Category Archives: Training

WED Night Trg & Sqn Effective Speaking Competition

Dress: C-3 (Sgt & up C-2). Dress to impress: flight totals have been averaged, and the results are close. Remember that uniform marks count toward the Top Flight award at annual.

Each cadet that gives a speech tonight earns points for their flight for the Top Flight Award too.  Cadets who have signed up for for the Effective Speaking competition should be prepared to deliver their presentation TONIGHT.


WOW! The FTX was fantastic. The awesome trg schedule, range, snowball fight, rocket launch & Team Canada’s Gold medal game made it one for the record books.

Thank you to everyone that contributed treats – they were delicious. Also a big thank you to CI Thiffault for all of her advanced prep in the kitchen and to our Officer Staff for taking an afternoon off from their regular work week to join the advance party and make sure we were ready for the cadets at 730pm.

MON NIGHT TRG: 7-9pm Drill Team Practice Dress: Sqn T-Shirt, Jeans, Drill Boots, Wedge




Regular Trg Night

Dress C-3 (C-2 for Sgt & up)

TONIGHT we have the sign up for the FTX & all the instructors have a mtg with WOI Prue, WOII Hendriks & WOII Sono.

FTX Kit List can be found here:ANNEX C FTX KIT LIST

We need parents to bake for the wknd. Can you contribute your child’s favourite cookie, square or muffin? Peanut/tree-nut free please. Any amount is welcome. Can’t bake? Our cadets love timbits too ;). Simply drop them off with your cadet on Fri (in a labelled container). Thank you in advance!


Training night is CANCELLED this evening due to weather and poor road conditions. Trg schedule resumes tomorrow.

RANGE TEAM: don’t forget that the competition is this Sat. See the calendar for all the details.

Wed Night Trg

Dress: Winter C-3 (Sgt & Up C-2)

Regular Training Night 615-915pm see calendar for class details

THIS SAT is the NAG Range Comp. See calendar for more details.

LEVEL TWO cadets who are applying for summer trg: tonight you need to have your priority course sorted out so that we can load cadets where they will most likely have a chance to attend summer trg. Meet with Capt Palumbo in classroom 1 at break.



7-9pm Range Team practice in the gymnasium

RANGE COMPETITION is this Sat – 8 Feb 13. See calendar for more details.

LORD STRATHCONA APPLICATIONS due to Capt Palumbo TONIGHT. This is a one page narrative outlining: community service, school activities, cadet accomplishments. Physical Fitness Testing will be this evening for ONLY those cadets applying for the medal.