Category Archives: Training

Wed Night Training

Sign up with the Duty Officer TONIGHT for the FTX next wknd: Fri 24, Sat 25 & Sun 26th Oct.

Duty Officer
CV Couroux

Duty NCM
FCpl Sono

Canteen NCM
FCpl Agnew-Stewart

Summer. LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C-4A; Sgt, FSgt, WOII: C-2B; New Recruits: black pants, white shirt, tie

Wed Training Night

We had a productive meeting Monday night and can’t wait to get you ready for the FTX with the next few weeks of training.

Duty Officer
CI Thiffault

Summer: LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C-4A; Sgt, FSgt, WOII: C-2B; Recruits: Black pants, white shirt, dark tie

Use the CADETS tab on the website, then DRESS REGULATIONS, then AIR CADET NUMBERED ORDERS OF DRESS to find out what the dress instructions mean. Read carefully: the numbers are sometimes on the bottom of the previous page.

Wed Night CO’s Parade

Our first CO’s parade. Dress to impress – polish those boots and get a haircut!  See calendar for class details.

Duty Officer
CI Ruttan

Duty NCM
FCpl Lett

ALL C-1 (Full Dress Uniform); New Recuits: black pants, white shirt, tie
Flight Commanders, SWO, DCSC, CSC with gloves and white belts

Reg Wed Trg Night

Our regular training nights begin TONIGHT. Instructors: check your email for the schedule from Lt Russell.

Dress: Sgts & up: C-2B; LAC, Cpl, FCpl: C4A; New Recruits: white dress shirt, dark pants.

FLYING SCHOLARSHIP: Thursday 7-9pm at our LHQ. Copies of “From the Ground Up” are available for purchase (or order) from the NOTL Airport St. Catharines Flying Club.

REGISTRATION: all cadets (new and returning) are reminded to bring in their paperwork to Capt Lemoine. Registration and Attendance Fees are now overdue – please bring them ASAP.

Website Information Updates

We are working diligently to update the website with the latest version of our Air Cadet Planner and Annexes. Under the CADETS tab you will find both. If you would like to print your own copy of the Air Cadet Planner and/or annexes, please do so, but check back with the website for the most up-to-date versions of all documents.  We will not be sending home paper copies with returning cadets.

New direction has been received regarding promotions. Read Annex G carefully for an overview of what will be required of you to move on to the next rank. Promotions are not automatic. They are merit based and require many pre-requisites to achieve. Specifically, you will be required to participate in the Air Cadet Fitness Assessment. This is to better achieve our new focus of: Citizenship. Leadership. Physical Fitness.

The year-long training calendar will be published on the website shortly under Annex C. However, please use the calendar tab on the website for the most current information.

Annex E Awards will also be added as soon as it has a complete listing of all of our awards and scholarship opportunities at the squadron.

Thank you for your patience as we move to a more web-based information dissemination system.

TRAINING: Mon 8 Sep & Wed 10 Sep

Just a quick reminder: NO monday night training this week. It begins next Monday, 15 Sep – with Sports from 7-9pm.

This WED: Welcome Back BBQ. 630-730pm BBQ followed by our Activity Fair for the Cadets, and our closing parade at 9pm.  BBQ is open to all returning and new cadets and their families.

Parents are always encouraged to join us for the closing briefing held each Wed night in the gym at 9pm.

Air Cadet Planner & Commanding Officer’s Policies

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the first day back to school. As per the previous post, tomorrow, Wed 3 Sep 14 is our first regular training night. Dress: Summer Uniform ALL C2A – blue dress shirt & pants, wedge, parade boots.

Please find below the link to our 2014-15 Air Cadet Planner. It contains lots of new information guaranteed to make your year at Air Cadets more productive. It is expected that each cadet and parent/guardian will read it.

Air Cadet Planner 2014-15

Commanding Officer’s Policies will be printed and sent home tomorrow to be signed and returned the following Wednesday. You may print your own copy, sign it and bring it tomorrow.




Wed 3 Sep 14 First Regular Training Night

All returning cadets: join us for the first night back at Air Cadets for the 2014-2015 training year. 1830-2100hrs. Dress: summer uniform (dress blue shirt, pants and boots for EVERYONE).  Don’t forget your rank on your blue shirt and your name tag. This week is ONLY for our returning cadets.

BOTTLE DRIVE: Sat 6 Sep 14 – we need you for the whole day. Bottle pick up, sorting and loading. All are going to need as many cadets as possible – and your parents too! 9am-4pm. Dress: sqn t-shirt, jeans/shorts, running shoes,sqn ball cap.

Next Wed: Sep 10th is our Welcome Back BBQ – bring your friends, your younger siblings and your parents for a night to kick off the year. BBQ is from 1830-1930hrs. Then the activity fair – featuring 809 Sqn Bingo – followed by a closing parade.



poster airport fest 2014

Airport Fest ’14. The hours of the event are 1100 to 1700 on Saturday, 16 Aug 2014.

Cadet volunteers are required for the following:

a) Ground side parking: 4 cadets for each of 2 shifts – 1100 to 1300, and then 1300 to 1500. [total of 8 personnel]   
b) Air side (RAMP) security: 2 cadets for each of 2 shifts –  1300 to 1500; and 1500 to 1700. [total of 4 personnel – two are already filled] ** SEE NOTE BELOW**
This is open to all current Air Cadets at 809 Sqn. These hours would count directly toward your high school volunteer hour requirements.
In addition to the above, we will have a recruiting table at the Airport Fest for the day. We will need 2 cadets to hand out material and speak with the general public about what makes Air Cadets such a fantastic opportunity. This is the perfect chance for those returning from summer training to meet up with their friends and exchange stories!


**Please note for ramp security, and anyone involved on ramp side, there is a briefing Thursday, August 16th at 1800 hours, at the terminal.   – if your cadet is away at summer trg, let Capt Palumbo know so she can arrange for another time for this important briefing. This is critical as the airport and taxiways will remain active while the public visit the static displays.