USAF General Chuck Yeager, the first person to break the sound barrier, passes away at 97 on Monday, December 7.
USAF General Chuck Yeager, the first person to break the sound barrier, passes away at 97 on Monday, December 7.
Hi All,
Quick reminder this is the link to access CV Gowans’ Effective Speaking class:
See you in class!
6 Dec 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
Monday night from 1900-2000, Effective Speaking training with CV Gowans continues. Remember that participation in this training is considered mandatory for level two cadets, and is highly encouraged for all.
Next Monday, we’ll be taking a break from Effective Speaking for a special presentation from Capt Christian Stenner, MStJ, CD, FRCGS of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society about one of the last unexplored frontiers of our planet. I’m looking forward to hearing what Capt Stenner has to tell us and am hoping that everyone will join. Connection details will be provided as soon as we have them.
We’re still working out the final details for our last training night of the calendar year on the 16th. Expect all of the details to be finalized and announced by Wednesday.
See you all on then!
Training Night
9 Dec 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C3F: Cdts, LACs, Cpls, FCpls
C3F: Sgts, FSgts, WO2s, and WO1
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: OCdt Couroux
Duty NCM: WO2 Bell
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
7 Dec 2020 1845–2045 |
Effective Speaking | Monday | Google Meet | Civilian | CV Gowans |
9 Dec 2020 1845-2045 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3F | OCdt Couroux |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
14 Nov 2020 1900–2100 |
Special Presentation Royal Canadian Geographical Society |
Monday | Zoom | TBA | TBA |
16 Dec 2020 1900-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | TBA | Lt Russell |
17 Dec 2020 – 5 Jan 2021 |
Winter Stand-Down No Training |
6 Jan 2021 1845-2045 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3F | Capt Lemoine |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
29 Nov 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
On this past Saturday, we had three cadets attend (virtually) the Niagara-area Leadership Workshop hosted by 358 Sir Isaac Brock RCSCC. I still have to speak with them about how the day went, but am confident based on previous events that they got a lot out of their time.
Monday night from 1900-2000, we begin Effective Speaking training with CV Gowans. She has done an amazing job with the program these last few years and we’re looking forward to hearing the results from our newer cadets this year. Remember that participation in this training is considered mandatory for level two cadets, and is highly encouraged for all.
Tuesday at 0000 is the deadline for award nominations for the 2019/20 training year. If you haven’t nominated a deserving cadet, take the opportunity to do so before the deadline.
See you all on Wednesday!
Training Night
2 Dec 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: 2Lt Nicolescu
Duty NCM: WO2 Bell
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
30 Nov 2020 1845–2045 |
Effective Speaking | Monday | Google Meet | Civilian | CV Gowans |
2 Dec 2020 1810-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3/C3D | 2Lt Nicolescu |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
7 Nov 2020 1845–2045 |
Effective Speaking | Monday | Google Meet | Civilian | CV Gowans |
9 Dec 2020 1810-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3/C3D | Capt Lemoine |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Effective Speaking Classes start online, on Monday, Nov 30 @ 7pm with CV Sandra Gowans.
To join the class, please follow the link below:
Please also read the following message from Mrs. Gowans:
“Welcome Cadets!
To be prepared for Monday’s class, I would like you to download the Effective Speaking Cadet Workbook .
Read the first two pages and complete the first assignment.
Be sure to follow the framework as shown on the page 2 of the cadet workbook.
I am looking forward to seeing you on Monday and hearing your first speech!
Have a great weekend!
CV Gowans”
22 Nov 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
We’ve been keeping an eye on the COVID-19 numbers in Niagara and are seeing the numbers come down. This makes us optimistic that we can return to in-person training sooner than later, but there’s still no update on when that might be. As circumstances change, we’ll be sure to update everyone, but it’s still virtual training for the moment.
Cadets are reminded that virtual training nights are still training nights. If you can’t attend, it is still essential that they let us know in advance by emailing usat[/private], or texting/phoning the squadron phone
We’ve had a few cadets sign up for the Niagara-area Leadership Workshop occurring all day on the 28th of the month. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late. Just send me and email, let me know, and I’ll add you to the list.
See you all on Wednesday!
Training Night
25 Nov 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell
Duty NCM: WO2 Abt
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
25 Nov 2020 1810-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3/C3D | Capt Lemoine |
28 Nov 2020 0900-1600 |
Saturday | Cadet Leadership Workshop | Virtual | C5 |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
30 Nov 2020 1845–2045 |
Effective Speaking | Monday | Google Meet | Civilian | CV Gowans |
2 Dec 2020 1810-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3/C3D | 2Lt Nicolescu |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
This FSgt from 525 Sqn shows you how to look after your uniform, pay respects and learn ranks in a series of videos. I’ve watched them all and he does a great job. This is a great resource for 1st years. Please watch. His Youtube channel is here:
Below is his “Unboxing” video:
I thought this would be interesting for anyone who plans on becoming a pilot.
Captain Kutryk was a cadet at 551 Whitehorse Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and 341 Mundare Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron in Mundare, Alberta. He spent three years as a Civilian Instructor, gliding at the Villeneuve Cadet Flying Site in support of the familiarization flying program before joining the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006.
This session was coordinated by the Regional Cadet Support Unit Northwest Air Operations section as an online training opportunity for cadets this summer.
15 Nov 2020
RO Number
CO’s Message
I’d like to begin this week by thanking all of our cadets and parents/guardians for bearing with us as the changing landscape of COVID-19 control measures brings uncertainty to our program delivery. We understand that routine is central to all of our lives and that last minute changes aren’t easy to deal with, and I’m impressed with the way that everyone has worked with us to make things work. We’re all working toward having a more normalized schedule while maintaining safety as a top priority.
Last week’s Remembrance Day training night had to be switched to virtual with less than 48 hours of notice, but our senior cadets brought it all together well with a moving presentation and a good question and answer session with the cadets. LCol (Retired) Kenn Moody and Maj (Retired) Brad Kempston were guests to our session later in the evening and shared their invaluable perspectives on service and Remembrance with the cadets. Thank you both for taking the time to join us.
This week, we’re back to regular (virtual) training, but we’re starting to work on optional activities over the following weeks. Mrs. Gowans is expecting to start our Effective Speaking soon, and WO2 Bell and Sgt Forsyth have put forward some very interesting ideas for optional training to begin later in the training year. We’ll keep you informed as things solidify.
For level 3 cadets and above, there is a Niagara-area Leadership Workshop occurring all day on the 28th of the month. If you’re interested in attending, please let me know so that I can get you signed up.
See you on Wednesday!
Training Night
18 Nov 2020
Training Night Schedule
See the Events Calendar.
CAF Member Dress
Cadet Dress
C3: Sgt, FSgt, WO2, WO1
C3D: AC, LAC, Cpl, FCpl
Duty Personnel
Duty Officer: Lt Russell
Duty NCM: WO2 Abt
This Week’s Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
18 Nov 2020 1810-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3/C3D | Lt Russell |
Upcoming Activities
Date | Day | Activity | Location | Dress | OIC |
25 Nov 2020 1810-2100 |
Regular Training Night | Wednesday | Google Meet | C3/C3D | Capt Lemoine |
28 Nov 2020 0900-1600 |
Saturday | Cadet Leadership Workshop | Virtual | C5 |
J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS
Remembrance Day 2020 may not look like previous years but the reading of names, the wearing of poppies, the minute of silence, the playing of the Last Post, all give meaning and expression to the gratitude and regret for lives lived and lost in the service of Canada. #CanadaRemembers #LestWeForget