Tagging Schedule

Sorry for the late arrival of this post – I’ve been out with Capt Jarrell & CI Lemoine doing a recce for an upcoming Cadet Training Exercise in June. Shhhhh, it’s a secret for now.

Here is the schedule for the TAGGING this weekend Tagging Schedule Apr 2015. Location assignments are subject to change – the Staff member working the chalk board at the Sqn office will assign/re-assign as they see fit.

PARENTS – if you are driving cadets, please show your VALID DRIVER’S LICENSE and PROOF OF INSURANCE to the Staff member before leaving with the cadets. They will also need your cell phone number. This is DND policy. Thank you.

CADETS: remember to smile and be polite. Dress is C-2 with PARKA as the wind is coooollllddd.

Flying Cancelled for Tonight

Unfortunately, Mother Nature has had her say again – no flying tonight. Cadets who were scheduled to fly will attend the regular training night. See previous post for dress instructions.

Cancelled flights may be rescheduled soon – Capt Jarrell will update as soon as possible.

Flying Cancelled April 20

Due to weather (again!) flying will be cancelled tonight. Low clouds, high winds and embedded tunderclouds are in the vicinity tonight due to a cold front passing just north of Niagara between 4 and 8pm tonight.

I will try to schedule the make-up flight next week.

TAGGING next wknd

Please take a look at the website before Wed 22 Apr 15 to familiarize yourself with the tagging times for the wknd.

There are four shifts available: each cadet is expected to do two.  PARENTS: If your cadet does not participate, the $75.00 cheque will be cashed. Robotics competitions, family vacations and school work may prevent them from participating – but the cheque will still be cashed. We need maximum participation. This fundraising pays the rent for our building and our Familiarization flying time. Please ensure your cadet does their part.

FRI: 5pm-8pm

SAT: 9am-1pm

SAT: 12pm-4pm

SUN: 12pm-4pm

Duty Officer is listed for each day. Cadets are to report to this officer upon arrival. Parents please let them know if you can drive cadets to/from their location. As per the our Tagging Guidelines: 809 Newark Sqn Tagging Guidelines one staff member will be at the Squadron Office for the duration of the shift. They will deal with any emergencies that arise. Two Sponsoring Committee Members will be assigned per shift to cover the Outlet Mall and to drive between the other locations to periodically check on cadets. Each cadet will have the Sqn Office Phone # 905-468-7584 to call if they encounter a problem. Parents are needed to drive cadets out and bring them back from each shift.

QUESTIONS? email: tammypalumbo@yahoo.ca or come in to the office on Monday or Wednesday.

March Break Trip Re-imbursement

Parents: please note that there are cheques available for parents to pick up this evening. Cheques will not be sent home with cadets. Parents will be required to sign for the refund.

Please meet at the office and speak with Mr Hendriks directly. He will be at the Squadron beginning at 8pm tonight until 915pm, and next week beginning at closing parade until 915pm.

A big thank you to Capt Lemoine for organizing the trip and coming in under budget!


CO’s Parade & Guest Speaker

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

C-1 for everyone

Wednesday will be a great night with both a CO’s parade and a visit from a former cadet. We are delighted that Wade MacPherson, Primary Care Paramedic – former Cadet Squadron Commander of 809 Sqn – will be joining us. Let’s show him how fantastic those uniforms can look!

Flying Schedule

Due to the long day at the Gliding Centre yesterday, I only had time to publish today’s schdule.

Below is the schedule for the remaining flights (log-in to view):

** Aircraft may not be available, and will be rescheduled if required

All cadets are to be at the St Catharines Flying Club (not the terminal) no later than 6:15pm (I will not wait for you). If you are late/no-show you will not be rescheduled. We have a budget to work within and I cannot add extra flights.

Monday Night pick-ups will be at 8pm at the airport. I will drive the cadets back to the Cadet Building on Wednesdays for regular pick-ups.

You MUST bring your health card.

Monday flights will be civis, Wednesday will be in uniform (as per dress of the day).

Flying CANCELLED April 13

After reviewing the Forecast for St Catharines Airport, Niagara Falls International Airport, and Hamilton Airport, I will be cancelling flying tonight.

Winds are forecast to be up to 55kts (100km/h), low ceilings, and thunderstorms in the area. Capt Palumbo may call me crazy from time to time, but I’m not THAT crazy. The bad weather is due to an advancing cold front expected to hit Niagara around 7pm.

I will discuss with the affected passengers on Wednesday when they are available to make up the flight.