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Reminder – 809 Paper Airplane Contest and Get Together – Wednesday May 06 @ 1900

Hi Everyone,

Putting out a quick reminder that the paper airplane contest is tomorrow night.  Remember, There are 3 different categories to submit your entry:

1/ Most realistic design….2/ Most Fantastic Funky Flier…..3/ Best practical design

We’d like everyone to take part, even if they don’t have a plane to submit.

If you haven’t already done so, please send me your email address so I can provide you with the access to take part.  My email is

For more information, the original post can be found here:

809 Newark Sqn Paper Airplane Contest – Wednesday, May 6…1900


Also, 2Lt Nicolescu challenged everyone to learn the countries of Europe in less than 6 minutes.  We’ll see how you made out after the paper airplane contest.  Here’s the original post:

Learn the countries of Europe in less than 6 minutes!

See everyone tomorrow night.

OCdt Couroux.

Level 3 Aviation Subjects PC

Hello Level 3’s,
Just a reminder that the aviation subject PC is due for completion by 9pm tonight.  You should be receiving a notification through your email.   If you don’t receive a notification, or you’re having issues accessing the PC, please let me know. You can reach me by email at

Good luck.

OCdt Couroux, DG
Training Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Gliding Update

The Gliding Commanding Center has informed us that the weather prediction indicates probable showers around 2 pm today, Sunday Sept 15th. As such, the gliding crew has agreed in order to facilitate the activity for our cadets to skip lunch and start flying us sooner if we can be there around 12 pm at the Niagara District Airport. It is short notice but we can try.  I am heading there as we speak and will be waiting for the cadets who can arrive earlier and organize early flights with Capt Stevenson. If you cannot make it sooner, I will still meet you at 12:45 in the terminal and hope the weather will allow us to fly as many cadets as possible.

2Lt Nicolescu

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum – Air Force Day

If anyone has a free day on Saturday, consider going to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Mount Hope.

Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Admission: Adult (age 16+) $20, Child (age 6-15) $15. Museum members and children 5 & under are FREE. Price includes HST.


Meet current members of the Royal Canadian Air Force, see their aircraft up close on the ground and learn the many roles performed by Canada’s air force today.

From modern aircraft from the RCAF to the collection of vintage military aircraft from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, visitors will have a chance to view 50+ military aircraft on the ground close up. The Lancaster will also be open for tours through it.

Flying in for Air Force Day from the Great War Flying Museum will be their Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter and Nieuport 28 World War I replicas. The CASARA Cessna 337G will also be on display. Waterloo Warbirds will be in attendance with their de Havilland Vampire, T-33 ‘Mako Shark’, Mig 15, along with a Harvard Mk. II and Tiger Moth. Confirmed to date from the RCAF: CC-130J Hercules and CC-150 Polaris.

At 1:30pm the museum will officially dedicate the Dakota FZ692. A D-Day Veteran, FZ692 flew 16 operational trips with the RAF and 208 with 437 RCAF Squadron during World War II.

Also, don’t forget to try the Lancaster Virtual Reality Experience – “1943 Berlin Blitz”. It’s FREE with admission and only available until August 31. For ages 13+.

If you don’t already have plans for Saturday, this sounds like a lot of fun. Being able to actually board the Lancaster is worth the price of admission alone.

J. Lemoine
Commanding Officer
809 Newark RCACS

Vimy Cadets!

  1. Tonight: Presuming that you’ll have your uniform already packed, dress for cadets on the Vimy Trip will be black pants, white shirt, and black tie. Remember those first few weeks when you joined and you’ll do just fine.
  2. Passports: Just to make sure that I have the final list for check-in, bring your passports with you either on Monday or Wednesday so that I can verify them against the information I have.

Capt Lemoine

DCO 809 Newark Squadron

Welcome Back BBQ & Training Night

Duty Officer: Capt Palumbo. NO DUTY NCM for our first night – new policy to come into effect next week.

Looking forward to seeing everyone out tomorrow night for our Welcome Back BBQ & Training Night.

Bring a friend! Dinner is covered.

Dress: C2B for Sgts, FSgts, WOII; C4A for Cpl & FCpls

New Recruits: come as you are – dress instructions for interim will be discussed when you arrive.

Don’t Forget: we’re at our NEW LOCATION: 1875 Niagara Stone Rd  Niagara-on-the-lake, ON (Front doors of the Royal Elite International Academy)

ALL documents pertaining to registration will be available upon arrival. For returning cadets, look online under cadet resources to find the most up to date CADET PLANNER and ANNEXES.


Squadron Set-Up

The squadron set-up originally scheduled for today is cancelled. Capt Palumbo will be on site tomorrow during the school day (930-230) if you are available to help.

Not much remains thanks to the stellar help provided by the staff and Cdts Abt & Bell. BZ!