Winter Procedures: Boots

Now that the wet winter weather is here, we need to take extra care to keep our HQ clean. Effective immediately, cadets are to come to training nights in civilian shoes or boots and bring their parade boots in hand. Outdoor shoes are to be left in the anteroom just inside the entrance to the building and cadets are to change into their parade boots once inside. This will avoid tracking water and mud into the building and minimize cleanup efforts.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 10 Nov 19

10 Nov 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

Remembrance Day has come and gone for another year. Some of our cadets had already gone home by the time I made the announcement at the Legion, so I’ll reiterate it here. In all of the activities over the Remembrance season, 809 once again took up its traditional place in our community’s observations with respect, dignity, and commitment. The squadron demonstrated what it means to give of themselves for their community, slogging through the snow and the cold to remember those who gave so much more. Personally, and on behalf of everyone who has the privilege of working with you, thank you for your dedication. We’re proud of each and every one of you.

Lessening this month’s pace, we have only two scheduled activities this week, Mandatory Training on the 13th and Autumn Gliding on the afternoon of the 16th. That latter one may be a bit optimistic, but we can hope that this snow is an early blip and that we’ll have clear weather for Saturday. Sign-up sheets are below (remember that you need to be logged into the site) and we’re encouraging everyone to get on board. Hopefully, the weather won’t shut us out.

Event Sign-ups

For those cadets attending Ground School studies on Thursdays in St. Catharines, there has been a temporary change of location for the next two weeks (14 and 21 Nov). Instead of meeting at Pine Grove School, classes will be at Burleigh Hill School, 15 Burleigh Hill Dr, St. Catharines, ON L2T 2V6. Classes will return to Pine Grove School on 28 Nov 19.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

Training Night
13 Nov 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D Lt Russell
16 Nov 19 1300-1600 Saturday Autumn Gliding Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport Civilian OCdt Couroux

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
18 Nov 19 1900-2115 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian OCdt Couroux
20 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D 2Lt Nicolescu

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

School Remembrance Services

Due to the bus cancellations today, many schools have postponed their Remembrance Day ceremonies until tomorrow. Cadets are encouraged to wear their uniforms to school tomorrow if they are attending.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Remembrance Activities This Weekend

Good evening.

We have a number of things going on this weekend and a bit of detail to be communicated, so ensure that you read through the following carefully:

Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign

For those of you who have volunteered to take shifts for the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign, here are the details, thank you very much for stepping up to help our primary sponsor.

All Poppy Campaign shifts will be at Phil’s Valu-Mart in Virgil. An officer will meet the cadets 10 minutes before their shift starts to ensure that they are present, dressed properly, and have their poppy box. Poppies should be handed out to anyone who does not have one, regardless of whether they donate or not. Small children should be given a sticker rather than one with a pin.

Weather is expected to be cold, so it’s important to dress appropriately. Normally, dress is C3 for these events, but a parka, gloves and (optionally) your toque should be worn for colder weather. If you have been issued a uniform and do not have a parka, gloves, or a toque, please contact me directly either by email ( or on the squadron phone (905-468-7584) as soon as you are able and let me know what you are missing with your rough sizes so that I can get the necessary items from supply. If you do not yet have a uniform, dress appropriately for the weather.

Parents can pick their cadets up immediately following their cadets’ shift.

Grace United Church Remembrance Service

Cadets who have volunteered to be the flag party at the Grace United Church Remembrance Service should meet a staff member at the church (222 Victoria Street) at 1015 (10:15am) in C1A dress. If you do not have a uniform, black pants (no jeans) and a white collared shirt are appropriate. Parents can pick their cadets up immediately following the service at 1200 (12:00pm).

Remembrance Day Sleepover, Vigil, and Parades

The details of the Sunday evening and Monday events have already been posted here, but here are a few more details and clarifications.

Cadets will meet at 1900 (7:00pm) on Sunday at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 at 410 King Street for the sleepover. Bring your uniform (on a hanger) and your boots; pyjamas; a sleeping bag and pillow; toiletries; and any other essential items for a sleepover. All cadets will participate in vigil shifts at the cenotaph in the morning. Those cadets who will be attending Remembrance Day ceremonies at their schools may be excused afterwards. All other cadets can be picked up at 1500 (3:00pm) on Monday at the Legion branch.

Dress for the Sunday evening portion is casual. Jeans and a t-shirt are fine. Dress for the Monday parades is full dress uniform: C1A. The weather is anticipated to be cold, so bring your parka, gloves, and toque. As mentioned above in for the Poppy Campaign, please contact me if you have been issued a uniform but are missing a parka, gloves, or a toque. If you haven’t been issued a uniform, wear civilian clothing (no jeans) and dress warmly.

Remember that Remembrance Day is one of 809 Squadron’s most important community and citizenship observations of the year. It is important that all cadets participate.

See you there!

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Remembrance Day Sleepover, Vigil, and Parades

This is the kickoff for our annual Remembrance Day Vigil. On Sunday, 10 Nov 2019 at 1900 (7:00pm), cadets will meet at the Royal Canadian Legion’s Ed Boldt Memorial Hall (upstairs) and begin preparations for Remembrance Day on Monday.

Bring your uniform (on a hanger) and your boots; pyjamas; a sleeping bag and pillow; toiletries; and any other essential items for a sleepover.

Dress for the Sunday evening portion is casual. Jeans and a t-shirt are fine. Dress for the Monday parades is full dress uniform: C1A. The weather is anticipated to be cold, so bring your parka, gloves, and toque.

Breakfast will be provided by the Squadron Sponsorship Committee through donations by our cadets’ families. Please accept our sincere thanks if you are contributing to our breakfast. Please see the Remembrance Day Breakfast Contributions sign-up sheet and bring the items with you when you arrive on Sunday night.

The sign-up sheet for Remembrance Day breakfast contributions can be found here: Event Sign-ups. Please remember that you need to be logged into the site to see the sign-up sheets.

Remembrance Day occurs on a weekday this year, so a letter has been provided for cadets to take to their schools to explain their absence from classes. It can be found here: Remembrance Day Letter.

Our schedule for Remembrance Day is as follows:

0600 – Reveille (First Group)
0620 – Breakfast (First Group)
0645 – Walk to Cenotaph (First Group)
0700 – Shifts begin
1000 – Last shift at the Cenotaph
1030 – Old Town parade begins
1200 – Old Town parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1230 – Cadets are provided with a snack and are transported to Queenston for the afternoon parade
1300 – Queenston parade begins
1430 – Queenston parade ends and cadets return to the Royal Canadian Legion
1500 – Cadets are ready for pickup at the Royal Canadian Legion

Shifts last for 30 mins each with five (5) cadets per shift.

Changeovers will occur at the top and bottom of each hour until the last shift takes position at 1030. This shift will remain for the duration of the Remembrance Day parade.

Thank you to all who contribute to making this event successful. The Remembrance Day parades are where we have an opportunity for cadets, staff, and volunteers to show our respect for our fallen and, through them, our community.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 3 Nov 19

3 Nov 19

RO Number

CO’s Message

November has a busy schedule, but we already have the biggest event behind us. This last weekend’s Autumn FTX was a success! Specific thanks go out to our senior cadets for their leadership and instruction, and to 2Lt Nicolescu, who capably and enthusiastically coordinated the weekend’s training program.

This week, we have a CO’s Parade on Wednesday night. This means that ceremonial dress (C1A) is in order. We will be conducting Remembrance Day activities next week in ceremonial dress and this is a good opportunity to ensure that your uniform is up to par. Remember that if the poppy is not present and properly positioned, you are out of uniform. (See Dress Instructions at Chapter 4, Annex A for details.) For those cadets who still don’t have a complete uniform, orders have been placed and we’re hopeful that everything will arrive on time.

We’re still looking for cadet volunteers for the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign this weekend. We have two signups thus far and are looking for six more. We’re also looking for one more member of the flag party for Grace United Church’s Remembrance Day Service on Sunday morning. Sign-up sheets for these events can be found here:

Event Sign-ups

Further details on the Remembrance Day Sleepover, Vigil, and Parades will be posted immediately following the WROs for this week.

Training Night
6 Nov 19

Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.

CAF Member Dress

Cadet Dress
C1A: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C1A: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl

Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux

This Week’s Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
4 Nov 19 1900-2115 Monday Optional Training Night 809 HQ Civilian Capt Lemoine
6 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C1A OCdt Couroux
10-11 Nov 19 Sunday-Monday Remembrance Day Sleepover and Vigil Royal Canadian Legion Branch 124 C1A Capt Lemoine

Upcoming Activities

Date Day Activity Location Dress OIC
13 Nov 19 1830-2115 Wednesday Regular Training Night 809 HQ C3/C3D Lt Russell
16 Nov 19 1300-1600 Saturday Autumn Gliding Niagara Central Dorothy Rungeling Airport Civilian OCdt Couroux

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Neither cold nor rain will stop the Autumn FTX

The Autumn 2019 FTX is today! At 1900 (7:00pm) everyone should be in the parking lot of Wetaskiwin Scout Camp on Scout Camp Road in St. Catharines. The kit list is available in the Operations Order here:

Operations Order – Autumn FTX 2019

The Google Map for directions can be found here:

Wetaskiwin Scout Camp

We’re expecting colder weather with a possibility of rain, so ensure that you come dressed appropriately.

This is a mandatory exercise with training that is required to complete your training level. It’s important that everyone comes out, but if you can’t make it, be sure to contact the squadron phone at (905) 468-7584 before training begins at 1900 (7:00pm).

We will be meeting parents in the parking lot during the arrival period. If you must arrive later than this (again call if this will be the case), the campsite can be reached by crossing the bridge at the end of the parking lot, following the road to the second bridge on the right, and walking up to the potlatch building.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Grace United Church Remembrance Service

Join us in supporting our local community as they commemorate Remembrance Day. Rev. Ellison has asked that we provide a flag party for the service.


Sign-up Sheets
Grace United Church Remembrance Service
Paper sign-up sheets will also be available on Wednesday evening.

Parents should drop their cadets off at Grace United Church in Niagara-on-the-Lake no later than 1015 (10:15am) and pick them up at the same location at 1200 (12:00pm).

NGTA Cadet Correspondent Workshop

For those cadets who have an interest in learning more about public relations, specifically in terms of promoting the squadron and the cadet program in general, the following workshop is available. If you’re interested, please let me know as soon as you can.

  1. The NGTA cadet correspondent workshop will be held from 16-17 Nov 2019 at RCSCC Iron Duke, located at 451 Elizabeth Street, Burlington ON L7R 2L8.
  2. The deadline for registration has been set at 12 Nov 2019.
  3. Priority for cadets should be:
    1. cadets should be in their third or fourth year,
    2. have skills in communications, and
    3. be positive examples of the program in the public eye.
  4. Cadets will learn to become storytellers and program ambassadors for the local squadron to strengthen your local public affairs (PA) goals, and have opportunities to support their Area Unit Public Affairs Representative (UPAR) and local competitions.
  5. Cadets will be own means to and from to venue each day.
  6. Lunch will be provided.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Operations Order – Autumn FTX 2019

1085-10 (CO)

15 Sep 2019

Dist List


  1. Situation:
    1. 809 Squadron requires a Field exercise to be conducted the weekend of 1-3 November 2019.
  2. Mission:
    1. 809 Squadron will conduct a field training exercise to build upon and enhance the level training for survival, leadership and teamwork and mandatory field training.
  3. Execution:
    1. The cadets will commence training on Fri 23 Nov 2018 at 1900 hrs at Wetaskiwin Camp, St Catharines, ON. They will complete training on Sun 25 Nov 2018 at 1400. For a detailed itinerary please see Annex A.
    2. The exercise will be conducted in four phases as follows:
      1. Phase 1 – Planning – Sep 2019
        1. Scheduling and exercise layout
        2. Paperwork submitted to 809 Squadron CO for approval
        3. Paperwork submitted to NGTA Office (NLT 15 Sep 2109)
      2. Phase 2 – Advance Party – 1500 1 Nov 2019
        1. A team is to drive up to Camp Wetaskiwin in advance of the exercise.
        2. The team will set up all supply and accommodation logistics as directed by the weekend OPI
        3. The team will meet Detachment Supply at Wetaskiwin by 1500 to obtain all requested stores and rations
      3. Phase 3 – Training – 19:00 1 Nov 2019
        1. All cadets and staff will execute the exercise as laid out on the schedule in Annex A
      4. Phase 4 – Tear-down and Departure
        1. All training staff will continue to follow Annex A for tear-down
        2. All supplementary orders will come through the OPI or designate
    3. Taskings:
      1. Exercise OIC – Capt J. Lemoine
      2. Exercise TrgO – Lt M. Russell
      3. Exercise LogO – CI S. Carbone
      4. Exercise AdminO – 2Lt R. Nicolescu
      5. Training Staff
        1. Remaining 809 squadron staff and senior cadets
      6. Meals
        1. LogO
      7. Advance Party
        1. OIC
        2. (TBD)
  4. Service and Support
    1. Rations
      1. Friday
        1. All cadets are expected to arrive already fed dinner
        2. Squadron Sponsorship Committee will provide fresh rations for the dinner of the advance party members
      2. Saturday
        1. All three (3) meals will be MREs provided by Detachment
      3. Sunday
        1. Both (2) meals will be MREs provided by Detachment
    2. Supply and Logistics
      1. See Annex B – London Warehouse Stores List Request
      2. 809 Squadron Stores will be pulled from the SupplyO the training night prior to the exercise
        1. Supply will be loaded and transported to the exercise by cargo van on Friday 1 Nov 2019
  5. Transportation:
    1. See Annex D – Camp Wetaskiwin Map
      1. See Annex D – Appendix 1 – Directions to Camp Wetaskiwin
    2. All cadets are expected to provide their own transportation to and from Camp Wetaskiwin
      1. Drop off NLT 1900 1 Nov 2019
      2. Pick-up NLT 1400 3 Nov 2019
    3. One Cargo Van will be required to transport Squadron Kit and act as an emergency vehicle
      1. Capt J. Lemoine is in possession of a valid 404 drivers license
  6. Accommodations:
    1. Accommodations will be four (4) occupant cabins
  7. Emergency Action Plan:
    1. In case of an emergency all actions will be directed through the officer staff and OPI
    2. The squadron mobile phone (905-468-7584) will be available for emergency use during the activity
    3. All cadet home phone contact numbers will be kept with the AdminO at all times
    4. The closest hospital is located at:
      1. 1200 Fourth Avenue, St Catharines, ON L2S 0A9 (Phone 929-378-464)
  8. Dress:
    1. Authorized dress for this exercise:
      1. CAF Members – Operational (CADPAT)
      2. Civilain Staff – Civilian Dress
      3. Cadets – Civilian Dress or FTU (see Annex C for cadet kit list)
  9. Safety/First Aid:
    1. For any minor incidents, the First Aid Officer for the exercise is CI Carbone
      1. He will be in possession of a first aid kit
    2. For major incidents the local ambulance/hospital will be notified
    3. Cadets must be in possession of an Ontario Health Benefits card at ALL times, as well as any medical alert information, asthma inhalers, and/or epipen kits
    4. In the event that a cadet or staff member is hospitalized, the parent/guardian/next of kin will be notified immediately via the emergency contact phone numbers
      1. Any further action required will be determined at that point in time
      2. The NGTA Office be contacted at the earliest opportunity
  10. Command and Signals:
    1. Command Structure is as follows:
      1. OPI – Capt J. Lemoine
      2. 2IC – Lt M. Russell
      3. 3IC – 2Lt R. Nicolescu
  11. Communications:
    1. The squadron mobile phone (905-468-7584) will be available for emergency use during the activity
  12. All inquiries should be directed to the undersigned

OCdt D. Couroux
809 Squadron
Telephone: (905) 468-7584


Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D

Dist List Info

NGTA6 ZTrgO – Capt C. Hollands

Annex A – Detailed Schedule

  1. (To be provided)

Annex B – Stores List Request

  1. (Available on request)

Annex C – Kit List

  1. All cadets should be in possession of the following clothing and equipment in order to ensure a safe, productive, and enjoyable training exercise:
    1. Ontario Health Card (This is a MUST!)
    2. T-shirts (6)
    3. Pants, Preferably Quick Dry (No Jeans) (4)
    4. Sweater or Sweatshirt (3)
    5. Underwear (4)
    6. Pairs of Socks (8)
    7. Jacket (Waterproof May be Necessary) (1)
    8. Hat (1)
    9. Boots (No Shoes, Waterproof) (1)
    10. Pillow (1)
    11. Face Towel and Body Towel (1)
    12. Flashlight (1)
    13. Sunglasses (1)
    14. Sunscreen (1)
    15. Chapstick
    16. Large Water Bottle (Filled with WATER, BPA-Free) (1)
    17. Toiletries and Personal Hygiene Items
    18. Appropriate Sleeping Attire
    19. Prescription Medication
      (ONLY ENOUGH FOR THE WEEKEND; Notify officer staff immediately upon arrival at Camp Wetaskiwin)
  2. Please note that due to the nature of the weather this time of year it is difficult to account for all personnel kit items. Please use appropriate discretion with packing and follow the weather reports up until departing for the exercise. We will train rain or shine. Please also take into consideration that we will be sleeping in tents and the amount of personal kit space is very limited.
  3. The following optional equipment may be brought:
    1. Camera
  4. Do NOT bring any of the following:
    1. Expensive jewelry
    2. Money
    3. Knives
    4. Non-prescription medication (Advil, Tylenol)
    5. Mobile phone
  5. We are not responsible for lost or broken items, and have a zero tolerance for theft.

Annex D – Camp Wetaskiwin Map

  1. See below

Annex D – Appendix 1 – Directions to Camp Wetaskiwin

  1. From Niagara-on-the-Lake:
    1. Follow Highway 55 toward St. Catharines
    2. Turn right at Queenston Road
    3. Turn left on Welland Canals Parkway
    4. Turn right on Glendale Avenue
    5. Turn left on Pelham Road
    6. Turn left on Scout Camp Road
    7. Arrive at Camp Wetaskiwin