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DCO’s Corner – Mother’s Day, Germany Surrenders & VE Day

Good Day 809.

This weekend was packed with special days to be observed. 

WW2 – Germany Surrenders
On May 7, 1945, Germany surrenders to the Allied armies at Reims, France. Leading to the end of WW2 in Europe

May 8, 1945 – Victory in Europe Day,
This day marks the official end of fighting in Europe in World War 2. More than 1million Canadians served, with 42,000 killed, and 10’s of thousands more wounded.  The war wasn’t over yet, however.    Fighting would rage on in the Pacific against Japan for another 3 months.

Happy Mother’s Day, 09MAY21
A special shout out to everyone’s mom. Without any of you, we wouldn’t have the squadron we have today. I hope your cadets, or adult children (officers, CI’s & volunteers) for that matter, did something special for you today.

So, some things to think about.   Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

DCO’s Corner

Good day, 809,

Little late on this one, but bear with me.

To the best of my knowledge there are 3 big milestones this week with regards to our Military:

1/ In Flanders Fields, the poem we’ve all grown to know well as symbolizing the remembrance of our fallen soldiers, was written on May 3, 1915 by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrea of Guelph, Ontario. He was inspired to write it after presiding over the funeral of a friend of his, and fellow soldier, Alexis Helmer during the Second Battle of Ypres during World War 1. “In Flanders Fields” was first published on December 8, 1915 in the London magazine “Punch”.
More on the history of this important poem can be found here:

In Flanders Fields

2/ Happy birthday to the RCN. The Royal Canadian Navy was born on May 4, 1910. It was founded as the Naval Service of Canada and given royal sanction on 29 August, 1911. More about the history on the Royal Canadian Navy can be found here:

Royal Canadian Navy

3/ The 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic.  In keeping with the Navy, and partnering with the RCAF,  The first Sunday in May (May 2nd this year) marks the day where we remember the participants of the Battle of the Atlantic. The battle occurred throughout World War 2 and has been observed by the RCN and RCAF for since 1945.  

Battle of the Atlantic

That’s it for now. See you all Wednesday night. And, before I forget, May the 4th be with you.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Aerospace Club

From WO2 Bell:

Hello, rocketeers! On Saturday May 1st at 3 PM, come down to the SQN to drop off your orange model rockets that you made during the last session. If you cannot be there at that time, let me or CI Dau know by email and we can organize a time to pick it up.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark Sqn

Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins has died at age 90

Michael Collins, the NASA astronaut who was the command module pilot for the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, died today at age 90 after battling cancer.

His family shared the news Wednesday after his passing on Collins’ Facebook page.

More info here:

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

RCAF Remembers the April 29, 2020 CH-148 Cyclone Helicopter Crash


On April 29, 2020, six members of the CAF were killed when a Royal Canadian Air Force CH-148 Cyclone helicopter crashed while operating from HMCS Fredericton as part of Standing NATO Maritime Group 2. At the time of the accident, HMCS Fredericton and Stalker 22 were operating alongside Turkish and Italian Allies, conducting maritime surveillance operations and passing information between the ships and helicopter.

The following Canadian Armed Forces members were tragically killed in the crash:

Captain Brenden MacDonald, Pilot, from New Glasgow, NS
Captain Kevin Hagen, Pilot, from Nanaimo, BC
Captain Maxime Miron-Morin, Air Combat Systems Officer, from Trois-Rivières, QC
Master Corporal Matthew Cousins, Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator, from Guelph, ON
Sub-Lieutenant Matthew Pyke, Naval Warfare Officer, from Truro, NS
Sub-Lieutenant Abbigail Cowbrough, Marine Systems Engineering Officer, from Toronto, ON
The Recent fallen Canadians page honours the members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who have recently lost their lives in the line of duty, in the service of our country.

On Thursday, April 29 @ 1:20pm Atlantic (12:20pm Eastern), the RCAF invites everyone to join them for a video memorial to these CAF members that were lost in that accident.

OCdt Couroux
809 Newark RCACS

Memorize the Countries of South America in less than 5 minutes!

Quick note to thank all the cadets who participated in our 809 hangout meeting last night! Its was so wonderful to see all of you being well and, OMG, so much grown! The Paper Airplane Contest was really fun, I will let OCdt Couroux tell you all about that! I want to comment only on the geography portion of the night and I appreciate the interest and how quickly you all learnt the Countries of Europe! Also a shout out to FSgt Bell who absolutely impressed us with his geography knowledge!

To continue our educational series, here is the video to help you learn the 12 countries of South America in less than 4 minutes! We will discuss about South America in our next 809 cadets hangout- TBA.

Stay safe and stay curious!
2Lt Nicolescu