CADPAT (please remember that only CF Officers/NCMS are permitted to wear CADPAT clothing, regardless if they are selling it at the surplus store).

BRING: ANNEX C Kit List 16-18 Oct 15 – gives you the best list of items that you need.  ONE MAN, ONE KIT! This means that if you can’t carry it – you are bringing too much. NOTHING ELSE. No ipods, music, earphones, gaming devices are required. YOU WILL BE TOO BUSY. CELLPHONES: will be kept at the HQ at all times. Should your cadet need to contact you or you them, we will make sure it happens.

EMERGENCY CELLPHONE: 289-783-1942 – this is Capt Palumbo’s personal cellphone and the emergency number for the weekend. Use it only for emergencies please. Call or text.

ADVANCED PARTY CADETS: you know who you are. I’ll see you tomorrow with Mrs Burland. Dinner will be given to all members of the advanced party. Wear civilian clothes for school and bring your combats/FTX clothing to change into at the Squadron before we head out to the camp-site.

Wed Night Trg

Tonight will be our final night in summer dress. Beginning next week we will be in C2 & C4. See the drop down menu on the website for photos of specific orders of dress.

Tonight we will have a  visit from the London Cadet Detachment Headquarters, by PO1 (Petty Officer First Class) Boychuk. Please be sure to tell him everything you love about 809 Sqn and the Air Cadet program – as well as answer any questions he may have for you.

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

C2B: All parade positions (Sgt, FSgt, WO2); C4A: Everyone else (LAC, Cpl, FCpl)