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RE: Glider for Airport Fest
- Len O Connor
- Today at 3:43 PM
- To
- 'Tammy Palumbo'
Poster attached
From: Tammy Palumbo [mailto:tammypalumbo@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 8:18 PM
To: Dave Jarrell; Len O Connor; Scott Ruttan; Mario Seaway
Subject: Re: Glider for Airport Fest
Mr. O'Connor,
Please find attached an image of an air cadet glider in flight. It is one of the many stock images from the Air Cadet League of Canada.
Capt Dave Jarrell has already contacted you in regards to the glider set-up. He and Capt Mario Palumbo will be on site, along with Mr. Scott Ruttan (our Sponsoring Committee Chairman), to help set-up on Sat morning. They will push the glider into position.
We are currently canvassing cadets for the Sat. We have two cadets so far for the airside and I expect more names to come within the next few days. Unfortunately, those two specific cadets will not be able to attend the Thurs briefing as they are at summer trg. When can they meet with you to discuss procedure?
Although some of your phone message was cut off, Capt Jarrell, Capt Palumbo and Mr. Ruttan can be there for the 9-10am set-up time. If there were additional details/info that you needed, please feel free to email me.
Looking forward to Airport Fest.
Tammy Palumbo
Captain | Capitaine
Commanding Officer | Commandant
Escadron 809 Newark Squadron - Niagara-On-The-Lake
Royal Canadian Air Cadets | Cadets De L'Aviation Royale Du Canada
1593 Four Mile Creek Road Virgil, ON L0S 1T0
Mail: PO Box 1192 Virgil, ON L0S 1T0
Cell 289-783-1942
Canadian Cadet Organizations | Organisations des cadets du Canada