Announcements – Week 20 – Week of 28JAN2024

Hello 809!

I’d like to thank everyone that helped out with the bottle drive over the weekend.  You all worked incredibly hard and I’m proud of the effort.  It’s clear to me that we have a lot of dedicated cadets, families, staff and volunteers (SSC).

Here are the announcements for this week.  We’ll have mandatory training on Wednesday as usual.  For detailed training information, please have your cadet consult the WROs which can be found on Microsoft Teams by following this path:

Teams/T-CEN-809 Air/General

Any cadets having problems navigating teams to find this info are to report to Capt Lemoine to get this issue resolved.

    1. Sports Night – Monday 29JAN2024:

We will be having a sports night this Monday (Jan 29).    The activites will include both volleyball and basketball.   We have invited 358 Sea Cadet Corps to join us for the evening.

Here’s the info:

When: Monday, January 29, 1900-2100
Where: EI McCulley School, 16 Berkley Dr, St Catharines
Dress: Appropriate sports attire
Sports: Basketball and Volleyball
Duty Officer: Capt Emptage
All cadets are encouraged to participate.  You need to make your own way there.  If you do not have a ride, please discuss carpooling with other squadron members.   Make sure you bring a water bottle and a snack as there will not be a canteen set up for the evening.

    1. Senior NCO Development Day – RE-Scheduled for Saturday, 06 April 2024:

For the 5 Cadets that signed up for the Senior NCO Development day that was to have taken place on Saturday, January 20, it has been re-scheduled for Saturday, 06APR2024.   Some changes are being made to the format.   More information to follow.

    1. Fish Fry:

The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thusrsday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is

    1. Monday Night – Range Team Practice – 05FEB2024:

Monday 05FEB2024 marks a Mandatory Practice for all members of the Range Team.   All range team members will be practicing for the Zone Range Competition on Sunday, February 11.   We’ll be practicing a mix of standing and prone shooting.

Practice is on Monday, February 5 from 1900-2100hrs.  Dress is appropriate civilian attire.
358 Sir Isaac Brock RCSCC will once again be joining us for practice
Duty Officer: Capt Couroux

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions. My email is


Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Announcements – Week 19 – Week of 21JAN2024

Good afternoon 809.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Here are the announcements for Week 19:

    1. Monday Night – Range Team Practice – 22JAN2024:

This Monday marks a Mandatory Practice for members of the Range Team only.   All range team members will be practicing for the Zone Range Competition on Sunday, February 11.   We’ll be practicing a mix of standing and prone shooting.

Practice is on Monday, January 22 from 1900-2100hrs.  Dress is appropriate civilian attire.

358 Sir Isaac Brock RCSCC will once again be joining us for practice

Duty Officer: Capt Couroux

    1. Bottle Drop Off – Make-Up Date – Saturday, 27JAN2024:

This is the make-up date for the bottle drive we had to cancel earlier in the month.   The newly scheduled date as per the title is Saturday, January 27.   As with the previous bottle drives, we’ll be needing everyone’s assistance (Cadets, Families, SSC and Staff).  Here are the details

What: Cadet Bottle Drop Off
When: Saturday, January 27 @ 0830hrs until approx 1400hrs
Where: VanNoorts Greenhouse (Corner of Hunter Rd & Four Mile Creek Rd)
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire (prepare for cold weather)

Any questions, please forward them over to Capt Couroux


The Ice Wine Festival has indicated that they’d like to donate bottles to us.   Bottle pick up will be done at the festival on Queen St on the evening of Saturday, January 27 and Sunday, January 28.    We’re looking for some volunteers to help out.    More details to follow

    1. Senior NCO Development Day – RE-Scheduled for Saturday, 06 April 2024:

For the 5 Cadets that signed up for the Senior NCO Development day that was to have taken place this past weekend, it has been re-scheduled for Saturday, 06APR2024.   Some changes are being made to the format.   More information to follow.

    1. Fish Fry:

The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thusrsday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is

    1. Sports Night – Monday 29JAN2024:

We will be having a sports night on Monday Jan 29.    The activites will include both volleyball and basketball.   We have invited 358 Sea Cadet Corps to join us for the evening.

Here’s the info:
When: Monday, January 29, 1900-2100
Where: EI McCulley School, 16 Berkley Dr, St Catharines
Dress: Appropriate sports attire
Sports: Basketball and Volleyball

All cadets are encouraged to participate.  You need to make your own way there.  If you do not have a ride, please discuss carpooling with other squadron members.

If you have any questions about any of the announcements, feel free to reach out to me by email at

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Announcements – Week 18 – Week of 14JAN2024

Hello 809!

This week brings back range training on Monday night, along with regular training on Wednesday. Even though the bottle drive was cancelled on Saturday due to bad weather, not everyone received our cancellation notice and there were still plenty of bottles dropped off. I’d like to thank Mr Abt, CI Dau and Mr & Mrs Froese for giving up their time on Saturday morning to assist in the pick up. The bottle drive has been rescheduled for January 27. Details follow later on within this message.

Details on this week’s training, along with dress instructions and detailed information for cadets can be found in this week’s WRO’s which are published exclusively on teams.

Here are this week’s announcements

1. Monday Night Range Training / Range Team Selections – 15JAN2024:

This Monday night marks the return of range training. We’re getting ready for the Zone Marksmanship Competition on Sunday, February 11 at the Lake St Armoury. Our team will consist of the top 5 cadets trying out this week and team must include at least 2 junior cadets.

We’ll continue range training on Monday, January 22 and also on Monday, February 5, but only for those selected to represent 809 on the range team.

Anyone wishing to try out, please join us this Monday night from 1900-2100hrs.

Duty Officer: Capt Couroux

2. Bottle Drop Off – Make-Up Date – Saturday, 27JAN2024:

As you all are aware, we made the decision to cancel the bottle drop off last Saturday due to potentially serious weather. The bottle drop off has been re-scheduled for Saturday, January 27. As with the previous bottle drives, we’ll be needing everyone’s assistance (Cadets, Families, SSC and Staff). Here are the details
What: Cadet Bottle Drop Off
When: Saturday, January 27 @ 0830hrs until approx 1400hrs
Where: VanNoorts Greenhouse (Corner of Hunter Rd & Four Mile Creek Rd)
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire
Any questions, please forward them over to Capt Couroux

3. Senior NCO Development Day – Saturday, 20JAN2024:

For the 5 Cadets that signed up last week, the Senior NCO Development Day, hosted by 62 Phantom RCACS in Grimsby, is taking place this Saturday (20JAN2024). Participating cadets will be coached in leadership and management of cadets and will also be given the opportunity to lead training sessions.

Here are the details:

WHEN: Saturday, 20JAN2024 – 0800-1730hrs
WHERE: 62 Phantom RCACS – 105 Mountain Rd, Grimsby
TRANSPORT: Parent Drop Off
LUNCH: Bring your own lunch.
CANTEEN: There will be a canteen open through the activity. Bring money if you’d like take part.

4. Fish Fry:

The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thusrsday nights. This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration. All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email. Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out. Ms Kell’s email is

5. Sports Night – Monday 29JAN2024:

We will be having a sports night on Monday Jan 29. The activites will include both volleyball and basketball. We have invited 358 Sea Cadet Corps to join us for the evening. Timing is typical for a Monday night activity (1900-2100). However, the location will be Carleton School in St Catharines (1 Carleton Pk Dr, St Catharines)

More details to follow as we get closer to the date.

That’s all for now. I’m available should you have any questions.

Capt. Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Good morning.

After reviewing today’s weather forecast, we’ve decided to cancel today’s activities.   Rain is expected throughout the day, however winds are expected at around 80 km/h with gusts up to 110 km/h. This will make operation of today’s activities difficult to conduct safely.

Because this fundraising activity is important to the operation of the squadron, we are looking at the possibility of having a make up date later in the month.   More details on that will follow.

Thanks for putting time aside today to help us with fundraising.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  Enjoy your day.

Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

REMINDER – Bottle Drop Off this Saturday – All Hands On Deck!


809 Newark RCACS is conducting the 2nd of 3 Bottle Drop Off’s this Saturday morning.   This is a major fundraiser for the unit and all members are required to attend.    Cadets, bring your parents, siblings and friends to help out. It’s a lot of work as well, and the more people we have helping out, the easier the job will be.

We depend greatly on the funds that these bottle drop offs provide.  In order to keep the program free we need everyone, including cadets, parents, staff and SSC members, to provide some sweat equity. To all the adults, if you have a truck you can bring along for the day, please do. It will help us in transporting the bottles back to VanNoorts.   Make sure you wear something that is appropriate for the weather, yet you don’t mind getting dirty. Please be at VanNoorts Greenhouse no later than 0830 to receive instructions and so that we can have everyone out to their stations by 0900hrs.

Make sure you bring water with you for the morning. Pizza will be laid on after we’re finished up for the day.  Dress appropriately for the weather.  It’s January and we will be out in the cold.

What: Cadet Bottle Drop Off
When: Saturday, January 13 @ 0830hrs until approx 1400hrs
Where: VanNoorts Greenhouse (Corner of Hunter Rd & Four Mile Creek Rd)
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire

Any questions, please forward them over to Capt Couroux

Announcements for Parents & Guardians – Training Week 17 – 08JAN2024

Although WRO’s are now being published exclusively on Teams, we realize that parents still need to be in the know for upcoming events.     Here are this week’s announcements.    For more details, including cadet specific instructions, dress instructions, class detail, duty NCO and duty Officer appointments, please have your cadet consult teams.

  1. Monday Night Optional Training – 08JAN2024:

For Monday night optional training, we’ll again have the flight simulator available.   Come out for social time with other cadets.

The more cadets we have attending Monday evenings, the more fun it will be.  Optional training will be from 1900-2100hrs.

  1. Canteen Cards for Sale – Wednesday, 10JAN2024:

Canteen cards will be on sale on Wednesday evening for those who would like to purchase them.   Cards are $20.00 each.   Cadets, please see Mrs Lett upon arrival to the squadron to purchase yours.

  1. Bottle Drop Off – Saturday, 13JAN2024:

809 Newark RCACS is conducting the 2nd of 3 Bottle Drop Off’s this Saturday morning.   This is a major fundraiser for the unit and all members are required to attend.    Cadets, bring your parents, siblings and friends to help out. It’s a lot of work as well, and the more people we have helping out, the easier the job will be.

We depend greatly on the funds that these bottle drop offs provide.  In order to keep the program free we need everyone, including cadets, parents, staff and SSC members, to provide some sweat equity. To all the adults, if you have a truck you can bring along for the day, please do. It will help us in transporting the bottles back to VanNoorts.   Make sure you wear something that is appropriate for the weather, yet you don’t mind getting dirty. Please be at VanNoorts Greenhouse no later than 0830 to receive instructions and so that we can have everyone out to their stations by 0900hrs.

Make sure you bring water with you for the morning. Pizza will be laid on after we’re finished up for the day.  Dress appropriately for the weather.  It’s January and we will be out in the cold.

What: Cadet Bottle Drop Off
When: Saturday, January 13 @ 0830hrs until approx 1400hrs
Where: VanNoorts Greenhouse (Corner of Hunter Rd & Four Mile Creek Rd)
Dress: Appropriate Civilian Attire

Any questions, please forward them over to Capt Couroux

  1. Senior NCO Development Day – Saturday, 20JAN2024:

Niagara Air Group (NAG) is conductiong a Senior NCO Development Day, hosted by 62 Phantom RCACS in Grimsby.    Senior cadets (Levels 3, 4 and 5) from throught NAG will participate in team building activities and workshops designed to enhance their skills in mentoring junior cadets in dress, drill and deportment.   Participating cadets will be coached in leadership and management of cadets and will also be given the opportunity to lead training sessions.

Here are the details:

WHEN: Saturday, 20JAN2024 – 0800-1730hrs
WHERE: 62 Phantom RCACS – 105 Mountain Rd, Grimsby
TRANSPORT: Parent Drop Off
LUNCH: Bring your own lunch.   There will be a canteen open through the activity.   Bring money if you’d like take part.

Let Capt Couroux know if you’d like to participate NLT Wednesday, January 10.

5. Fish Fry:

The legion is looking for volunteers to take part in service duties for Fish Fry on Thursday nights.    This is not a cadet activity, but you can earn time towards your community service hours for high school decoration.   All interested parties are to reach out to Ms Katleen Kells by email.   Include your phone number, cell phone number she can text to, and any dates that you cannot help out.   Ms Kell’s email is

Any questions, please forward them to myself at


Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS


Announcements: Training Year 2023/24 Week 17

7 January 2024

CO’s Message

Happy New Year 809!

Welcome to the first training week of 2024. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday break and are ready to get back into training. We have a lot scheduled for the second half of the training year.

Weekly Routine Orders

Detailed Weekly Routine Orders (WROs) can now be found on Cadet365’s Microsoft Teams application in the T-CEN-809 Air / General channel.

D Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Weekly Routine Orders 2023/24-16 – 17 December 2023


17 December 2023

RO Number


CO’s Message

Hello 809!

Well, here we are, the last weekend of training for 2023. We have only 2 items this week: Monday optional training and on Wednesday, our 15th Annual Mess Dinner. Following that, we’re shutting down for a well-deserved break. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish the Cadets, Staff & SSC a happy holiday season and I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the mess dinner and also in the new year.

Now for the WROs…

Continue reading

809 Newark RCACS – 16th Annual Mess Dinner – Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Good evening cadets, staff and SSC members of 809 Sqn,

Please accept this invitation to attend our upcoming 15th Annual Mess Dinner to be held on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.    All the information pertaining to the dinner is contained in the attached invitation.

Remember, for cadets and staff, this is a mandatory event.   SSC members, we would really like to see you there.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email at


Capt Dan Couroux
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS