Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 2 Feb 2020
2 Feb 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
It’s an exciting week for competitions! On Wednesday, we have our annual Effective Speaking Competition and on Saturday, we go to Cayuga to compete in the Niagara Air Group Sports competition. It’s a great kick-off for an exciting February.
The Effective Speaking Competition takes place on the same night as our regular CO’s Parade, so the dress will be C1A but we’ll dispense with the actual CO’s Parade if the Effective Speaking Competition goes long.
Further details about the NAG Sports Competition will be posted before Wednesday.
Training Night
5 Feb 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C1A: All cadets
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Capt Lemoine
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
3 Feb 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
5 Feb 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Effective Speaking Competition and CO’s Parade | 809 HQ | C1A | Capt Lemoine |
5 Feb 2020 0630-1730 |
Saturday | Niagara Air Group Sports Competition | Cayuga Secondary School, Cayuga, ON | Sports Attire | 2Lt Nicolescu |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
10 Feb 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
12 Feb 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Mandatory Training Night | 809 HQ | C3/C3D | 2Lt Nicolescu |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Ice Wine Bottle Pick Up
Thank you to all the cadets and parents who helped with the bottle pick up at the Ice Wine Festival in Old Town on Sunday.
The group was very efficient and we collected and sorted three bins worth bottles in only an hour and a quarter.
Your help and enthusiasm is much appreciated.
Best Regards
CV Dau
Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 26 Jan 2020
26 Jan 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
Please accept my apology for getting the WROs for this week out a bit late. As announced last week, we’ll be doing our usual optional training on Monday and squadron sports on Wednesday in preparation for the upcoming NAG Sports Competition on 8 Feb. Next week, we have our usual optional training night on Monday and a combined CO’s Parade and Effective Speaking competition on Wednesday. If the Effective Speaking competition goes a little bit long, we’ll forego the CO’s Parade in the interest of hearing more presentations. I’m looking forward to hearing them!
Training Night
29 Jan 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
CADPAT or Sports Attire
Cadet Dress
Sports Attire
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: CV Dau
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
27 Jan 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
29 Jan 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Squadron Sports | 809 HQ | Sports Attire | CV Dau |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
3 Feb 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
5 Feb 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Effective Speaking Competition and CO’s Parade | 809 HQ | C1A | Capt Lemoine |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Ice Wine Festival Bottle Pick Up
We’ve been lucky again this year to have been donated the empty bottles at this year’s Ice Wine Festival. We’re looking for cadet and parent volunteers to help load bottles at the festival site (Queen St in NOTL) and also help unload at Van Noort’s. Depending on the amount of help we get, this should only take about an hour.
Please sign up if you’re interested and be at the Court House meeting room at 1700hrs (5pm) this Sunday (January 26). The Court House is located at 26 Queen St, NOTL.
Mr. Dau will be supervising. Parents, if you have a truck and can help with transportation, please bring that along as well.
Winter Warfare Basic Course with the Lincoln & Welland Regiment
This past Friday, Saturday and Sunday, FSgt Abt, WO2 Gowans & OCdt Couroux attended the Winter Warfare Basic course put on by the Lincoln & Welland Regiment. About 30 senior cadets & officers from local Army, Sea & Air cadet units, along with approximately 60 members of the Regiment attended part 1 of this winter survival course.
Saturday’s classes consisted of pitching and striking military tents, building improvised shelters, building fires, environmental first aid, igniting lanterns and camp stoves, constructing winter defenses, snowshoeing and how to use the equipment associated with the Regiment’s toboggans.
On Sunday, both the Regiment and the Cadets put forth their eight best candidates to compete in a survival fire starting competition. The goal was to see which group could put together a sustainable fire the quickest. I’m proud to say that the Cadets were successful and moved past the Regiment for the win. Great job everyone!
A pat on the back goes to FSgt Abt and WO2 Gowans for attempting the snowshoe race. WO2 Gowans finished with both snow shoes. Unfortunately not the case for FSgt Abt. Great fun though.
From here, the FSgt Abt, WO2 Gowans and OCdt Couroux will join the other cadets, officers and soldiers from the Regiment in attending part 2 which is the practical portion of the course. On Friday, January 31, cadets will depart for the Winona Range out in Grimsby where cadets will put their new found knowledge to the test. Good luck everyone.
Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 19 Jan 2020
19 Jan 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
Greetings from sunny Spain. As announced on Wednesday, Lt Russell will be in charge of things until I get back on the 1st week of February. This week is fairly regular with optional training on Monday and regular training on Wednesday. Next week, we’ll be doing our usual optional training on Monday and squadron sports on Wednesday in preparation for the upcoming NAG Sports Competition on 8 Feb.
Training Night
22 Jan 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
20 Jan 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
22 Jan 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Regular Training Night | 809 HQ | C3/C3D | Lt Russell |
25 Jan 2020 1200-1700 |
Saturay | Female Leadership Day | 2835 HQ 5049 Victoria Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON |
Civilian |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
27 Jan 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
29 Jan 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Squadron Sports | 809 HQ | Sports Gear | CV Dau |
1 Feb 2020 1200-1700 |
Saturday | National Course Interviews | TBA | C1A |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
2835 RCACC – Female Leadership Day
Details of the upcoming Female Leadership Day on 25 Jan 2020 are enclosed in the Warning Order below. As previously discussed, this event has been well received in previous years and comes highly recommended.
Interested cadets should email me as soon as possible so that I can forward your information to Lt Lyons-Perry.
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
1085-3-3 (TrgO)
1 Dec 2019
Dist List
- 2835 RCACC will be hosting a female cadet leadership day on 25 Jan 2020.
- This is optional training to expand knowledge, improve leadership skills through team building activities, participate in workshops with guest speakers to specifically target female cadets.
- All Cadets, are to report to the Niagara Falls Armoury, located at 5049 Victoria Ave. Niagara Falls NLT 1200 on 25 Jan 2020.
- Dismissal will be at 1700 on 25 Jan 2020.
- The capacity for the event is female cadets per corps/squadron please provide Lt Lyons-Perry, with their anticipated number of female cadets attending NLT 22 Jan 2020.
- Health cards and permission forms, attached herein as Annex A, must be brought with cadets attending to the event.
- Staffing
Each attending corps/squadron is required to provide at least one (1) female escort to the activity. Contact the OPI if you do not have a female escort available and would like to participate. - Dress
For all shall be appropriate civilian attire, although we do encourage the wearing of corps/squadron swag. - Transportation
Travel to and from the armoury (located at 5049 Victoria Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON) will be parent drop off and pick up. Enter through the back door and proceed up the stairs to the second floor on 25 Jan 2020. - Meals
Cadets are to ensure that they have eaten lunch prior to arriving at the armoury. Additionally, as the event ends at 1700 visiting cadets are to eat supper at home upon return. - Snacks and Canteen
Cadets should bring their own snacks and drinks. Canteen will be open at breaks during the training day if cadets wish to purchase items. Prices range from $0.50 – $1.00 per item.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
K Lyons-Perry
126 Air Cadets
103 Sea Cadets
2966 Army Cadets
68 Army Cadets
613 Army Cadets
128 Air Cadets
1626 Army Cadets
358 Sea Cadets
23 Air Cadets
87 Air Cadets
62 Air Cadets
809 Air Cadets
337 Air Cadets
2835 Support Committee
Weekly Routine Orders – Week of 12 Jan 2020
12 Jan 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
To all of the parents, cadets, staff, sponsorship committee, and all of the other volunteers we had at the bottle drive this weekend, thank you very much for all of your hard work. Despite the weather and the big changes in the way we process everything, we had a really successful day. We should have word from Mr. Abt as to how well we did as soon as the Beer Store provides him with some numbers. Thank you again!
This week, we’re back to a regular schedule of drill and sports on Monday, followed by regular training on Wednesday. See you then!
Training Night
15 Jan 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
13 Jan 2020 1900-2100 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
15 Jan 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Regular Training Night | 809 HQ | C3/C3D | OCdt Couroux |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
20 Jan 2020 1900-2115 |
Monday | Optional Training Night | 809 HQ | Civilian | OCdt Couroux |
22 Jan 2020 1830-2115 |
Wednesday | Regular Training Night | 809 HQ | C3/C3D | Lt Russell |
25 Jan 2020 1200-1700 |
Wednesday | Female Leadership Day | 2835 HQ 5049 Victoria Avenue, Niagara Falls, ON |
Civilian |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Winter Bottle Drive Tomorrow!
Our second bottle drive of the training year is tomorrow at Van Noort Greenhouses (2069 Four Mile Creek Road at the corner of Hunter Road) in Niagara-on-the-Lake. We will start promptly at 0900 (9:00am) and we need all cadets and as many parent volunteers as possible. Please remember that this is a mandatory fundraising activity and that attendance cheques will be cashed for those cadets not present.
Before the bottle drive itself begins, we need some volunteers to meet Mr. Abt at 0730 (7:30am) to help load the bottles that have been collected from our drop-off program.
DRIVERS: We need drivers! Please bring in your valid driver’s license and proof of automobile insurance, pick up your driving route, and cadets. If you have a truck, so much the better;
SORTERS: We need sorters for the entire day. It’s a dirty job, but worth every penny. We have people who know how it works, so find someone who looks like they know what they’re doing and they’ll show you the ropes;
CADETS: It’s going to be a wet day, so DRESS TO STAY DRY. Bring GLOVES, good boots, and wear your cadet toque. We’re expecting to up to 60mm of rain so don’t under-dress. Bringing a change of clothes for halfway through the day isn’t a bad idea either. You’ll be outside for the majority of the day.
We will be providing lunch for everyone helping out, and there will be coffee/tea on-site as well for our adult volunteers.
See you tomorrow morning. We hope the weather forecaster is wrong! Don’t forget all your empties from home.
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS